Monday, July 14, 2014

Family Pictures

We had new family pictures taken by my friend, Amy.
I love taking pictures, but it is hard to be in front of the camera, 
instead of behind the camera!
We used these pictures to make these:
Adoption business cards! 
Hopefully, you will see one soon.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Morning Reads

My sweet loves to read.  
I mean we are at the library twice a week, type of love. 
I love it. 
We have started to read chapter books together and then watch the movies 
made from the books. 
What fun books do you read with your kids?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Little Luke

A friend asked me a few weeks ago to watch her son when she returned to work. 
It has been hard adjustment, but he is so fun! 
Kelsey loves making bottles for him 
and getting his diapers ready. 
Unfortunately, she won't change his diaper, 

Kelsey loves holding him. 
She is looking forward to being a older sister...
Hopefully soon!!
She will just lay down with him and talk and talk. 
I love to just sit there and watch. 
This little guy will be with us few awhile, 
at least until we adopt our own!
Spread the word!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Kanarra Falls Hike

 We went on a hike to Kanarra Falls in Kanarraville Utah.
It's a beautiful slot canyon with water flowing through. 
The hike is only about 4 miles, but you get to climb up 2 waterfalls, 
and walk through water most of the way. 
 Here's the first waterfall. If you look at the top right of the picture you can see the log 
we used to climb up. It had metal supports making a make-shift ladder. 
It was fun. 

 Here's a glimpse of the canyon. It was seriously beautiful. 
It turned out to be the perfect day to hike too. 
Which made it more fun. 

 Kelsey was a champ through the whole hike. 
This was her first hike not in a backpack carrier!
Here's the second waterfall. Kelsey got to be a monkey on Quinn's back. 
It was a little precarious, but a great time!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Lazy Sunday Portraits

I've started to really love photography. 
Kelsey let me take pictures of her on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

 I made her headpiece and little dress. 
(The dress is just fabric wrapped around her, but its still cute!)
 This is really what Kels is all about. Playing a goofing around. 
Here's another version of the above picture. 
My little girl is so pretty. 
(I'm a little biased)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

8 years!

Today is our 8th wedding anniversary!
Holy cow! 
Everyone says it feels like just yesterday when we got married....
but no I wouldn't say yesterday. 
I would say it feels like last year.
Because I remember yesterday, and I don't remember that much of our wedding.
 Here's to more great years ahead!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hansen Family Reunion

 In May we had the Niels Franklin and Ruth Ellen Hansen reunion. 
My great grandparents family. 
The weekend was really fun! 
We got the see and meet cousins we haven't seen in 10-15 years!
 Almost all of us together, we missed you Josh!
 We had silly games and relays to play. 
 Blindfolded games with chilly water. 
Everyone was having a great time.
Kelsey had an opportunity to hold her little cousin, Anna Mary. 
She loved holding a baby, and is excited for a little baby sibling of her own. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Lake Havasu Summer

 We went down the first week of June to have a family reunion. 
Too bad it was only 4 days! 
I felt like we needed another week, 
just to realize we were on vacation.
We still had a great time together.
Quinn getting his groove back, wakeboarding.

 Ashley trying really hard not to fall on her face. Although she still did.
 Kelsey was in the water from sun up to sun down. This little girl is a fish!
 Quinn rocking the airchair.
 The only evidence Quinn and Ashley were together.. Too bad it is blurry. 
Oh, well. We will just have to try again in a few months!
 Kelsey skiing. She wasn't so sure her first time going, then she started to have more fun. 
 Papa caught a fish when all of us where swimming around the boat. The little girls thought it was fun to see a fish out of the water. 

We had a so much fun it's hard to show how much fun we really had. 
The only way to know is to come with us! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Kelsey Spring Pictures

 School sent out a notice for 
"Spring pictures"
I figured I would take my own. 
Kelsey 003
I can't believe how fast she is growing.
Kelsey 001

Kelsey 0041
I'm going to have to find a picture of me in kindergarten, so I can compare....

The beginning of kindergarten year picture.
Kelsey 1st day of Kindergarten
Think she looks different?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

President's Day

This past month we have been enjoying the beautiful weather the desert has to offer this time of year. 
Kelsey didn't have school on Monday so we played outside for as long as there was sun. 
We had a great time playing with sidewalk chalk.
Be jealous friends in cold places, 
Kelsey is wearing a tank top and shorts! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Michael and Branae Wedding

Remember those wedding pictures I helped my friend take?
Here's a few from the wedding, in no particular order

Monday, January 27, 2014

Great Grandma's Funeral

Great Grandma McMurtrey passed away right around Christmas, 
it was a sad occasion, but she is so much happier being with her family who have already gone.

Most of the family got together right around Christmas which was nice to see everyone. 
We missed those who couldn't make it and are excited to see everyone in the summer with 
the family reunions that are planned. 

Rest in peace Great Grandma. 
We love you. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Christmas Morning!

We went a little crazy with Christmas this year, as you can see! 
I buy throughout the year and forgot about a bag a presents in the closet... 
Kelsey loved her awesome gifts this year......
just wait.....
you will never guess what she asked for....

 math games...
 Hello Kitty doll
(I knitted this, it took forever!!)
 Math books...
What 6 year old asks for that?!!
But Santa, had to bring that!
Not pictured is the goldfish crackers and a Hello Kitty toothbrush. 
Let's hope this type of list continues

Quinn opening his ukulele. He has always wanted to learn, 
an awesome goal. 
Quinn got me pearl earrings, perfume, and Fievel Goes West 
(a movie I had growing up, which I love!)

We had a great time in Idaho. It was cold, but we still had fun. 
I went snow skiing for the first time! 
Which was fun. 
Quinn hadn't been in about 13 years, so he had a blast. 
Maybe sometime soon we will be able to go again. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Kelsey turned 6!!

My baby is 6! Holy smokes! 
We try to do our best to separate Kelsey's birthday from Christmas, 
and I think we did a great job this year. 
She had a crazy fun time with her friends.

When she is excited her tongue sticks out.... 

Thanks everyone for coming!