Hi everyone Terra here. I haven't made many posts recently, because I haven't been finding much Pyrex lately. As everyone has been saying thrift stores have really caught on. Actually today when I picked up my find the lady at Previously Loved said back again? You love your dishes. I swear she knows I collect it and has upped the price on Pyrex since I've started thrifting there. But it's not like I can leave Pyrex behind!
My latest find:

I was so excited. But it was the thrift store kind of excited, where you can't show your excitement. While digging through shelves I spotted it, and wanted to scream, but had to act really cool about it while picking it up. Not that it really would've mattered, there was no one close to me. But I really don't want Pyrex prices going up anymore. This 1 qt 473 was $6.99. More than I would've liked to pay but for Pyrex, for Friendship, wild Friendship, I think it was a deal.
My other recent finds are all Cinderella bowls.

The biggest is Blue Horizon 4 qt 444, found at Previously Loved for $9.99, the yellow and brown are Town at Country, the smallest 1.5 pt 441 was $3.99, and the bigger 2.5 qt 443 was $6.99 both from Value Village.
I hesitated on the 4 qt at first for $9.99, but the last time I'd seen one in a thrift store it was $19.99, so I figured I should get it rather than have buyers remorse.
What is your max price on the Cinderella bowls?