I got to play this weekend.
My friend came over and we played dressed up.
She wanted to see my Pyrex collection.
She saw it.
She was impressed.

It was a slow summer for Pyrex finds here.
I did manage to find these pieces.

When I last talked with you. I had finally found my blue bowl.
I completed my first Primary Stacking set.
The whole reason why I got hooked on Pyrex.
The very next day. I found these two bowls.
2 Blue. WOW.
So then I was able to complete another set.
But then I found another. What?
I told you it was summer of the blue bowls.
I have been searching for years.
Locally only. Never found. Then wow. Jackpot.
A whole mess of them were found.
I stalked this bowl till it was 50% off
day the expensive thrift store.
Shocked it was still there.
Happy the sheets were too.
I made the sheet on the left into a dress.
I found this big old red bowl.
4 Quart.
It is part of the Friendship Collection.
Which is btw calling my name
every night I get into bed.
I find myself stalking displays on
I found these bowls but did not buy them.
Where and when and what collection are these?
Each one was $9 bucks.
I about fainted with this find. $9.00
haha Blue bowl again.
The red below and this yellow are 2.5 quart sizes.
Ok I have all versions of this pattern. I think I am done with mugs.
No more. Unless its aqua or pink. Or pretty who am I kidding?
Snowflake Aqua how I love thee.
I also stalked these for 50% off day.
I like it when they are there
saying take me home. HALF OFF.
Cause the store is insane
with its prices.
I also found
this piece but didn't purchase it.
It was $40 bucks in an antique store.
I am just so thrifty.
But I have never seen it.
Sometimes I splurge on pieces.
I haven't had panic feelings without it. So I think
I am ok with not getting it.
I am not sure why I have to own at least one of everything.
But that is how I feel. So I keep jumping the fence.