I heart faces All Boy

It's been a long time since I've blogged.   I kind of miss my online journal, I may need to start it back up again.    This is my entry for the I heart faces All Boy weekly contest.   I really enjoy photo challenges as they help push creativity!


Photo Challenge Submission Read more at http://www.iheartfaces.com/how-it-works/grab-a-button/#mrvoscqDCLp1OB5R.99


Dancing Queen

Court has been taking hip hop classes this year with her buddy Tori. This weekend her studio performed at Mayfest down in Fort Worth . Unfortunatly, their costumes were on backorder, but hopefully by the recital they will all match.

dance4 dance2

And for all of the Grandmas and Grandpas out there, here is a link to the video of her class (it was too large to load directly into the blog post) It wouldn't let me load the entire video there either, but you can see most of it. Sorry about the camera shake in the beginning...it was the first time I had used it.


The girls did a great time performing, but I think they had more fun once the performance was over. They could not stop dancing. There was a Radio Disney booth set up close to their stage, and the girls ran over there and danced their little hearts out. For awhile, they were the only ones out there dancing....which made them want to dance even more. dance1 dance3
Just thought I'd add a video to show you the "after hip hop show"

If you can't tell by now, we had a really fun day!


Why my Kroger is better than your Kroger

Has Captian Keith from the Deadliest Catch ever visited your Kroger?


And did he dub your children "the cutest catch" and "the future greenhorn"?


See, I really think I shop at the best Kroger in the world!


Look Mom, Two Wheels


It's been a big week for Trev. First he talked us in to letting him be "bald" like Rex the clonetrooper. After much conversation, and a few pleading tears, we agreed to let him buzz his hair. It got buzzed a little too short, but I'm sure it will grow quickly! He loves it and hopes it NEVER grows back. Our neighbor likes his buzzed do as well because now they have matching hairstyles.

We've been trying to get Trevor to ride his bike without training wheels for about a month and a half now. The idea didn't seem like a good one to him until his BFF Ethan learned how to ride this week. That was all it took. Within 30 minutes, he had not only learned how to ride, he was buzzing up and down driveways racing his buddy. They had a ball!


You can see from the picture above what a horrible mother I am. My child is the one without a helmet riding in flip flops........

Trev was super excited as well because Ryley and Courtney both came out to cheer him on.


All night tonight he said, "I can't believe I'm a real bike rider!" We're all really thrilled for him!


Posey Pearl Eden Bubbles

Here she is, the newest member of our family, Posey Pearl Eden Bubbles.

Posey was given to us by a dear friend who was unable to take her when she moved. She knew how much my kids loved her, and asked if we could take her in. The kidlets have been in heaven ever since.


What I like....by the kiddos

Time seems to be going by so quickly. I thought it would be fun to document what the kids are in to each year and see how much they change.

Ryley- age 11


*Fav. color- dark blue
*Fav. food- BBQ ribs
*Fav. sweet- anything! I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. If I had to choose one thing only it would be brownies.
*Hobbies- skateboarding, baseball, paintball, computer
*How I would spent $100- probably buy a new skateboard
*When I grow up- I would like to be a pro baseball player, pro skateboarder, or work at the airport.
*Fun facts about me- I do NOT like to order off of the kid's menu, I have an infectious laugh, I will give my Mom a hug anywhere...even at school!

Courtney- age 9
*Fav. color- turquoise
*Fav. food- rigatoni
*Fav. sweet- I'd take a watermelon over any sweet & if you let me, I can eat an entire watermelon over the course of a day or two
*How I would spend $100- I would go to the American Girl Doll store, of course!
*When I grow up- I want to be a singer, dancer, artist, or a server at Sonic
*Fun facts about me- I have major Beiber Fever. I like to wear my 3d glasses everywhere with the lenses popped out. I write my family thoughtful notes.

Trevor- age 5
*Fav. color- red
*Fav. food- pancakes or chicken nuggets
*Fav. sweet- chocolate skittles (aka M&M's) or anything that Ryley chooses (I like to copy Ryley)
*How I would spent $100- I would buy Star Wars clones, legos, or a dog.
*When I grow up- I want to be a clone that flies airplanes. In my airplanes, I will have a dog as a copilot, and the first rows of my airplane would be reserved for dogs...people get to sit in the back. When I land my plane, I will be a "dog haircutter".
*Fun facts about me- I think I am pretty big. I tackle my brother Ryley because I know that I am just as strong as he is. I am quite a ham and my joy in life is making people laugh. One day I will own a real dog.


Mom, Glenn, come back...we miss you too much! Thanks for such a fun week.




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