Thursday, May 31, 2012

1st Grade Field Trip

Noah with some of his favorite classmates
Today was Noah's First Grade Field Trip.  They have been studying for the last month or so all about four different regions: Desert, Polar, Rain Forest & Ocean. So today we visited the San Diego Wild Animal Park.  They were able to see how different animals live in the Desert & Rain Forest regions.  
There was a lot of climbing on animal statues...

Madeline, Noah, Taylor & Madison

Noah & Madison

Noah & a Lorikeet.  He wanted to feed them, but there were so many schools at the park today, that these poor little birds were no longer hungry by the time we arrived.

Mama Bat & Baby Bat!!

Noah's 1st Grade Class
This field trip was a great way to end the month of May! 
Only 6 more days of schools....but WHO is counting?!?!?!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

What a nice ride!!

Look who finally learned to ride his bike! We wondered if this day would ever come!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Student of the Week

Look who was student of the week today!  He had a great week and his teacher thought he deserved to be recognized for that.  He struggles sometimes, but once in awhile he "gets" it. 

Congratulations buddy!