Saturday, December 11, 2010

Early Birthday Party

Today we had a Fun filled, Active, Quite Boisterous Party for our little guy that will very soon be turning 6 years old!!
We had 12 of his friends over (this included 2 cousins also)...he was so excited for everyone to come over & celebrate with him. This is the first "friend" party that he has ever had. We told him he can have a "friend" birthday every other years & the other birthdays will just be with family (which is just as fun, right?!)
For some reason, these pictures did not post in order...I've tried to fix it, but I'm done trying.
We played some games: Blindfold Mr. Potato Head - this was a contest between two contestants, the kids loved this one. We also played Buzz Bingo, colored a giant puzzle, pin the badge on woody....and of course they ran around a lot! Boys are loud (and the 3 girls can be just as loud, but they were pretty quiet).
BUZZ Bingo
Boys being Boys!
The whole gang with their 3D glasses on
The "normal" picture
finishing up the giant color puzzle with Madison's help
Emma playing blindfold Mr Potato Head
Opening gifts (remember these are out of order! ugh!!)
Emma (cousin), Scott, Noah, Madison & Eric - enjoying pizza for lunch
Pin the badge on Woody & pin the Rocket on Buzz
The "crazy" picture
a favorite gift
Everyone was so excited to see him opening his gifts, at times they were swarming him...too funny
A favorite of his....coloring & painting
Cupcake time
Noah & his good friend Madison
Happy Birthday Noah, we love you!!! He asked me when the party was over if he was 6 now, he wasn't quite "getting" the early party. The one good thing is he'll get to celebrate again on his "real" birthday!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Meet Simon

This cute little guy somehow ended up in our backyard. It was there for a week. It was freezing cold at night (two of the nights we had frost)...I was a little worried about him surviving. When I say he's little, I'm serious. He only weighs 1.2 lbs. That's small. We finally caught him (he's a fast little guy)...he stayed in our garage for 2 days...then today we took a trip to the vet to see how his health is. We could tell he needed some food, but he seemed pretty good other than that. It appears that we are keeping this little guy. He's about 8 weeks old and Noah is rather attached. He named him Simon after Scott made a comment that he looks like he may have some Siamese in him. He's growing on all of us, especially Noah.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A new friend

Tonight was another family homework assignment. Noah had to make a gingerbread man.... This was the final outcome. I'd say this was a 50/50 effort between me and him. But he turned out cute.

One of our Christmas Traditions

Somehow, somewhere, a tradition started, and it has stuck! Noah looks forward to this every year (not so much his parents). Last year we did this with a bunch of friends, but this year, Dad & Noah set out to build a beautiful house!

This is what he looks like until the whole thing is built...except the question is, "can I just taste this one, only this one, not any more!" Yeah, right!

Should we make a bet about how long this thing will last? Noah will actually eat it...can you just imagine how old it really is? I'm sure it sat at Costco for awhile before I bought it!
It's the memories, right? Not the cavities!

New Ward Home

Today we met in our New Ward Building...our new Home. It's a beautiful building. One funny side note, when we started looking at homes in Temecula, the first home we made an offer on, was literally across the street from this new building. At the time we were unaware that this land would be our new church building. Too funny.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Breakfast with Santa

Today was the start of a busy day...but this guy was so excited he got up very early, before I even got up! And I had to be there early!! This is the kid that barely even eats breakfast in the morning....
He came & ate pancakes, passed on the eggs & bacon...had orange juice, colored a picture for Santa and stood in line with his friends to talk with Santa and tell him what he really hopes for Christmas. He said he really, really wants a Zhu Zhu ninja pet...really, haven't heard that yet (too bad the shopping is done already)....
The kids had a great time, the food was good & everyone enjoyed themselves. These are the ladies I serve with, we were in charge of this early morning activity. After we finished the breakfast and clean up we had to pack up our "stuff" because we were moving over to our new Ward Building. After that I went home and prepared for our dinner group that was coming to our home that evening. We had 20 people over for a fun night, good food & lots of laughter. We have some great friends!