Crist Featured in 'Outrage'
Charlie Crist is featured in the documentary Outrage. The film is making it's premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival. The filmmaker Kirby Dick names (rumored) closeted gay politicians. And yes, Charlie Crist is featured. Other politicians named are David Dreier, Ken Mehlman, Larry Craig, Jim McCrery, Ed Schrock, Ed Koch and Fox News anchor Shepard Smith.
I blogged extensively about the Mark Foley scandal. I was outraged on how the St. Petersburg Times blew the story. It was no secret Foley was going after male teenagers. The media feels extremely uncomfortable covering gay politicians. There certainly are valid arguments for privacy. Ignoring Foley's potentially illegal behavior crosses the line.
Alex Koppelman reviews the film and offers his insights as to why homosexuality makes the media nervous.
Labels: charlie crist, david dreier, ed schrock, homosexuality, jim mccrery, ken mehlman, larry craig, shepard smith