So, here is my short list of transportation etiquette:
- If I'm reading my book say hi if you want to be polite but don't talk to me. I won't be offended if you don't talk to me. Heck, I won't even be offended if you don't say hi.
- Don't ask me what I'm reading. And when I tell you what I'm reading don't ask me about it. I'd probably just rather sit/stand there and read my book (I actually probably already saw you and kept reading my book because I didn't feel like talking).
- If we're sitting across from each other on the bus, don't ask me about my day, my job, what I'm doing this weekend etc. I will answer you, but my answers will be short and clipped. Why? Because we're too far away and I'm not just telling you what I'm doing, I'm telling the entire bus (did you notice the bus is really quite?) and I don't want a busload of strangers hearing my personal business.
- If you sit or stand next to me I don't mind talking (if I'm not reading my book), but please keep your voice down. Like I said before, I still don't want the entire bus or metro car hearing what we're talking about. They don't need to know my business. They don't need to know you thought my Relief Society lesson in church the day before was good. And they don't need to hear that we were disappointed there weren't more guys at the Valentine's dance. And they definitely don't need to know where I work.
If you follow these simple steps, we can have a great commute and I won't dread the next time I see you on the bus/metro. And I'm sure all the strangers on our commuting route will probably appreciate it too.