Monday, December 15, 2008

24 hour comic

Wheee... The 24 hour comics are all up on the comicspace page
Go check them out, if even just to see what a particular bunch of loonies thinks is a good idea, sitting in a strange room scribbling for 24 hours while slowly watching your mind leak out your ears. People have been locked up for less!
Thanks again to Cliodhna for organising the whole thing and getting all the stuff co-ordinated and up on de web.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Giggling like a loon

Okidoki, yet again, it's been a while.....
Loads of nice things have happened in the meantime though.
First up, Dublin City Comic Con which was on a couple of weekends ago and everyone from Longstone Comics rocked up.
Good fun, met lots of new people, lovely!
Got an absolutely great drawing of Marcus Fenix from Liam 'Gears' Sharpe, what a lovely guy.
I want a shed to draw in, in my back garden too.
Picked up loads of small press comics, thanks to everyone for doing swops!
Especially tickled to get my hands on Paddy Lynchs 'In The Aquarium', Philip Barretts 'Matter#7' and really like being surprised by what Katie Blackwood comes up with, 'The Elephant & The Top Hat' is a little piece of magic.
Well, we all survived but ended fairly knackered and smiling.

Then earlier this week, a lovely surprise. Got word from Al Nolan that a bunch of small press comics got a mention on comicresources, including 'Found' and his latest edition of 'Sancho'. Wheee... here's the link, and under instruction from Al, I am giggling like a loon.