Sunday, March 11, 2012

Time to talk about my plants

As some of you may know, I am kinda into houseplants. Who knew? Am I right? Kinda weird for me but whatever, I seem to be okay at it. Well this is the second year I have had this amaryllis and I really didn't think that I could get it to bloom. Everything I've heard says its hard to get them to bloom more than every other year, so I wasn't getting my hopes up. Well folks, it bloomed, and did it ever bloom. I got 4 huge flowers out of it this year, so here is what it looks like.

Do any of you have any experience with this plant? I have a hard time getting the hugely long leaves not to break off. Got any ideas as to how to keep this from happening? I've just been propping them up with wire hangers but I'm not sure that's gonna keep them up this year, they are so long!!!