Friday, March 24, 2023

Quantum Bifurcation in Dementia VII = Cheap Ice Cream

Due to fractal storm activity in Dementia VII, an eigenvalue crash has forced the superposed quantum amalgamated states of Creamy’s and The Häag into an energy level rift, splitting them both back into sovereign entities.
  Under the firm, Kissinger-like direction of Mr Burr (and a not-unnoticed current of bulldada at their backs), Creamy’s has re-established its superposition of Gestalt Ascendant in the Seventh Dementia as “Mr Burr’s Dairy Interludes.”
  The quantum collapse of the ether-essence of The Häag has left it in liminal limbo. May her lessons be long remembered.
  Sixteen-cent scoops of Mr Burr’s iced dairy concoctions will be given away throughout this spring to thank denizens of Dementia VII for their ongoing support.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Mrs. Bilcoe Solves Local Vandalism Motives

Mrs. Bilcoe’s “I Have Thoughts” column originally ran in the weekly Heritageville Observer from Stratum XXIII-XXIV and was much beloved in the community. Selected columns are reprinted here for your edification.
This week the Authorities notified the public of a vandalism incident down at the local nature centre. The ’Hooch Nature Centre is a lovely facility that features wildlife exhibits, nature trails, and events for the public. They also rehabilitate sick and injured wildlife.
  Well, they were saying on Channel 3 how some of the exhibit displays were smashed and spray-painted over, and the rehab animals had their feathers ruffled, so to speak.
  The Authorities suspect unruly teenagers, and I have to concur. Who else would do such a thing?
  I have thoughts.
  I know why they did it: DRUGS! Those kids were on drugs! Why else would someone do such a thing? Because we know teenage vandalism was unheard-of before the Advent of Drugs.
  I hope Mister Hootie the Rehab Owl gave those troubled youngsters a piece of his ‘bird brain’ and put up the good fight against this Scourge of Drugs!
  Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go pick up my script from the chemist.

Saturday, March 04, 2023

Machi ni Hairu 81

Recurring time-shifted iterations of earthly chance encounters in purlieus urbains reprise themselves off-world as well. They’re the same, but different.