Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Volleyball and Christmas wreaths by a 9 year old

I play volleyball on a city league and I LOVE it.  We play every Wednesday.  It gives me a chance to go out and really have an hour to myself.  It is such a much needed time.  But I hate losing and I also get frustrated when we don't set the ball up and our team is known for just hitting it to get it over the net.  But still super fun. 

My 9 year old LOVES crafts.  She can't seem to get enough of them.  So we looked for some ideas on Pinterest and she did them all by herself.  I did help her with the book page one.....but only to glue gun the ornaments on.  She told me where she wanted them and I added the hot glue and she placed them.  I think she did a fantastic job.

Mayah went around to some of our neighbors to see if they wanted to buy anything for her school fundraiser.  She sold about 6 items.  They finally arrived on Monday.  We tried to deliver the items but only one person was home.  One of the neighbors purchased a pumpkin roll from her and so we had to put it in the freezer.  After a couple of days we went to get it so we could deliver it.  I about died when I noticed it had been opened and a slice had been sliced off.  OH GEEZ.  So after questioning the kids I finally decided to ask Don.  YEP.  He had no idea it was for someone else.  He had even said something to my mom about it and was wondering whose it was.  So funny.  We delivered it and thankfully know them well.  Mayah took it to the door with the $16 it cost to buy.  They wouldn't let us pay for it.  Darn them.  But they did take the pumpkin roll and he said he was going to eat it since his wife was out of town. :)  I love our neighbors/friends.

I can't figure out how to put my pictures on here.  I used to put all sorts of pics on but now everything looks different.  Why does everything have to change?  HUH?

Monday, December 7, 2015

A whole year?

WOW!!!! It can't be true that a whole year has gone by without me blogging.  Yesterday I read through some of my blog to the kids.  It was so fun.  They kept asking me to read more.  It is a amazing how you think you will never forget something. As we read through some of the posts it wasn't how I thought I remembered it.  SO glad I have all of this stuff written down.  We had quite a few laughs.

There is so much to say yet not sure how or where to start.  My kids asked me to start blogging again so that we can continue looking back and being reminded of the memories we share together.

I'm currently going to school full time and working full time as an ELL para at an elementary school.  I really really enjoy it and the kids are so amazing.  They work so hard and I have seen great great strides in them.

I got a new calling recently.  I was teaching the almost 10 year old primary kids.  Now I teach RS on the 4th Sunday.  I LOVE IT.  Had my first lesson last month.  It is great to be back in RS.

Just a quick snippet of the kids:

Caleb.....he is a senior.  Oh my how did that even happen?  He is still struggling in school.  We are looking to get him on a 504 plan.  I wish I would have done it long ago.  SO much to learn.  I am learning a lot about it in my education studies.  Caleb has some great friends that really help him. Tonight him and on of his good friends, Isaac, went shopping.  They had so much fun.  Thankful for good friends in this ward who encourage and strengthen Caleb.  He just finished building a ski bike in his welding class.  He brought home a free dog about a month ago.  I wasn't happy AT ALL.  But what do you do?  Caleb is doing great with his Priesthood duties.  He is always there to bless the Sacrament and he takes care of his duties at the Older Folks Home.

Zach....he has his permit.  AHHHH scary.  He just turned 15.  He is actually doing a great job.  He wasn't able to play football.....which really frustrated him.  He has inverted ankles.  We took him to a podiatrist and they made some special inserts.  They don't seem to work.  So we have to make him another appointment.  Not sure what the next step will be.  He loves hanging out with his friends.  Any chance he gets he will either have his friends over or he will be doing something with them.  He just bought his first truck.  It is an F150.  It is an 87. I think.  He is going to restore it.  Should be fun watching him do that.  Didn't do much hunting this season.  They went out a few times but didn't get anything.  Zach applied at Basin Feed but hasn't heard back. He has an amazing resume.

Rachel.....she is doing so good in school.  I am so proud of her.  She works hard.  She is really starting to act like a teenager though. She is getting an attitude now and doesn't like to help out with chores like she used to.  She got a flip phone for her 12th birthday.  Lost it. Then she bought her own flip phone to replace that.  Lost it. UGH.  She is sweet though.  She has been doing babysitting for some and even raking leaves for others.  She makes pretty good money.  Rachel is helping her teacher down at Safeway collect canned food for the canned food drive at their school.  Her teacher is trying to beat everyone else in the school.  They are having a competition.  Rachel plays the clarinet and is wishing she could do the violin.  She also sings for the school choir.  They had to try out. They sing the Star Spangled Banner for assemblies.

Ethan....he loves Minecraft.  This boy gets great grades.  He has started reading the Harry Potter books and loves them.  He is a Seahawk against his Dad. GEEZ.  The other day Ethan and Mayah took the snow boards across the street to snowboard down the canal road.  Ethan bit it and got hurt.  He was so upset. He really wanted to go to school because any student who has perfect attendance gets a free bike at the end of the year. Plus they get to go to a huge BBQ.  He tried to go to school but as soon as Don pulled up to drop him off he just couldn't do it. He hurt too much.  This little guy is sooooo picky when it comes to food.  He would rather starve than eat most things.

Mayah  She enjoys design dresses. She loves to write stories and do math.  I have been teaching her two and three digit multiplication.  She has her own notebook where she works out her math and draws dresses and writes her stories.  Finally she loves to read now.  PHEW..  Or maybe it is her excuse to stay up later.  Mayah tried for Treasurer at her school and won.  It was for K kids.  She gave a speech and won.  She was so excited. She played volleyball as well (I coached) and now she is doing basketball. SO fun. Last week she made three baskets.  Her last game in tomorrow.  Kind of sad.

It is such a blessing being a mom.  Nothing better.  It is the hardest job but also the greatest.  If it were up to me I would forget about this schooling and working stuff and just be a stay at home mom FOREVER.  But such circumstances don't allow.  DARN.

I better call it a night.  You know you are tired when your eyes close while you try and think of something important that has happened.  :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

This Christmas time

Every Christmas brings a bit of anxiety for me.  Our current circumstances don't allow for much in the way of gifts and this time sometimes causes me to become a grinch.  It is a struggle to get in the mood and I start to dread all the hustle and bustle of the season.  A few days ago I was subbing at a school and they have a tradition where the entire K through 5th graders meet in the gym and have a sing along.  They have a huge screen on the stage with the words to Christmas songs and everyone sings along.  Being in a sour mood I decided to stay in the classroom and finish a project the teacher needed.  I wasn't in the mood to hear Christmas songs.....let alone sing them. 

It is such a magical time and a time children dream of.  My younger three kids wrote to Santa and received letters back.  Santa really is amazing.  He sure made my kids happy.  I try to get into the spirit of things at home.  We have our tree up and decorated.  We have an amazing village (that my dear sister gave to us) that we have displayed.  Three or four nativity sets sit on our shelves.  Kids are healthy.  Husband is improving and has found some very part time online work.  I was asked to permanent sub at MY FAVORITE elementary school.  I am still plugging along at school (which I almost quit a few weeks ago).  Blessings are all around and how can I not see them?

I find myself complaining and getting bitter at the challenges that sometimes come my way.  But I also realize that my Heavenly Father is completely aware of me and the things I face.  I am so eternally grateful for Him and His sacrifices on my behalf.  His unconditional love helps me to be able to continue to step forward....even when I have no idea what path is best for our family.  I rely on Him to guide and direct me. 

I want to share something that I want my children to always remember.  As they look back on this blog I hope they see how much good there is.  I hope they see the tender mercies of the Lord in the life that we have been blessed with.

So Rachel (11) and Mayah (8) wanted to sing in Sacrament meeting.  About a month ago they asked the person in charge and she said that would be great.  A sweet and very talented girl in our ward helped them practice and she played the piano for them.  Both the girls asked if they could get matching dresses to wear while they sang.  UGH. I knew I would not be able to buy new matching dresses. For ONE:  Rachel is in junior sizes and I don't think I remember seeing junior clothes that match youth sizes.  I told the girls I would look around and see what I could find.  I told them that I would look at Goodwill but wanted them to know that it was probably not going to happen.  But I prayed somehow that I would be able to make this dream of theirs come true.

Don, Zach and I went to Spokane to do some shopping.  It was a blessing too that my little brother and his wife had also gone that day.  They invited us for lunch and even paid the bill.  Such wonderful blessings in our lives. 

It was getting late and we hardly found any Christmas presents.  We decided to go to one more store:  White Elephant.  As we turned the corner I saw a Goodwill.  I told Don I really wanted to go there and just look to see if they had any dresses for the girls.  SO after we went to White Elephant, Don turned around and headed back to the Goodwill. 

I went right to the dress rack.  HOLY COW.  I could not believe my eyes.  There were two matching dresses.  But I figured they wouldn't be the right sizes.  I took the first off the rack and it was a 14.  It looked like it would fit Rachel.  The other was a size 12.  I knew it would be too big for Mayah but figured I could temporarily take it in.  I was SO EXCITED.  I instantly knew this was a tender mercy from my Father in Heaven.  How could that be a coincidence? 

I couldn't wait to get the $3.99 dresses home to show the girls.  They took one look at them and hurried to try them on.  Rachel's fit her perfectly.  Mayah's was too big but with the ties in back we were able to make it look beautiful.  The girls were so happy.  I told them the story and they knew it was a miracle. 

I almost cried.  Even with something so simple (but it was important to me and the girls) the Savior knew I needed this blessing. 

I am just so grateful for all I have.  Yes, we may need to sacrifice and go without but there are so many wonderful things to be grateful for.  There are so many blessings that help me move forward and not give up.  The birth of the Savior is a gift that allows His children to return back into His presence.  And is that not enough?  It is for me.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

I believe in miracles

Yesterday I took the kids swimming at the second shoot.  That is what they call a section of the canal.  It is pretty fun. They go under a bridge and it pushes them out.  They love it.  But Mayah pushed off and ended up hitting her head against the metal bridge.  She cried and I could tell it really hurt her.  So we headed home.  She didn't eat dinner and was very tired and fell asleep.  I had her sleep with me.  She woke in the night asking for medicine because she said she had a headache.  And then again this morning she said it was still there and wanted more medicine.  It wasn't going away and it was making me a bit nervous.  She was laying in bed and trying to stay at still as possible as to not jolt her head.  I was thinking about taking her in to the ER.  Head injuries scare me.  I checked her eyes and watched her for concerns and everything seemed fine except the horrible headache.

Then Ethan had a 103.5 fever.  UGH.  I wanted so bad to go to church.  A young man in the ward was going on a mission to Hawaii and I didn't want to miss his farewell. 

I knew what I had to do.  I prayed with as much sincerity as I could possibly have.  I asked for a miracle.  I asked if there was anyway that my children could be healed so that we could attend church.....even if we could just go to Sacrament Meeting.  Then I could bring the kids home.  After I prayed I went out of my room.  When I came back in Mayah said that her headache was pretty much gone.  WHAT?!!!  MIRACLE.  She got up and got some cereal.  Then I asked Ethan how he was feeling and he said he was feeling better.  We took him temperature and it was back in the normal range. 

I immediately got back on my knees and offered a pray of thanks.  I seriously witnessed a miracle.  I didn't think we would be able to go.  Not only that..........the kids felt good enough to stay the whole time at church.  Another wow.  But as soon as Ethan got in the car I knew he was starting to feel yucky again because he gave me his M&M cookie.  Who gives up a yummy cookie just like that if they are well? :)

When we got home we took his temp and it was up again.  That just proves to me that the Lord was very aware of us and answered my prayers.

Don's brother and wife came today.  They are on their way to moving to Wenatchee.  But his brother will be heading to Iraq for a year and his family will be close to his wifes mom.  It was a nice visit and they will be coming back tomorrow for another visit.  SO great that they will be here for Mayah's baptism.

 I love being a mom.  Today was such a great day and my kids were so full of sweetness.  I am thankful for them.

A lady that works at Lakeview called me to let me know that there is an opening.  She wanted to know if I wanted to apply or keep subbing.  UGH.  I am so tired of making decisions.  What do I do?  Sub or permanent job while going to school?  I don't know.  I have all sorts of things floating around in my head that concern other areas too and I just don't know what to do.  I guess I will be back on my knees.  I wonder if the Lord gets tired of hearing my pleas.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I did it

I wasn't going to bike today but after the sun went down and it looked so nice outside I couldn't resist.  Tonight I went 8.27 miles.  I started out exercising with just walking for a couple of weeks.  But I have found that I really really enjoy biking A LOT MORE.

Today I worked on my science homework.  I got my experiment done and can't wait to be done with this class.  I have another task to do in one more class and my Psychology to finish up before Aug. 30. 

I took the kids swimming again.  But that got cut short when Mayah hit her head on the bridge.  Poor girl.  She was in tears and said she had a headache. As soon as we got home she went and laid down on the couch.  She said she was hungry so I made dinner and called everyone to come eat.  She came and sat at the table for a second and decided to head back to the couch.  She fell right to sleep.  It worried me a bit so I checked her eyes with a flashlight and gave her some Ibuprophin.  She has been sleeping every since and I keep checking on her.  She is sleeping with me tonight. 

When I told Ethan to get ready for bed he looked completely drained.  I told him I would give him a piggy back but he just laid there without saying a word.  I went to help him up and he felt really hot.  Took his temp and it was 103.5.  Dang I do not know what is up with my kids and fevers.  Gave him some meds and it came down a bit. 

We went to a few garage sales this morning.  Ethan bought himself a tub of legos for $5.  Pretty good deal.  Got a few small things but nothing too amazing. 

Today is my nieces 8th birthday.  She watches over us from above.  She would have been exactly two weeks younger than Mayah.  Sad.  Mayah told me today that she would have been so fun to play with.  My sister and her husband and two kids sent up 8 ballons for her.  Very cool.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Not exciting

I've gotten back into blogging.  Mostly it is my journal.  I love reading back through my blog and remembering what we did on certain days.  Most of the time our days are not too exciting but it is nice to document our day to day happenings.

Today I took Rachel to Dr. McHargue.  He is so awesome.  And yes he happens to be my brother and a dentist.  He sealed one of her teeth and now she will be getting braces next week.  She is a bit nervous but also excited.  If you know someone who needs an AMAZING dentist call Dr. McHargue at Division Street Dental.  And no I am not being partial here. I really wouldn't give you his name if I didn't feel he was THE BEST.  A family in our ward recently started seeing him and she said she will NEVER go anywhere else.  You won't be disappointed.  He loves what he does and really wants more kids in his office.  He is GREAT with kids.

After we got home Ethan helped me jump the van.  It wouldn't start and I wasn't sure why.  But Ethan held one side of the jumper cables while I hooked them on the car and then he started grandma's car and gave it some gas.  Didn't take long before the van started right up.  Never to young to start teaching kids.  He is 9.

I took Ethan and my mom to watch my nephews basketball game. Ethan LOVES basketball.  He paid very close attention to the score board.  There were about three times when they messed up the score and he knew EVERY SINGLE TIME.  He told me they forgot to give our team their points.  I just thought he was mistaken but sure enough a few minutes later they put the new score up.  Then he told me that they gave our teams points to the other team and they fixed that too.  He was very aware of what was going on.  I can't wait to get him involved in something he really loves.

We did some shopping at Walmart and I got a few school supplies that were on sale.  I love getting a good deal.  Rachel and Mayah had cleaned the house for me and what a blessing it was to come home to a clean home.  

When we got home the kids had been waiting to go swimming so I took them to the big canal and to the second shoot.  They love to swim.  And it is still super hot and going to be for the next week as well.

Rachel didn't swim long.  She got in the car and started crying and talking to me about some personal things and the fear of being made fun of in middle school.  UGH....I knew she must be tired because that is when all of her feelings come out and she ends up in tears.  We talked through it.  I kept praying....hoping I would say the right thing or just know when to listen.  This hormone stuff?  It is all new to me.  My boys didn't do this and I was not like this as a teenager.  I just pray always that I can keep the communication open and be able to say what will help her and be there for her.

When we got back I had her take her temperature and sure enough she has a fever AGAIN.  HMMMMM  I gave her tylenol and it came down.

Kids were all in their beds reading and I took another bike ride tonight.  I tell you.........i love it but the seat on the bike is extremely hard.  Trying to get used to it.  I went 7.4 miles tonight.  My goal is 10 miles soon. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014


A couple days ago I took the kids to Safeway to grab a few things.  When we walked past the peaches and apricots they smelled SO YUMMY.  The kids asked me to buy some and I was tempted but hate paying the high prices they want. 

We had a busy day in town shopping and going to the library.  When we got back there was a basket full of apricots on our front porch.  Not sure who they were from but the kids were SO excited.  They jumped out of the car and took them inside and ate a couple.  Then Rachel said, "MOM, do you think someone heard us in the store talking about wanting to buy some apricots?"  FUNNY.  I'm pretty sure no one heard us.

We are very grateful for whoever thought of us and dropped off the fruit that my kids really really wanted. THANKS SO MUCH.

After it cooled down a bit at about 8:30 I took another bike ride.  I went over 6.5 miles this time.  It was so pretty out.  There was a slight sunset and cool breeze.  On the other side the moon was so bright.  It was so refreshing. 

I am so thankful for my blessings.  I am so thankful for my wonderful and caring husband.  He always has my back and is very Christlike.  He is a great example to me.  I am thankful for my five kids.  They bring lots of joy into our home.  I never knew how hard parenting was going to be.  It is a tough job but very rewarding.  I am grateful for the Savior in my life.  At times I feel alone and that my circumstances aren't common and many can't relate to my situation.  And that is when I turn to the Savior.  He has felt it all.  He knows me and how I feel and the pain and sorrow that sometimes come.  I feel so blessed to be able to take all my problems to Him and be able to let Him carry them for me.  I am blessed to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  That is the very thing that keeps me going and has real purpose.  Without the gospel I honestly don't see how I could make it through my trials.  There is so much hope and understanding of so many things.  This life is not the end.  There is so much more.  Having an eternal perspective puts my life into perspective.  I find it such a blessing.  I thank my Heavenly Father every day for what I have.

Ethan ended up with a fever tonight.  Rachel had one yesterday and Mayah the day before that.  Thankfully it only lasts a day.

The boys (Caleb, Zach and Don) are still at the Orchard.  It has been very very hot.  Got close to 100 today.  This weekend is supposed to be 103.  Not looking foward to that.  Doesn't leave me much time to get things done outside.