First of all we (mom) want to say that we (mom) are sooo sorry that we (mom) have been off the radar lately. One of names or fingers here (not me) was "sick" all week and couldn't blog. Yeah yeah. Excuses excuses. Bol. Moms are always needing something! hehehe.
We also want to say how awesome flashback Friday is! Here's my flashback photo!
I was only 3 months old! Just a young thing! Bol.
And now for Pearlie's quiz! What a great idea! This is going to be fun!
1.) Name and Age: My name is Arlo, and I turned 1 on May 6.
2.) Breed: Pug
3.) Nickname(s): Honey, monkey, boo, booger, pickle.
4.) Where'd ya come from? I came from a breeder in Edmond. Naughty mommy answered a newspaper add, but she found me so I can't complain.
1.) Toy: loofa dogs. I love those things!
2.) Snack: chicken. Momma says I'm a chicken dog.
3.) Human person: mom mostly, but sometimes granny.
1.) Worst habit: I am very guilty of jumping up on people. I just cant help myself. I also steal flip-flops and stuff out of the trash. Hehe...I am naughty.
2.) Most embarrassing moment: Usually I am good at the dog park, but when I was younger, I fell in "love" very easily with the other dogs. Mom had to come get me a few times, but I am lots better now.
3.) Family dynamic (this is a question for those of you with more than one animal in the house. i.e. who is alpha? who is the cuddler? who is the naughty one? etc. I just want to know how you fit into the family!) I am an only pug, but I totally adore my cousin amos. I do everything he does. He is my hero.
4.) Your humans' FAVORITE thing about you!: He makes me laugh! Everyday! Whether I want to or not! I love him!
With that, we hope everybody has a super great weekend!