Wednesday, May 1, 2024

March and April 2024

March brought us a wonderful surprise. Through 23andMe, Emily was reconnected with her daughter who was placed for adoption in 1994. So we added a new branch to the family tree. March also included a celebration of Hank and Colette's 69th anniversary and Dickie's 78th birthday.  

Family dinner on the second Sunday of March

The mountains showing off for my morning walk

Mallory (Mo) and her mom 

69 frickin' years together

This is just a fraction of their huge progeny

Cousins' breakfast on my birthday

Celebratory birthday dinner at La Casita -- of course

April included a get-together with Brigham and Michelle at their refurbished Provo home and Group dinner at the Astle's: buffalo burgers. We got to meet Mo when she joined the family for dinner on the second Sunday. Toward the end of April, the Utah side of the family hosted the semi-annual reunion for Kris's siblings. And on the last day of the month, Tucker was arrested for protesting at the University of Utah. 

Dinner at the La Crescenta Taylors' Provo getaway

Khyv (Squaw) Peak from the Astle's deck

Family dinner with Mo and a couple of her cousins

The Boynton siblings gathered at Rod and Vic's 

The backside of the Provo peaks from the South Fork 
of the Provo River on our reunion outing

Sundance with the Boyntons

Lunch at the Back 40 Grill in Heber

Vicki caught Dickie mid bite

A Salt Lake outing with the Boyntons

Making friends with some missionaries who 
are far from home (France and Alaska)

The big dig

Checking it out

Boynton BYU grads getting reaquainted with campus

BYU's new picture spot (keeping up with the U)

Sunday dinner at Chez David

Checking out the new Wasatch School

April Cousins' breakfast with HB

Tucker made the news

Solidarity and support dinner with Tucker in SLC

So that's a wrap.

