Monday, August 3, 2020

July 2020

July flew by like a series of Groundhog Days, repeating endlessly with few variations. The Fourth was a quiet affair with lunch in Spanish Fork at Emily's house and fireworks later on our street. Hamilton played on Disney+ and was among the many things we streamed. Work continued at a good clip at Opa and Annie's and we shared meals with them almost every evening. Matt, Kim, and Brigham visited at the end of the month, and Manuel started the restoration of our doors.

Alexander Hamilton

A calm Fourth

Not much concern about the pandemic

Los Ruiz

Fireworks with a citronella bucket

The floor is in

The Marlpit-Hill Boyntons

Denmark and the United Kingdom on Pioneer Day


Manuel stripping the garage door

The stripped front door being sanded

The primer was very pink

But the finished first coat is good

The plague looks like it will go on for quite some time and things will be rather dull. So for now, that's all folks.

