Wednesday, November 6, 2019

End of October 2019, Including Arizona

After returning from Santa Fe at the beginning of October, we had a fun weekend visit from the Colvers of Vernal. On Saturday evening we went to Dixon and Samantha's wedding dinner at Sundance, and Sunday morning, Daniel made huevos rancheros for us. We had a fun mini reunion with the Robertsons (my cousin Connie's family) at Kreg and Dorothy's in SLC. My cast was removed on Monday 21, and on Tuesday we headed to Arizona for a few days with the Youngs of Peoria. On Sunday we moved to Mesa to spend some time with Grandmother Boynton. It was nice to be with the Mesa family on several occasions.

 The Colvers came from Vernal

 Katy and Arthur got to see Emily's new house

 Opa and Annie with Dixon

 The DATs and SKTs

 Dixon holding forth

 Dixon and Samantha

 Arthur's first (?) haircut

 I love that baby girl

 Daniel making breakfast

 Huevos rancheros

 Evelyn loves to help cook créme patissiere

 UDOT has a sense of humor

 Robertson reunion: L to R Kreg, Jason, Jani, Jerilyn, 
Dickie, Joe and Katy

 Cameron, Ann, Millie Kay, Dorothy, and Uncle

 Dickie, Joe, Katy, Barry and Julie, Kreg, and Jason

 What a relief!

 A Peoria Target run with Finn and Mary

 Beautiful fall evening in AZ

 Good ice cream at Bruster's

 Pleasant outdoors

 Grammy and the Youngs

 Maren cuddling her weirdo

 Maren and the boydeyboys making banana bread:

 Fun birthday dinner for Grammy

We sat next to the kitchen, which was entertaining

 They had some good grub: I had meatloaf, of course

 Birthday cake back at home

 A Sunday gathering for Grandmother's birthday in Mesa

 Uncles and cousins

 Peri and Connor

 Grandmother, Kris, and Kim

 Enjoying the weather and internet from the heavens!

 German dinner at Bavarian Point, one of our Mesa favorites;
it feels like stepping back into 1964

 Brigham was all tuckered out and Grandmother put him under

 Matt and Kim's dining/library project is nearly finished

 Just a few more details to complete

 Everyone enjoyed a spot of tea

 Lolly is a sweetheart

 Jalapeño Bucks, north off the edge of the mesa in the 
orange groves: BBQ meets Mexican

 I met Matt and Kim and we took supper home to G'mother's

Final supper with Chip and Sandy at a tasty Irish Pub
called The Harp

November is off and rolling and there will be plenty to post, but this is all for now.

