Saturday, December 20, 2014

Early December 2014

Thanksgiving came late, so we put up the tree the almost immediately and got ready for Christmas. December activities started with Max's choir concert. It really was good; all the choirs sounded great. I was narrator again at the ward Christmas party. This year it was a breakfast and was good fun. Kris and I went to SLC with Emily, Lizzy, and Madi for dinner and a performance of Peter and the Starcatcher at Pioneer Memorial Theatre. We had a great evening. Most recently, we attended the Wasatch School Christmas program. Ollie played with the band and Lizzie sang with the choir. This is always a holiday highlight. Instead of cooking, this year, the Christmas Group met at Communal for a delicious dinner.

The tree is up

Dinner in the compound

 Uncle looks like Father Christmas

 Out on a morning walk as the sun comes up

 Timpview High School Men's Choir

 Grammy with the Ensigns after the concert

 Pippy posing at the Ward Christmas party

 The Soelbergs

 Meagan and the kiddos

 Young Holden David

 Greek food for supper

 Peter and the Starcatcher

 Pioneer Memorial Theater on the UofU campus is a copy of the 
original Salt Lake Theater


 Christmas trifle a week early

 Beautiful winter evening

 Wasatch band

 Oliver David

 Wasatch Choir

 Great program

Elizabeth Tea

Christmas Group

Christmas is getting close. The Youngs will be arriving from AZ tomorrow, so there will be more to come. That's all for now.



Monday, December 1, 2014

November 2014: High Dickie Days

At the start of November, we had a visit from nephew Connor, who flew from Mesa to Provo to make arrangements for housing, work, and other school-related details. Among other things, we had a great day in Park City and Kamas, celebrated Guy Fawkes Day, and attempted a trip around the Alpine Loop which, sadly, had barely closed for the winter. The Ward Primary Program happened in November and the Taylor grandkids slept over while their folks went away for an overnighter. And, of course, Thanksgiving was in November, though it came very late in the month this year. It's arrival traditionally marks the beginning of High Dickie Days, so they are underway now.

 A beautiful day for a trip to the Wasatch Back

 Connor and Kris in Park City

 Lunch in Kamas

 Remembering, remembering the 5th of November

 Bonfire Night in the driveway

 Two fires, one in each driveway

 Katy, Luthien, and Grammy

 Uncle made a fire this year, too

 Headed around the Loop with high hopes

 The intense colors are gone, but this is just as beautiful

 Connor in the meadow below Stewart Falls

 Lunch at Costco

 Meg at the pulpit

 Holden and Ollie take their turn

 Overnight visitors enjoying hot chocolate

 We came out of church to find the valley looking like this

 I felt compelled to capture the exquisite beauty of the day


 Just us and these guys this year; we didn't even fill all the chairs

Traditional Thanksgiving fare

Christmas is fast approaching, so there will be more, but this is all for now.

