Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Since England

Since returning from England I can't say there has been no excitement. While we were away there was a "storm of the decade" that flooded our basement. The rain gutters and downspouts couldn't handle the  huge quantity of water that fell in a freak storm, and the back yard has settled along the foundation so that it forms a perfect funnel. Consequently, all the water ran into the window well to what appears to be a depth of about two feet. At best, some of it seeped into the basement, at worst, all of it found its way in. we are in the midst of restoration right now and should be back in shape by next week. On the bright side, we finally got Google Fiber installed. It has made a difference in speed and ease of streaming.

We have resumed our meal exchange with the kids and had dinner with Phillip and family last week. Also last week, Katy and Daniel adopted a lovely dog, named Luthien, from the shelter. She is a Pit Bull mix of some kind and is a wonderfully trained, and well behaved sweetheart of a dog. Saturday the family gathered to celebrate Meg's 10th birthday.

 Back on my walking routine: the canal walk is beautiful

 This tiny truck was a happy sight

 Enlarged, you can see the high-water mark on the window screen
near the top of the photo

 Everything is packed in the rumpus room

 Fans and a big ol' dehumidifier do their work

 Oliver is learning to play the trombone

 Phillip took to it like a pro

 The tomatoes are abundant and I made chili sauce

 A satisfying endeavor

 Friday night with the "group"

 Janet's for Meg's celebration

 Big smile

 Auntie Em regaling us with tales of junior-high life

 The mirth was unrestrained

 Lu and Katy Kathryn having a cuddle

Pulling order from the chaos with new wallboard

Tomorrow is breakfast with the Hansen cousins in SLC, and in the evening Debra Sue arrives for two or three days. So life goes on.

That's all for now.



Saturday, September 13, 2014

Homeward Bound

Friday, 12 September, we finished packing, washed our sheets, partially made the bed, ate breakfast, and headed to Gatwick Airport for our journey home. We booked our flight through Delta, partners with Virgin Atlantic who took us all the way to Las Vegas where we caught a flight to SLC. The flight was great and watching 3 movies made the time fly. Uncle picked us up and after dropping him at Ann's work, we headed home to unpack and deal with a wet basement carpet. It seems they had a tremendous storm while we were gone and it flooded many basements including Stephen's and ours. We took an Ambien and slept well. We are flagging a bit this afternoon, but will make it through to bedtime I am sure.

 Saying goodbye at Gatwick, which is completely redone
and very nice

 Our big ol' 747 -- we had a nice little nest at the rear of 
the plane where it narrows to two seats on each side

Kind of hard to be so near to home, yet so far

This was a great trip and I feel like we really helped, especially Kris who was so good with the baby. Me, I can cook, but that's about all I was good for. As always, we have mixed feelings being home: there is nothing like your own bed and bathroom, but there is also no place like England. I guess we will have to go again sometime.

That's all for now.



Thursday, September 11, 2014

Final Trip to London

Thursday was our last full day here, and we wanted to go to London one more time. Kim felt ready to give it a try, and with Conner to help with the baby, we were off. We made our way on the Tube to Westminster Station, which is next to Westminster Pier where we boarded a boat to Greenwich. We traveled back to London on the Docklands Lightrail and caught a bus to the Savoy on the Strand; Covent Garden is just up the hill. Kim decided it might be wise to take a taxi to London Bridge Station so we could catch the 4:59 train back to Edenbridge.

 Edenbridge Station

 I am always pleased to pass through Westminster Station

 Ready to turn around and head downriver to Greenwich

 The views from the river are good -- Tate Modern

 Tower of London

 Tower Bridge and the Shard


 Headed into Greenwich town for lunch

 A little window shopping

 GBK in Greenwich has barley-sugar-twist turnings on the stairway

 This is always a good view

 Flamstead House beside the prime meridian

 Inigo Jones's Queen's House

 Christopher Wrenn's Royal Naval Hospital/College

 Making our way to the Painted Hall

 The Painted Hall is impressive

 View into the dome

 Said to be "London's most unchanged view"

 Waiting for our transfer on DLR trains

Inigo Jones's St. Paul's at Covent Garden

 Covent Garden Market

 I'm a sucker for flowers

 View from Covent Garden to The Drury Lane Theatre

 The arcade in Covent Garden Market

 Headed to London Bridge Station in a cab

 Brigham was fully engaged in the cab ride

 Our London black taxi was quite green

Another fun day out. It was our last. We fly home Friday just before noon and will be back in Utah Friday evening. Thanks to the Boyntons for having us. We had a great time!

That's all for now.



Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Country Ramble and Lakeside Puds

Wednesday, Matt and Kim went to Gatwick for a CT scan (that showed no clots), Kris stayed with the baby, and Connor and I followed the Swan Lane footpath again. It was a beautiful day and we decided to take the dogs, who enjoyed it all immensely. I went with Connor on his errands to the village where we picked up milk and supplies for lunch. We had intended to have a picnic, but the clouds thickened and the temperature dropped, so we ate at home. Later in the afternoon the sun reappeared and we drove in the direction of the temple to Wire Mill Lake where there is a pub (of almost the same name) that overlooks the reservoir. There we enjoyed "pudding" (dessert) by the water. On the way home we stopped by the temple for a walk around the beautiful grounds.

 The harvest has begun

 Chibi and Nashi lead the way

 There are a couple of fields with sheep on this walk

 "I'm small, I know..."

 From field into forest

 The forest reclaims its own

 An oast house near Broxham Mannor

 Two iterations of Broxham Mannor stood on this island in the moat
but were burned and consequently rebult nearby

 The moat is quite green with some sort of algae

 But the ducks don't mind

 The island is connected with a bridge

 The apples at Broxham Manor are getting huge and ripe

 Kent: "The Garden of England"

 This curious cleft in the earth extends along several 
yards of the trail 

 This place is good for the soul

 Waiting outside Boots

 Waitrose is wonderful

 To the pub for puds

 A most pleasant setting

 Salted-carmel brownie with chocolate ice cream --
that's a gooseberry of some sort for garnish

 Everyone was pleased

 Including these two

 Back to the cars with little man in tow

 A beautiful afternoon

 The grounds are genuinely beautiful

 The temple really is still out in the country -- view 
toward the road in front

Yet another great day. Thursday will be our last full day and we are planning one last trip to London.

That's all for now.

