Thursday, June 27, 2013

Can't Get Enough of SLC

On Saturday 22 June we went to see Monsters' University; we enjoyed it. That was also the Colvers' first anniversary and we gave them a duplicate of their wedding cake since we ate the original while they were honeymooning. On Sunday they hosted family dinner and we gathered in their front yard. The rest of the week was less exciting, although Maren and the boys hiked with friends to Stewart Falls. There was also some bonding time with the cousins. Today we rode to Salt Lake City on FrontRunner and Trax. Our destination was City Creek where the ladies shopped and I spent some quality time watching the fountains. We had lunch in the food court and topped it off with gelato at Harmon's. 

 Movies at the Mall

 One year and counting

 Sunday dinner

 How hard is it to just smile?

 Maxwell is a relaxed eater

 Lizzie is also quite relaxed

 Katy adds dramatic emphasis to her anecdote

 Piggy noises before breakfast

 Summer is here; its hotter than h@#*, but the lavender is spectacular

 Ebelskivers for dinner on Wednesday

 They licked the platters clean

 On the Provo platform this morning

 Ready to roll

 The Youngs

 Madi and Grammy

A different view of the valley and lake

 On board the Trax train

 City Creek

 Who can resist?

 The fountains kept the non-shoppers entertained

 The fountains go all Bellagio on the hour

 Temple Square

 Lunch on Arne Jacobsen chairs

 This picture caught them at low ebb; they were actually quite
excited by the fish in the creek

 Gelato at Harmon's

 Back on Trax headed to the intermodal hub

 It's just a few steps from the light rail to the heavy rail

 Humorous and creative sculptural pieces; Maria 
Magdalena is equally humorous and creative 

The local version of the Polar Express

The FrontRunner trip was delightful providing an entirely different and fresh perspective of the Wasatch Front. The train felt slow, but when it ran parallel to the freeway, it was passing even the speed demons. The return trip was lively with what appeared to be several extended family groups made up of many exuberant children. Maren reminded me that this is Utah and I really must expect this sort of thing. I now know what the Polar Express would be like.

The Hastings will be here soon, so the fun will continue right into the 4th of July. This, however, is all for now.



Friday, June 21, 2013

A Grand Day Out on SLC's East Bench

The visitors from the desert have been keeping us well entertained. Daniel and Katy have been stopping by just about every evening to visit and to tell the boys some rousing bedtime stories. Gavin and Maren's niece, Hannon, came to Sunday dinner. She is going to Natal, Brasil on a mission and we feted her with a Brazilian dinner. Phillip has headed to Hawaii. And we had a splendid outing in SLC, visiting the Natural History Museum and its neighbor to the south, the Hogle Zoo.

 Daniel and Harry making their skin look young and healthy

 Hannon and Dickie checking out the map of Brazil

 The Youngs with their cousin (and niece)

 Katy Kathryn regaling the boys with tall tales

 PDT purchasing his Frontrunner ticket

 On board and ready to go

 SLC (and the airport) from the Provo Station is a dream come true

 A second batch of cookies for the second cousins'-snack-stand sale

 The fantastic Natural History Museum

 This fabulous place is home to Uncle Tony's collection

 The dinosaurs are awesome

 Such a great space

 Pumping water to recreate Lake Bonneville

 Magnificent Mount Olympus (second only to Timp IMHO)
from one of the museum terraces

 The "canyon" stairs 

 Ascension of the troops

 Maxwell with Uncle Tony's sun and moon masks

 SLC view from the museum

 Checking out some of Uncle Tony's collection

 Fantastic setting for a great building

 Hogle Zoo

 The Ensigns

 Lunch at the "Beastro"
 The baby elephant having a drink

 Across the gully to the Asian Highlands

 The kiddos took a spin on the carousel

 Lizzy and Embly

Dickie seeking shade at every opportunity

There are lots more plans so there will be more, but this is all for now.

