Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Two Sixes

It has been just a short 66 years since I was separated from my mother in something akin to birth. Regardless, I have always celebrated it as birthday, even though it was a forced entry into this world. To celebrate we dined at La Casita, always a high-level choice when I get to choose -- and I did.

Delicious, as always

Our lovely dinner group

Thank you all for your phone calls and good wishes. I love you all.

That's all for now.



Monday, March 26, 2012

Happiness Hotel Provo

While living in London last time, we had a stream of visitors with blessed little place to put them. Everyone ended up sleeping wall to wall on the floor. We lovingly referred to our flat as the Happiness Hotel.

"Happiness Hotel," London

Over the weekend, the Provo version of the Happiness Hotel emerged. On Saturday every nook and cranny was filled with the Hastings and Youngs. On Sunday, the Youngs headed back to AZ and things were slightly more roomy. By late afternoon, however, a plan began to emerge and things began to shift. With Rob's family arriving for their grandpa's funeral, we decided that if they didn't mind, the Hasting siblings could all bed down here. So the Kringles were in the basement with the Hastings kids, Rob and Anna were in the guest room, and Courtney and Christian were in the living room on cots. It was two nights of wall to wall guests again. "So there are bugs and there are mice, sure we have our little problems, but you'll never beat the price."

Sunday afternoon five-mile walk with Rob and Anna

Rob, Christian, and Courtney at Sunday dinner

Bill and JLynn

Hank and Colette dropped in just in time
for some cake

Christian, Courtney, Whitney, Jim, and Rob
and Anna's gang off to Afton, WY

Goodbye for a week or so!

It is always great to see the Hastings family -- we love them.

That's all for now.



An Unplanned Reunion

Last weekend brought an unexpected surprise. Maren and Gavin returned from Europe very late Friday night, Anna, Rob, and family arrived from Reno Saturday afternoon, and Will and Jamie flew in from NC on Saturday as well. So on Saturday evening, what was going to be a birthday party for Maren and Beckham, turned into an impromptu family reunion. All of the SKT and DAT families gathered at our house for sliders, salad, and birthday cake. The surprise was having Will and Jamie whose visit was unknown to us, and having the Hastings make a sudden trip for Rob's grandpa's funeral. It all worked out splendidly and cousins of all ages were happy to be together again for the evening.

Will and Jamie arrived from North Carolina

Opa and Achilles reconnected

The ol' homestead was decked out for the celebration

Daniel making the kind of face Katy usually makes --
Phillip isn't too sure about that

Annie, Jayson, and Kris

The kids eat about half or less of what they are served

Madi and Lu on the rocks

Happy birthday to almost everyone

The kek

The DAT sisters

The SKT siblings

Opa and Annie

This serendipitous reunion was as good as if it had been planned months in advance.

That's all for now.



Thursday, March 22, 2012

All Good Things . . .

Well, tomorrow Maren and Gavin wing their way home after two weeks in France and England. We have certainly had a good time with Finn, Harry, and Beckham, but we have also learned that raising children is a job for the young. The days have been filled with DVDs, playing with cousins in the mud and elsewhere, chickens, cleaning Uncle's new cellar, forts, meals, walks, family dinners, snacks, baths, stories, some heavy-duty coughs, and goodness knows what all else.

A bit of mud from day two at Holden's mud hole

Time for lunch!

First the real food, and then Grammy's cookies

They made forts of Stephen and Ann's boxes

The boxes are better than the original contents

Two years old today

This evening we had a mini celebration of Beck's birthday to be followed on Saturday with something more official and also inclusive of a Maren's and my birthdays. Good times still to come.

That's all for now.



Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lizzie's Ninth

Last Saturday was Lizzie's birthday. Emily planned a marvelous Minnie-themed party that was enjoyed by all.

The kek: serious red frosting dyed teeth pink!

The cousins enjoyed some vintage Mickey cartoons

Lizzie extinguishes the flames

She has always been an enthusiastic unwrapper

Open wide, Beck

That's all for now.



Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Not Bored All the Time

As long as the cousins aren't in school, things are pretty exciting around here. Otherwise there is a chance that it might get boring. Luckily, there has been lots of good fun for Finn, Harry, and Beck.

Headed to the park

Monkeys on the bars

Katy and Daniel made this cool fort for watching movies

Saturday morning cuddle

Excavating in Holdie's back yard

Some chicken time

So, on balance, all is going very well. The boys have been great and Katy and Daniel have been good help. Katy, however, starts her new job today so we are on our own.

That's all for now.



Friday, March 9, 2012

How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm?

Yesterday, the Youngs drove from Arizona to drop the kids off before heading to Toulouse, Paris, and London for two week. Gavin has three days of meetings with Airbus in Toulouse, France and then they will go to Paris for a few days. The excellent adventure will end in London where they will stay with Kris's brother, Matt, and his wife Kim.

Harry and Finn yesterday evening

Gavin and Maren helping Beck work on a smile

Beckham loves him some Weetabix

Bon Voyage!

I fear we ruined our kids by taking them abroad so often. They just don't want to stay down on the farm! Who can blame them?

There will certainly be more adventures of Grammy, Pop Pop, and the boys, so stay tuned. That, however, is all for now.

