Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

It's all over except for the airing of one or two grievances and, at a minimum, one more feat of strength. It was a fine Christmas. We had a smallish group for Christmas Eve dinner: just Kris, me, Katy, her friend Daniel, and the Ensigns, less Madi.

Today we opened presents early before Katy and Daniel took off for the day. Later, we joined in the Christmas brunch at Amy's before heading to church for a very nice musical program. I like going to church on Christmas, but am grateful it wasn't a midnight mass -- I would never have made it. After church we visited the Ensigns who were about to start a basketball fest with some of Jayson's family. Phillip, Meagan, and kids came by for a while. They seemed happy to escape the madness of all the Wai cousins in various states of sick at their house. So, here, it's quiet again and post-Christmas lethargy has set in.

Kris making her delicious rolls

Maxwell, Daniel, and Katy in their Christmas hats

Kris, Emily, and Lizzy also looking festive

The English Christmas crackers with silly hats, games, and jokes
were Jayson's excellent contribution to the celebratation

The Christmas feast

Very brief talent show this year: a dance by Lizzy, a great guitar
number by Daniel, and year-end videos by Jayson and me

Katy Kathryn Christmas morning with her
Lord-of-Rings graphics

Kris with her Brazilian blue topaz pendant

Nice new belt, dude

The mother of our ward and Bishop Jeff

Eliza, Katy Kathleen, and Tommy

Max and Madi, freshly-arrived and freshly-showered
(That is referring to Madi; no idea about Max's hygiene)

We are looking forward now to New Years visit from the Hastings and a splendid Greek feast. We are in hopes that Bill Hastings will be with us, too.

That's all for now.



Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sweet Sixteen!

Maria Magdalena is sixteen. Pretty hard to believe, seeing she was just born.

Hmmm. Do you think that face has been kissed?

Opening presents last night

That's all for now.



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wasatch Christmas Program

Tonight was the choir concert at Wasatch School. Ollie sang with the Third Grade Choir and Max sang with the Concert Choir. It was very good and they both made us proud. Many of the kids from the ward are in these choirs, which makes it even better.

Last week we attended Madeline's choir concert at Timpview High School and it was also great (sorry, no photos). I think that music is one of the best parts of Christmas.

Ollie shot us a wink

Oliver, et al.

The conductor warms up the troops before the concert

Maxwell, et al.
The musical cousins and their sisters

P.S. This spectacular amaryllis Annie gave Kris for her
birthday is in full bloom just in time for Christmas

That's all for now.



Monday, December 12, 2011

One Bucket at a Time

Guess what is going on next door? I thought a basement was a pipe dream (pardon the opium reference), but a couple of weeks ago, Uncle announced to Annie et al. that Juan and his Guatemalan compatriots would be arriving the next day to dig a basement -- one bucket at a time. It is going incredibly quickly.

I guess you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs

That's over 9 feet deep

The buckets in question

The walls of the pit and floor joists above

That's all for now.



Saturday, December 10, 2011

Remarkable Return of the Replaceable Boobs

Last night the Christmas Group met for our December dinner at Freestone's. As always, white elephants were exchanged, and to everyone's delight the "bonding bib" reappeared after oh so many years. We assumed they were gone forever, but there they were larger than life! Vern and Jerry had them and Nancy received them as her special gift.

Wouldn't you assume that a mother of 8 would know
how to use these things?
(photo by Phil)

Nancinha calendars next years dinners with
her bonding bib in hand
(photo by Phil)

I 'm not entirely sure the return of the bonding bib was related,
but this AM we witnessed a total eclipse of the moon

Wonderful news, non?

That's all for now.



Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wasatch Back

This morning early as I walked along Center Street in downtown Provo, I felt a strong urge to eat at La Casita and thought to myself that we should call Rod and Vicki to see if they would like to go, too. Returning from Sister Marble's (our next-door neighbor) funeral shortly after noon, the phone rang. It was Rod asking if we would like to drive to Heber Valley to visit a new artisan cheese maker they saw featured in a recent edition of Sunset. Naturally, we were game and the result was a terrific day along the Wasatch Back.

Rod and Vic, proud owners of this spiffy new R-pod

It was a spectacular day with incredible views of
the mountain that I love

Rod, Vic, and Kris

Cheese, Grommit!

The cheese source

Mighty Timpanogos from the cheese shop
on the River Road in Midway

A side trip to Wallsburg

The Wasatch Mountains seen from the
Wasatch Back near Wallsburg

More of the same on a wonderful winter afternoon

We finished a very fun day at La Casita. After Rod and I retire in September, I hope there will be many more such days enjoying this wonderful state where we are blessed to live.

That's all for now.



Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving is just a memory now. Anna and the kids left early this morning for Reno and empty-house syndrome is beginning to set in. Katy is still here until Wednesday, so we are not completely alone.

Thanksgiving was splendid with everyone helping to provide a bountiful feast. The crowd was relatively small with just our family minus the Youngs, who remained in Arizona. After dinner there were several rounds of Bananagrams and that evening the whole family went to see The Muppets. Overall it reviewed well.

The day after Thanksgiving, Rob had to leave for Saturday work in Reno. Prior to his departure, we went to the Museum of Art for a photo session and a quick tour of the current exhibits. That evening everyone gathered here for hamburgers. Afterward, several attended a showing of Hugo, which they liked very much but were quite sure it was not a kids' movie.

Yesterday, the girls all went to SLC to the newly-opened H&M store and the boys went for an exhilarating hike to the Y and Eagle Pass, beyond. Rod and Vic dropped in with Carrie, Grant, and Tom for a great visit. The Ensigns returned from visiting their cousins and we all met at Max's favorite restaurant, Dickie's, for some pretty good barbeque.

There were many good walks, including this one
Thanksgiving morning

Katy Kathryn captures the Ringers after their
traditional turkey bowl

The boys waiting for dinner hour

Emily setting up

Kris's delicious rolls were gone by the end of dinner

Pop Pop carved the turkey

The kid's table


I enjoyed this

Grammy and Millie working on Lucy Jane's hair

Tucker and Anders resting on the neighbor's wall
between adventures

Anders and Tucker also rested at the top of the Y

Those who hiked, including Coaster, who spent
the night at our house while Phillip and family
played in Park City

The Hastings boys at Eagle Pass

Anders, Coaster, Tucker, and Pop Pop at Eagle Pass

Anna and the binkers headed back to NV

It was a splendid holiday break, but we missed the Youngs.

That's all for now.

