Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley

Yesterday (Sunday) in Stake Conference we sustained President Hinckley. Interestingly, however, sometime during the day I thought how sad it will be when he passes, knowing that he really couldn't go on forever. While we were watching Mansfield Park, Maren called from AZ and told us that she had received word from Gavin's sister that the prophet had passed away. Within a few minutes we were able to confirm that on the internet. It wasn't really surprising, but still left us feeling saddened, not for him, but for us.

I felt "safe" with him leading the church. I was always confident that he wouldn't say or do anything that would cause discomfort. He had a way of representing us and explaining us without making us seem kooky. He was funny and made me laugh; never a trace of sanctimoniousness. As Anna said, he made improvement seem possible, asking us to take it just one bite at a time. He wasn't afraid to ask us to repent, but never made us feel like we were unacceptable. He was so blessedly human, yet so good.

I loved his prophetic vision manifest in the Perpetual Education Fund, temple design, and for that matter, design in general. He saved the beautiful Hotel Utah and turned the Vernal Tabernacle and Copenhagen Meeting House into sparkling temples through adaptive restoration. He rebuilt the Nauvoo Temple. The design of the Conference Center, the restoration of the Tabernacle, and the Main Street Plaza were highlights of his tenure. He really seemed to care about design, which made me happy, and as mentioned above, confident: things were in very good hands.

As a missionary, I met him in Brazil on his way home from Japan. A few years ago I also spent an evening with him and Sister Hinckley in their apartment on South Temple across from the Governor's Mansion. They were planning to move to the current apartment on State Street in order to be closer to work. The move was also to help facilitate security. A couple of our best students were invited to present a design for their new home and we were invited into his apartment for the presentation. He was so personable and jovial and insisted that Sister Hinckley serve us ice cream. They visited as if they had nothing else to do with an evening at home. 

I loved his modest life style. He told us that we don't need big houses and their modest little home beneath Mount Olympus where the Hinckleys raised their family exemplified that philosophy. For me, he really seemed to embody all that was good, both temporally and spiritually.

He was just so easy to love. And I did.   



Sunday at Phillip and Meagan's House

It was fun to get together at Phillip and Meagan's on Sunday evening. They made some great pasta dishes and some wonderful bread pudding. The cousins had a great time playing and we enjoyed visiting with the adults.

The Hastings brothers enjoying some of Ollie's fun stuff

Phillip and Rob chatting before dinner

Meg and Rob discussing something important

Finishing off the bread pudding

Lizzy and Meg being ever so clever

Clara talking to her people on the phone

Good times!



Dinner at Janet's

On Friday night, as usual, we didn't cook. We piled in the Pilot and headed down the Springville Road to the China Garden for some supper. Ann arrived from SLC just as we were leaving so we invited them to join us. It was, as you know, very nice.

Happy Diners

Janet serves the won ton soup

Katy Kathryn art directs yet another silly photo - note the clean platters

Kris has accused me of posting way too many pictures of us eating, but really that's the only thing of any interest that we have done. So there you have it.



Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Rest of the MLK-Holiday Weekend

OK, so our MLK Day wasn't as fun as Anna's but we managed to have a good time nonetheless. We spent the day shoveling snow from the driveway and sidewalks -- several times. Our driveway is house locked on the south and we certainly wouldn't want to offend our kind and friendly neighbors on the north by piling snow in their driveway, so I push ALL the snow forward and make a pile by the corner of the front porch. With the robust snowstorms we have had this year, the pile is quite high. If there hadn't been intermittent thaws, the pile would reach the eaves (that is if I could pitch it that high).

Midday, Katy and I trudged through the snow over to Phil and Meags' house to borrow Spider-man 1 and 2. It was considered imperative that we see these prior to watching 3, which we currently have waiting from Netflix. A walk in freshly-fallen snow is always a treat. Later, Emily also popped in to have Katy help her with some jewelry bibs and bobs for her Young Women.

Afterwards, we watched Spider-man and then ate Kris's delicious clam chowder. The Phil Taylors dropped in just in time to make dessert. Meagan has a recipe for ginger cookies that are KILLER! I generally don't like gingerbread, but these are mild, soft, chewy and really delicious.

Before going to bed, we watched Spider-man 2 and are now prepared to watch Spider-man 3. 1 & 2 weren't Jane Austen, but they were a pretty exciting way to end the long weekend.



Monday, January 21, 2008

A Nice Weekend, So Far

On Saturday, Kris and I went to IKEA to find a new office chair. The current one was purchased at a yard sale and has been less than satisfactory. We also picked up some other treasures as you can see below. We continued on to SLC where we had dinner with Phillip, Meagan, and the kids at a Vietnamese restaurant. We were introduced to pho, a delicious soupy noodle dish.

Yesterday, Sunday, Katy gave her report in the Provo Peaks Fifth Ward. She did a great job and made me very proud. After church, friends and family gathered at the house for food and visiting. It was a nice day.

Kris with new place mats from IKEA

The gang at the Vietnamese restaurant

Katy and Sister Baxter reliving some grand experiences on video

John and Joy Burton with Phillip

The gang breaking it all down

It's snowing now, so who knows what will happen today? If something exciting develops on this MLK holiday, we will keep you posted.



Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Tale of Three Dinners

Last Friday we went to dinner with the Ringers, Tom Taylors, and Taylor-Woodburys. It was a wintery evening, but we decided that since we couldn't go to Tuk Tuk in London, we would walk down to the Ruby Thai near 700 East. As it happened, the restaurant was closed until 14 January -- bummer. So we regrouped and called P712. They were swamped so we decided to go to the Four Seasons on University Avenue. The food was VERY VERY garlicky, but delicious nonetheless.

On Sunday it was Uncle's birthday and since we had no family dinner obligation, Ann invited us to have dinner with their family. Ann made a delicious pot roast, potatoes, gravy, baked butternut squash, broccoli (I made cheese sauce), and salad. Ann had set out several wonderful cheeses as an appetizer and I nearly filled up on cheese, Gromit. Millie made German chocolate cake for dessert -- it's Uncle's favorite. It was all delicious.

Last night we had Julee Braithwaite join us for dinner. It was a wonderful evening; we talked until 10:00. It was one of those conversations that picks up where it left off years ago. Julee has been helping Katy hone in on a specific major and graduation requirements. Julee sends her best to all the chilluns and Millie. Unfortunately, I didn't get a photo, so you will have to use your imagination.

The gang at the Garlic Palace

Ann doing a bit of multitasking

Katy, Kris, and Steve going nuts

Dickie being punished for eating too much cheese, Gromit

A beautiful and delicious spread

After-dinner fun

That's all for now. I hope something exciting happens this week so I can report.



Saturday, January 5, 2008

13 Photo Booth Classics

The new Mac has a fun Photo Booth feature that has provided hours of entertainment for young and old. Here are just a few classics.



Friday, January 4, 2008

They Are Back

On 2 January, I went to the SLC airport to pick up Phil, Meags, and the kids. They flew all night from Hawaii and were a bit whacked out. They had a great time in Hawaii, although Meagan felt that the holidays weren't as restful as she would have liked. At any rate they are home and we had them come eat dinner with us that evening. Millie and Holden also dropped in and helped us eat our supper. In spite of their help there was still leftover soup -- I just can't seem to come out even. . . ever.

If you look closely at Meg you will see she was experimenting with fun things to do to your face with an elastic headband.
This is a picture of another fun thing you can do to your hair with the headband.

Holden enjoyed the bread crusts very much.

More soon.



Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas 2007

Today I am feeling a little melancholy because the High Dickie Days are finished and all the decorations are down, packed away, and stored in the basement. The house is straight and clean, but feeling very empty:  Maren and Gavin are on the road to Phoenix as I write. They spent the holidays with us in Provo and it was so fun to have them here.

Finn's top reasons for coming to Utah for Christmas were to play with his cousins, see his Grammy, and to have some snow.

Harry was enamored of the doggy door and had many happy moments messing with it.

The cousins got together for a candy-bar exchange and also had Christmas Eve together here at our house. Unfortunately, I was so busy cooking that I didn't get any pictures. Check Emily's blog for some photos.

Christmas morning Finn was the happy recipient of a castle to house all his knights from England.

On 29 December the family gathered for Lucy Jane's baptism. The baptismal service was very nice: a special way to honor such a great girl. Thanks to Anna for the photo. I stole it from her blog. (Since returning from England I have been a disaster at remembering my camera; in England it went everywhere with me. I promise to be better!) Anna provided a great spread for all the Taylors and Hastings. It was a wonderful day.

So today is New Years and the Youngs are homeward bound and we are all back to work, school, and real life. Thanks to all the chillins for a great holiday season filled with the spirit, presents, good home-cooked food, restaurant food, playing in the snow, slides, seasons 1-3 of The Office, visiting, and being together. 



P.S. Bill and J-Lynn, it was great to see you again -- the pancakes from your mix were delicious this morning. Thank you!