Friday, October 11, 2024

September 2924

It was slim pickins in September with only minimal photos. Meagan brought Ollie and Meg back to school and spent a couple of weeks working furiously on her dissertation locked away in our home office and her bedroom. We met, as we do, with the Group for dinner at the Boynton home, and we traveled to Vernal to celebrate his sixth birthday with young Arthur. Cousins breakfast as usual (no photo), but with a disappointing change of menu at Market Street Grill. We have to find a new place -- booo! And fall fell.

Meagan and Ollie met Moe

We celebrated Phil and Rod's birthdays

Arthur received his first two monster drawings

Birthday dinner at Denny's

Birthday cake back at the house

Colors were spectacular this year

I believe October will yield more activities and photos, so there will be more later.



Thursday, September 5, 2024

August 2024

Time flies and summer is coming to an end. August was full of all the usual stuff, but it also included a trip to Vernal for Evelyn's ninth birthday. Arthur sent me home with drawings to flesh out into fabulous monsters. The HI Taylors prepared for their kiddos to retrurn to BYU and that included storing a mountain of boxes shipped to our house to outfit Oliver David, recently returned from Brazil. And it also included a visit from Meagan, Oliver, and Meg. Meagan touched my heart by carefully carrying a custard pie from Lee's bakery in Honolulu for me! What a treat! We met Millie Kay in SLC for breakfast; the other cousins were all out of town. SKT unearthed some old photos that made me smile.

Dinner out with AW and SKT: Mexican sea food

My hair doesn't mix with leather when watching TV:
Kris calls my hairdo a "chicken butt"

Evy and Grammy

Evy and Arthur making tiny sculptures with modeling clay

All this good stuff made it into Ollies new apartment room

Click to see more clearly: "lava rock monster"

Now, that's a happy grandpa with a custard pie

Our favorite time of the month

Post-mission SKT and high-school DAT at the Timp summit

DAT and SKT (pre-mission) at our cousin 
Connie's (we think)

That's a wrap. More next month.



Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Rest of July 2024

We retuned from Zion for the 4th, we hosted the Gibbs family, we attended Debby's birthday party in Midway, Debby treated us to an Indian dinner, we had a few extra days with Maren and Beck after the other Youngs returned to AZ, the NY Gibbs visited (no photo), we had our monthly family dinner with the addition of Connor and family, we had a wonderful house tour arranged by Jim Calder (our first little house on The Hill, Uncle Bud's house, and our house on Oak Lane), and we finished off the month with Cousins Breakfast in SLC.

Freedom Run (photo by Harry David)

4th lunch with baked beans (lower left)

Emily freezing at the 4th compound fireworks

Dickie made Sunday dinner for the Gibbs

Debby and her progeny

The Taylors with Debra Sue on the occasion of her 70th

Bombay House with the Gibbs

La Casita before Maren left

New glasses from Warby Parker in SLC

Peri, Connor, and RT (Arty)

Madi and Moe

DAT, SKT, and HDT Jr. at Uncle Bud's Park

Stephen and Jim in the former cistern of the little
house on The Hill

Jim Calder with the Taylors at 2025 No. Oak Lane

SKT emjoying the view from the Oak Lane house

With the cousins in SLC 

Well now, that was a bit of fun.



Thursday, July 11, 2024

SKT and DAT Families Reuion - Zion - June 29 to July 23, 2024

The families of Stephen and David Taylor met at Zion Ponderosa Ranch, just east of Zion NP for a delightful get together: slide show, games, hikes, hot tub, swimming, park time, star gazing, food, visiting, excursions to Maynard Dixon's home and studio, and lots of fun. 

The Watchman - Zion NP

The Mount Carmel-Zion Highway

The family waiting for the slide show

Dickie doing his slide show

Happy hot tubbers

The table gave way from dinner to games


William Oliver with the DATs

The DAT girlies

Emerald Pools hikers

More of the same

Pool time for the Taylor girl cousins

My dinner-cooking team: the "little girls"

Maynard Dixon skies from his home in Mount Carmel

More of the same

Dixon house at Mount Carmel

KBT and SKT at the Dixon house

SKT in the Dixon studio

Annie's new painting

David and Kris's Disneylandesque wait for the canyon shuttle

Worth the wait: The Great White Throne

Lunch with the kiddos in Springdale

One last dip on the evening before we left

The fun kept going into the rest of July, but that will be posted later.

