Sunday, October 11, 2015

Antler Pendant

Artist Don Simpson returns with this milky agate and antler pendant.  He has a real gift for taking primitive materials and turning them into intriguing pieces.  It's like seeing an artifact from a culture that hasn't been documented.  You know the symbols and iconography mean something, but you don't have any context for figuring out what that is.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Cthulhu Fhtagn! Zhan Edition.

Researcher Daryl Toh Liem Zhan brings us this wooden Cthulhu idol from a private collection.   It's disquieting to think how many of these are hidden away, each one a potential gateway when the stars are right.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Because We Need a Little Yithmas, Right This Very Moment

It's no secret that I'm not a fan of anything cute-thulhu.

But this?  Oh, this I love.  Daniel Gelon and Heather Hudson of Studio Wondercabinet are running a Kickstarter for a set of Cthulhu Christmas Cards.  The illustrations are wonderful, with a real warmth and whimsy that I think even the Old Gent would appreciate.  Truth be told, I'd like you to support the project because I really, really want the Yithian Christmas Card that's part of the set.  Check out the concept sketch on the project page and I think you'll agree.

The Chickcharney

The talented Joe Broers is behind this idol of the Chickcharney, a mythological figure from the Caribbean island of Andros. Interestingly enough, some researchers think the supernatural creature is inspired by the Bahamian Barn Owl, a meter tall flightless owl that was assumed to have gone extinct in the 17th century. The figure is one of the backer premiums in Golden Goblin's Kickstarter for their "Tales of the Caribbean" collection of adventures for "Call of Cthulhu".

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Discworld Reincorporation Kit

We've seen dozens upon dozens of vampire killing kits, but what if you need to save one of them?
Discworld vampires can survive in sunlight, provided they wear heavy clothes and broad-rimmed hats. If one is ever exposed to direct sunlight, he or she will be immediately reduced to ashes, but requires merely a drop of blood to recorporate. Many vampires carry a dustpan and brush, along with a helpful explanatory card, to aid bystanders in that task.
Blad at the Replica Prop Forum brings us a nicely done recreation of said tools.  I'd love to see someone build on this concept and create a full blown "Vampire Healing Kit" for use by Renfields.

Bronze Blade

Dale Bigford returns to our pages with this recreation of a Mycenaean sword.  The blade blank was shaped from real bronze.  How cool is that?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Here There Be Dragons

The editors of have posted a video of the massive control mechanism for a full-sized dragon puppet.  It's an impressive piece of work.