Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Vampire Hunting Kit

This fun little vampire hunting kit comes to us from Morsoth.  Unfortunately, the coolest part of it isn't visible at first glance.

In addition to the usual implements of vampiric destruction the kit includes a collection of paper props including labels, packaging, maps, woodcuts, and a full copy of the "Vampyre Hunter's Handbook".  Even better, all of those documents and associated ephemera are available for download.  Just click through and scroll through the gallery.  Morsoth's generosity is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to bang out a kit of their own.

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Fighting Uruk-Hai

Shrakhum Mor brings us this Uruk-Hai Orc in the midst of searching for a missing halfling. 

Friday, June 5, 2020

Elder Thing Starstones

"Have found peculiar soapstone fragment about six inches across and an inch and a half thick, wholly unlike any visible local formation. Greenish, but no evidences to place its period. Has curious smoothness and regularity. Shaped like five-pointed star with tips broken off, and signs of other cleavage at inward angles and in centre of surface. Small, smooth depression in centre of unbroken surface. Arouses much curiosity as to source and weathering. Probably some freak of water action. Carroll, with magnifier, thinks he can make out additional markings of geologic significance. Groups of tiny dots in regular patterns. Dogs growing uneasy as we work, and seem to hate this soapstone."
- H.P. Lovecraft, "At the Mountains of Madness"

These recreations of the soapstone Elder Thing starstones from "At the Mountains of Madness" come to us from Corwin Ravencroft.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Wasteland Helmet

Macabre Intentions brings us this well-worn post-apocalyptic helmet.  The weathering is fantastic.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Cthulhu Fhtagn! Torvenius Edition.

This nicely done Cthulhu idol comes to us from artist Axel Torvenius.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tibetan Dimension Mirror

Lawrence Kelatow brings us this detailed recreation of the Dimension Mirror from the Dutch graphic novel of the same name. Digitally modeled, 3D printed, then molded in silicone and cast in Jesmonite. The crystal is clear polyurethane. You can see more of Mr. Kelatow's prop and makeup work at his website.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Dragonscale Armor

This set of dragonscale LARP armor comes to us from Hamra BDG.