Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sometimes I find Sawyer like this.

Boys will be boys!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I have one question for you...

Does my chub make me look fat?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Hey mom, if you need me, I'll just be out here sitting in my chair chomping on crushed ice.

Oh son, don't chomp too hard on that ice, it will ruin your teeth. I'm turning into my mother.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

What does a little boy do on Saturday mornings?

He stacks everyone's shoes on the table. Ya know, so we can find them when we're running out the door.

He puts on mommy's headband. I'm reminded of tenage mutant ninja turtles.

How I love me some Saturday mornings!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

On fathers and sons and basketball

Sawyer doesn't pay too much attention to the TV unless it's Elmo or basketball. Seriously the boy will be playin with his toys and the second he sees basketball on tv he runs over to his daddy and begs to sit with him and watch!
Here's my boys on fathers day enjoying the game. There is something about watching your husband be a dad that makes your heart go all gooey and you fall in love with him all over again. He is the best dad a Sawyer could ask for. His patience is never ending, and I often walk into a room to find them laughing together, wrestling together, playing hide and seek, reading books, and watching basketball!

I sure do love my boys! I'm so blessed to call them mine!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

There are two things you need to survive Vegas summers:
1. Access to a pool
2. Popsicles. Preferably mini style for my little mini

Those two dogs are sawyer's friends, he lovingly refers to them as "beebee" (Bitty) and "webee" (Rebee. Short for Rebel).

He got in the pool after his Popsicle. He can blow bubbles in the water and hang onto the edge by himself. We are working on teaching him to kick those legs! Don't we all wish we could hang out by the pool wearing nothing but a diaper;)

Monday, June 18, 2012


Th boy loves bubbles almost as much as the fish on finding nemo that yells "bubbles.... Bubbles bubbles bubbles. My bubbles."

The only bad thing is now we can't have bath time without the bubbles.

His vocabulary expanded today with the word "swimming." Pronounced "wimmeen."

He gets so excited when you put on his swim suit.

I'm a bit behind on the blog. Next few posts will be fathers day and two special sisters who celebrated birthdays. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Do the back of heads come any cuter?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Here at the Leavitt household, we have a love for Elmo and Elmo's fish Dorothy!

Dixon and I decided to get this boy a fish like Elmo,

He was so excited to hold the fishies at the store

There are three of them, and our soy boy loves them.

And out fishies wouldn't be complete without Elmo...

Best 4 bucks I've spent yet ;)

Monday, June 4, 2012

How to feed a little guy:

Give him a fork so he feels included and give him the lid to the jar of baby food

As long as he has these two things, he's willing to open his mouth and take a bite!

And a full little guy= a happy little guy!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sawyer's idea of walking the dog looks like this:

I think that lyla and him could win a wheelbarrow race. They're that good. I was laughing so hard, all my pictures are blury!

A boy and his dog. And to think that yesterday we thought we had lost her forever. Thank goodness a sweet family found her and gave us a call! I didn't know how I was going to tell sawyer his best friend was gone.