Monday, April 30, 2012

My Sawyer

This picture says a lot about my Sawyer
1. He likes to be inside and outside at the same time. All day long. It's a sad story when the door has to close so we can turn on the AC.
2. He likes bare piggins. He begs you to put on his shoes, but don't be fooled. He likes free pigs
3. He loves his bottle. lovingly referred to as "baba". He walks around with it hanging from his teeth. It's what the cool kids do. We're down to 2 bottles a day. One in the morning, one at night.
4. He likes to have his shirt off and tries to take it off all day long.
5. He has a farmers tan. Meaning we are outside a lot. Wanna bet that mom has a farmer's tan too?
6. His feet are always dirty. See # 2

This morning the soy boy and I walked over to the grocery store for some yogurt and cottage cheese. And on our way home, he convinced me to stop at the park. I mean really, when your little Mr points at the park and gets all excited and starts jabbering away, how can you turn him down?

There's just nothing like starting your day at the park when the birds are chirpin, and baby piggins are free of shoes, and jammies are still on... We had the park all to ourselves, and our quick detour turned into a long detour as we soaked up the sun's rays and took our sweet time, just mama and son.

And on our journey home we walked down this sidewalk and I was in my happy place as luscious green grass greeted us and large green trees hung overhead.

It was such a beautiful morning with my little.
Forget about my meltdown at the doctor's office this afternoon and my flat tire that accompanied me home from said doctor's office. To that I say hakunna matata. And stuff my mouth full of red velvet cake complete with buttercream frosting.

Happy Monday.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

More Disney

Day Two:
We woke up early and went to California Adventure and went on the new Ariel ride two times in a row! Sawyer loved the bubbles. I thought they did a great job on making it not so scary (dude, have you been on the snow white ride lately... Scary).

Disney has something for everyone... I walked by these orange roses and couldn't resist a picture with them. If you know me at all you know that I love orange and I love flowers...

We went on King Tritan's carousel and sawyer loved it so much thatwe did it three times in a row.

After the third time the boy threw a fit when the ride was slowing down and smacked his head into the pole that holds the horse. I figured that was a good time to stop and go back to the hotel for a nap.

Love these moments, I don't come by them very often!

Next up a treat from jamba juice... I should have ordered a larger one because my Sawyer couldn't get enough of that tasty goodness!

He wore his watch all day long... We kept asking him "what time is it" and he would open his watch and point to it.

I experienced captain EO for my very first time. Oh MJ, how I love your music.

Sawyer even liked it... He didn't keep the glasses on, but we gave him a water bottle and that boy was entertained the whole time. He loves taking the lid on and off.

Dixon and I snuck away to ride the toy story mania ride. Worth the hour wait. Bless my mister's heart, he even let me get a picture of us with our glasses on!

We called it a night after that. Little guy was done. He slept like a rock the whole trip!

Day 3
We took it easy, did a little California Adventure, a whole lot of pool time! A Dole whip at the tiki room, dinner at Naples, and fireworks to top it off.

We had so much fun on this last family vacation before uncle chase leaves on his mission to London! Thank you sweet Leavitt family!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

This is technically Sawyer's second trip to Disneyland, but it's his first with the Leavitts and it's the first time he can enjoy the rides! I can't even begin to explain the excitement in my heart to watch my baby boy experience this place. And my baby boy proved to be not so baby and a lot of bit toddler.

We started the day off early, we went in an hour before the park actually opened and enjoyed fantasy land and short lines! Sawyer was a little timid during the rides, but would clap after the ride every time.

That lot of bit toddler I was talking about, he wanted to stand in the line- forget about being held!

Did I mention it was a little rainy. I was ok with that. Shorter lines is worth the sacrifice of good hair. He LoVeD the carousel, notice him holding on tight, he knew right what to do! Giddy up!

My matching boys. Black and red are our family's colors if you haven't noticed. Go rebs.

He did good for most of the day, a quick stroller nap helped solve the grumpies!

We ventured to Toon Town today, and my boy was best friends with that mouse we lovingly call Mickey. We walked right up to him and Sawyer got so excited and started jabbering away and wanted to touch his nose. He wouldn't let go of his nose... He even gave it a kiss.

And to top off our lovely day, I was standing in line at the choo choo train and look up to see our good friends lindsay and brad and faye! It's a small world after all. (pun intended).

Sawyer and Faye shared a slobbery kiss. Melt.
We ended our day with a Mickey mouse watch and the parade. I've mentioned before that sawyer loves watches, so we decided that would be his souvenier. That boy was so dog gone excited, worth every penny.

Watching the parade. One thing I have just soaked in this trip is watching Dixon with Sawyer. Those two are best buds, they speak the same language, and I love watching them together.

And we had to get a picture with grandma Carolyn because they were matching.

One day down. Memories were made. I pat myself on the back for taking pictures. And journaling for the day is complete, now I need to soak my feet with some bath salts:)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One thing about my sawyer that you might not know: he's a love bug! He comes up behind me and gives me the sweetest loves

Sure makes this mama melt! And as for him he loves my phone and always wants to see himself on it... We can thank FaceTime for that!

And another thing... Forget about playin with mom's jewelry. It's all about daddy's watches!

He was so happy about having daddy's red watch on that he cheered himself on in the mirror... After checking out his reflection of course..

He thinks he's pretty cool!

Oh sweet love bug, I'm sure glad your mine!

Monday, April 23, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things

Sawyer loves the swings. I've been trying to help him find his love for swings for the past few months, but the kid was terrified. He would scream that hi-pitched scream anytime we got near one... But things have changed and this boy cannot get enough of swings!

Sawyer is happy swingin, and I'm happy enjoying my green tea(one of my new favorite things!)

He also loves to sit on the grass and put rocks in his bucket. He'll sit there for a half hour -sometimes more- just collecting rocks. Melt my heart why don't ya!

Oh my sweet boy... How I love watching you grow!