Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sometimes it's rough being a kid.

Especially when mom turns on her hair dryer!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sundays scream strolls. Not walks, per say, because walks sound like work, but strolls, strolls are leisurely.. A time for self reflection, for teaching, for singing primary songs, for visiting the playground. Yes, Sunday strolls are my kind of magic.

My baby boy with his jack o lantern smile... Hello fall!

Strolls wouldn't be complete without a game of peek-a-boo. He won by the way!

I found a street that had trees that were semi autumn looking. So you better believe we walked up and down it at least four times!

And last but not least, I have a saying in my house that goes like this... "if your dirty by the end of the day, it's been a good day." Cue dirty socks.
It was a good day!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


With a new home, I have been stressed, excited, stressed about getting the decor just right! We've got some paint on the walls, and some pictures hung... But the cutest decor of all is underneath our kitchen table.

Yep. My decorations don't even come close to the cuteness of this boy. Our table is his little fort, and I have visions of this boy hiding under it in the future to stay away from "the bad guys" or putting blankets over it to make a cave...

I love having a boy.

Also, remember how he is up up and away on my stairs? Ya, he fell down them yesterday. All of them. Bad mom award? I think so!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I was so excited to find a pumpkin patch! So on
family night on Monday we went as a family to check it out!
I love fall. Love it. And I'll be the first to admit that the time that I really dislike Las Vegas is the fall time. There aren't any pretty leaves changing, (although on our walk the other day there were some little dried leaves from bushes that were crunching under my feet and I got all kinds of excited) and the weather is still hot, and the air doesn't smell like crisp autumn air.
So to keep from going into a semi depression, I have to do little things to keep me excited about fall. Like make hot chocolate when the air conditioning is on a little too high, bake pumpkin bread, go to the craft store and get fall leaves and flowers to bring fall into my home, and go to the pumpkin patch.

Here is my little punkin wit his pumpkin.

He was as happy as me. Like mother like son?!

Our little family. Yes my husband and son are both representing UNLV. And incase you were wondering, basketball season begins in less than two weeks.

Here's my autumn porch, don't you want to come visit?

And I wasnt joking about going to the craft store for my autumn leaves. Pictures to tide over my mom...

Ps anyone willing to ship us a box of fall leaves?! I'm dying to take a pile and jump in them... And smell them, and crunch them. Yes, I'm still 5 years old.

O ya, brother is ready for Halloween. Here's a hint on what he's gonna be: he makes a sound that goes Ruff ruff ruff.