Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Fifth Generation

Sawyer is the fifth generation on both my Dad's and my Mom's side! I thought that was pretty neat, and was dying to get pictures with everyone!! I thought it was interesting that I was the only girl in the picture with my Dad's side, and Sawyer is the only boy in the picture on my mom's side... just a random note!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Sawyer puts up with bathtime, because he knows that if he's good he gets to cuddle up with Lyla and Daddy and fall asleep!He doesn't particularly enjoy his baths... sometimes he looks like this, but isn't he so cute with that bathtowel??
After he calms down a little, we get our diaper on... and then we both are a little bit happier
Then we put our undershirt on (In this case it looks like a wifebeater... mom hasn't washed all the onesies yet, so wifebeater undershirt it is!)
And last but not least, we lost our umbilical cord!!! Actually he lost it last monday, but this is the first pic I have taken of his cute button!!
And the best part of bathtime.... the yummy pink baby lotion lathered all over his little body... yum!!


This year was a special one because we were blessed with the best Christmas gift... our little guy! He has been the biggest blessing in our lives. He has recently discovered his thumb(I have yet to get a picture of it) and he keeps us on our toes. Despite the late nights and early mornings, we could not be more thankful for this bundle of joy in our lives! He is two weeks old exactly as of yesterday... my how they grow! Merry Christmas! Sawyer loves to put his hands by his face.. making it very difficult to get a good picture of him, but I was sneaky and got a pic where he made a cute face!
This is Sawyer's second outfit of the day... he likes to pee through his clothes... we ended up going through 4 outfits. I thought this one was cute because it's green and christmasy!

Dixon got new Dr. Dre headphones that he was pretty excited about (I was pretty proud of myself for thinking up this idea, Dixon is very hard to shop for!) and the Jack's Mannequin album, that was autographed by Andrew himself!
Dixon and Sawyer got a carseat cover with the UNLV logo all over it. And I mean it when I say that this was Dixon's gift too.. I've never seen a man get so excited over a carseat cover!

Naps and more naps

We like to take lots of naps. Lyla is always on guard making sure I am taken care of. Sometimes we fall asleep with our arms in funny positions that make mommy laugh. I love to take naps with my blue blanket from Pottery Barn!
I like to take naps when I am in the sling. Its the best of both worlds, mommy likes to go on walks, and I love to nap!
I love to take lots of naps with my daddy. Daddy watches sports, and I sleep!
And sometimes my mom dresses me in little man clothes because she thinks i look cute... but it really interferes with my nap time, so I don't like to smile when she's taking pictures of me all dressed up!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our New Addition

Introducing our Precious Baby Boy:
Sawyer Anderson Leavitt
Born 12/11/10 at 3:48 pm
7 lbs 12 oz
20 1/2 inches long
long dark hair
long fingers
big feet
just perfect!

Right after his first bath... look at all that hair, it reminds me of a little chick:)
Lovin on his Grandma Beck! We are so glad she is here to help us out!!

Hello World!! He has ten fingers and ten toes... and is perfect!
On our way home from the hospital, his first car ride!
Our Christmas present for 2010, we couldn't be more happy!
His first outfit!
Sawyer loves being in his dad's arms!
Our first family photo... fifteen minutes after delivery... it was a breeze:)
This was taken at 8:15 am, I was having contractions 5 minutes apart!!

I started feeling my first contractions at 2:30 am Friday morning and they started to become 8 minutes apart at 3:30 am. After showering, I woke my mom up at 7:00 and we went walking to see if the contractions would become closer together. After walking an hour they were 5 minutes apart and off Dixon and I went to the hospital. When we got there the nurse checked me and i was 4 1/3 cm dilated with a bulging bag, and that's when she told us "your having this baby today!" Those words were music to our ears. By the time they got me into the labor and delivery room and hooked up to my IV, the nurse checked me and I was at a 6. She hurried off to get the anesthesiologist! At this point I was pretty excited, the pain wasn't too bad, and I knew he was on his way. I loved the anesthesiologist, and after the epidural, I was in lala land, I was very comfortable... so comfortable, I couldn't feel my right leg at all... I didn't feel that leg again until 10:00 that night! After the epidural our moms came into the room and things moved fast from there. Before I knew it I was at a 10 and the nurse was breaking my water. I started pushing at about 3:00 pm and he was here at 3:48. I am still amazed at how fun it is to be a mom, and how fun it is to watch Dixon be a dad! We feel so blessed to have had such a great experience at the hospital, and are so happy to finally have our baby boy in our arms!

Thanks to all our family and friends for all your love and support, we are so excited to get to share with you this fun time in our lives, and will try to keep you updated with all our fun pictures and experiences!

With love,
Dixon, Shay, and Sawyer

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Baby Stats

This is our baby boy, isn't he perfect?? I personally think he has my chin and an Anderson nose. But his eyes and mouth are definately Dixon's. I can't stop staring at this picture, I am in awe at how much we can see through an ultrasound!!! Here is the most recent stats:

-He is weighing in at 3 lbs 10 oz

-He is measuring about 32 weeks, although I am only a little over 30 weeks now

-His Kidneys are finally starting to look good, they have been measuring big.. which had the dr. slightly concerned. But they finally are starting to look good!!
-His head is measuring big... just like his dad!
-He has moved on from karate kicks to stretching his feet out against my stomach and sticking his bum out against my tummy.
-I carry him really high, so he's been kicking my ribs a lot
-His head sits right on my bladder, the past three ultrasounds that I have had, that's where his head has been
But the best part is... he's ours!! I love him already!! I feel like I already know him, he definately has a personality of his own! I feel so lucky to be his mom!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thought you might like to meet him...

28 weeks down, 12 more to go!! Grow baby boy grow!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I am so grateful for two wonderful mothers in my life who are such amazing examples!! I love them so much, and I'm so grateful for their selfless acts... and endless service!!

I hope I can be more like them... preferably by December 10 because that is when I am going to be a mom!! I am so excited to join the club and be a Mom, what an amazing blessing!! Baby Leavitt has been makin me so tired, and so nauseas, but I can't complain... I'm so blessed!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

I have to admit, one of my "not so great traits" is the fact that I can get buried in a book... for a few days. It's similar to hibernating, when I pick up a good book, you might as well say good-bye to me for a few days (i'm not a very fast reader.) My latest "addiction" is this book, THE FIRM. Dixon has been begging me to read it for a long time now and I finally gave in. Oh my goodness, it is a huge page turner!!! I am happy to say that I am out of hibernation, but looking for my next good read...

I think my husband is glad to have me back;)

Quincy, California

This place is called Quincy, California. And this picture does not in any way do it justice. This past weekend, we went with Wade and Carolyn to Quincy for Dixon's great grandmother's funeral. It is absolutely gorgeous there, freezing in the winter, but gorgeous! I seriously contemplated about getting buried there... for a brief moment. It was such a great time to see the Leavitts, i've been going through some serious Leavitt family withdrawls... I haven't seen them since Christmas!!

Thank you Wade and Carolyn for letting us come with you guys... we sure had a good time with you.

PS I may or may not have gotten locked out of our hotel room and Dixon didn't hear me knocking so I sat down in front of the door with the ice bucket in hand and enjoyed my ice for ten... maybe fifteen minutes before Dixon figured out I was missing. Good times!


Fact: I LOVE pancakes... I could possibly eat them for every meal. I don't know what happened, but when I turned 15 I suddenly went crazy over pancakes. I love to eat them plain, with peanut butter on top, with syrup, with jam... with everything!!!
Rumor: Pancakes taste better when they are free
Fact: Pancakes taste TEN times better when they are FREE!!
Got to love free pancake day at IHOP last Tuesday, I almost wanted to ask for a second plate, but I exercised my self control! Pancakes make me happy. The End.

Our new favorite thing

By the looks of this picture, you would think that he doesn't really like his stroller...

...but I promise you he does. He LOVES it! And we love our walks!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

You Know Something is Seriously Wrong With You When....

You go to a Cardio Sculpt class, and the pregnant lady standing next to you that looks like she is going to pop any day, is kicking your butt! I had to stop so many times to rest my arms (darn all those shoulder raises) and breathe, but she didn't stop once. Jillian Michaels (aka personal trainer from the biggest loser) has seriously let me down. Guess I got to build up more stamina. It gave me serious doubts about running my half marathon!

On a side note, we got a deer stuck in our gate today. You heard me correctly, A DEER, as in a little baby Bambi got stuck in our gate. Lyla was going nuts, runnin circles around it, barkin at it. We learned that Animal Contral is not open on Sunday (so thank goodness it was not a bear stuck in the gate!) With the help of our neighbor, Dixon managed to get it out! Thus adds to our adventures in little old Cedar City.

PS my choc chip cookies did not turn out today, which made me a tad on the ornery side. I have got to find a new recipe!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

HUGE update!!

So this one time...
-I made it through a semester where I woke up at 6:30 and went to the gym then went to work at 8:45-7:15 everyday, not to mention the fact that I was taking 15 credits as well... let's just say I had no life!! But I did pass all my classes thank goodness! Well, I'm happy to say that I have had some time to breathe and finally will give you an update on my life!
-I am takin a math class and workin full time at US bank... this one time I was banker number 5 in my whole district... that means I was fifth place... pretty awesome!!
-I went to this little place called PARIS!!!! and it took my breath away, I promise to post pictures one of these days! I learned a lot about myself on that trip: I love metros, especially when Hannah is "teachin us how to jerk!" I love European pizza and diet cokes out of glass bottles, I love being a tourist!!
-I went to this other little place called LONDON... and saw my favorite broadway show, Les Miserables... can you say amazing!!!
-I dyed my hair back blonde. Before we left for Europe I tried dying it back blonde but it turned orange... thank goodness Europeans wear hats, pretty sure I had a hat on in every picture:) My favorite color is orange, so I guess it was a good experience to learn I love orange on just about everything, but not on my hair!
- My other half is engaged to an amazing man!! We are so excited to finally have him as an official part of our family, he not only brings out the best in Ky, but he brings out the best in all of us! Yay for Nate Behunin and for making my sister smile so big and laugh so hard... pretty sure they are the most tender couple I have ever seen!
-My Bestest friend from highschool is Pregnant... and is due in July!!! I can't wait to hold her little one!
-My bestest cousin in law is pregnant and due in September!!!
- And I am so excited they are pregnant so that I can steal their babies for a few hours and babysit:)
-My husband is going to graduate in May
-We may or may not have gotten a pre-approval on a home... I'm only 20 and they said I could have a home loan. Insert cheesy "I can't believe it" smile here.
-I am OBSESSED with Jillian Michaels workout dvds... what's not to love about building muscles and waking up so sore you don't wanna move?! But seriously, I am obsessed with her workouts!
- I went and saw "Dear John." The book is like at least ten times better. Although I can't help but admit that Channing Tatum is easy on the eyes, I think his acting skills need improvement. And what's up with the ending? LAME!
- I went to my first "real" concert for Valentines Day (forget all that mushy gushy stuff!). It was a little band called JACK'S MANAQUIN... Love them!!! We were front and center shoved up against the barrier with the closest stranger friends I have ever made, I mean that literally.. we were practically all hugging each other, we were that close! Pretty sure my favorite song by them is called "SWIM" it's so inspiring... check it out sometime! I can't wait for my next concert, it was a blast!!!
-I am obsesed by this not-very-popular-band named VEDERA. O my goodness, her voice is like a dream. I love the song "and we sing" I could listen to her sing all day!!!
- I own a dog that likes to find every way out of our backyard she can and then I get calls from my neighbors politely letting me know she got out... again. bless that dog, some days I want to sell her.
- I am working on enjoying change in my life. I am a person who really enjoys the slow and steady, but Dixon is graduating and big choices are being made on where we want to make our home.
- I think I really want to be a nurse... That means I have to take a lot of chemistry classes, and we all know that my brain isn't structured to understand chemistry, but whatever, I'm gonna go for it! I like helping people, I might have to get over the fact that blood makes me weak in the knees/lightheaded, but i'm gonna do it.
-I decided I didn't care how cold it was, I went out on my porch bundled up and read a book. Darn this cold weather!:)
- I have this one sister in law who has the cutest blog ever. her name is Alyssa. and she inspires my blog writing. because she writes about everything, and it makes me smile.
-I am going to run a half marathon in Ogden in May. Pretty sure it's going to be death, but Jillian is helping me get in shape, so hopefully I will not die.
SO this one time...
I'm BACK!!

It feels good to be back! I'll be keeping this thing updated more often, bare with me!