Saturday, November 7, 2009

Happy Thought

I love when family just randomly drops in!!! It is so refreshing to see family, It rejuvinates me and helps me move forward with a smile on my face!
"Family faces are magic mirrors looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future." -- Gail Lumet Buckley

Friday, October 30, 2009

Kid: "my name is Leeland Jr., I'm named after my grandpa."
Me: what's your grandpa's name?
Kid: "Leeland Grandpa."

I love kids


Today I:
got to give candy to cute trick or treaters at work
-talked and laughed with my bestest twin sister
-admired my mom for her strength as I talked and listened and talked with her
-spent lunch with my sweet husband who loves me so much he studied stats with me so I would pass my test
-met some really neat people who make me smile
-racked my brain for answers as I took my stats test
-prayed for my aunt who is in ICU
-admired my sister-in-law Alyssa, who enjoys the simple things in life and makes every day count
-ran three miles and sweat real hard
-maybe argued with my new coworker and then reminded myself i'm grateful to have a coworker to argue with
-indulged in one of my favorite comfort foods: mac n cheese
-wore my favorite shoes: red converse
-learned about gambling: is it compulsive, or is it an addiction?
-found myself staring at my husband thinking "how on earth did I get such an incredible man?"
-Laughed till my stomach hurt about my other coworkers children, they are to die for.
-Think about how much I love fall: pumpkins, red, orange, brown, smells, leaves, crisp air
-mumble under my breath about the bitter cold, and then realized it was a great excuse for some hot chocolate
-got some mixed reactions on my newly dyed dark brown hair, an old guy said I looked sexy... made me wish I was blond

I love my life!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Here's to another school year

"Be Yourself... There is no better GIFT you can give the world than to be the person you DREAM you can be. Begin with yourself and watch the MAGIC begin."

Here we go! Another school year is about to begin, we are both workin full time, goin to school full time and we are going to enjoy every minute! Here's to a new school year, I'm going to be the person I dream I can be and watch the magic begin.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

crazy eights

I've been tagged by my cute Aunt Jill

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To~

1. Paris
2. London
3. More time with family
4. Graduating
5. Autumn
6. Visiting the temple
7. A day off
8. Using my new spin shoes in my spin class

8 Things I Did This Weekend~
1. Celebrated my birthday
2. Ate lots of sushi
3. Worked
4. Went to a hillarious improv show
5. Finished the second season of Lost
6. Made new friends at a retirement home
7. Made brownies for my cute new neighbors accross the street
8 Things I Wish I Could Do~
1. Go to lunch with my mom and sisters
2. Sing
3. Sky dive with Dixon
4. Eat all the brownies, ice cream, and cookies that I want and not gain a pound
5. Run a marathon or do a triathalon
8 Places I'd Like To Travel~
1. China
2. India
3. Jamaica
4. Rome and Florence
5. Georgia
6. Australia
7. New Zealand
8.Brazil to see where my husband served his mission
8 Shows I Watch~
(when I have time)
1. Lost
2. Friends
3. The office
4. Scrubs
5. Gilmore Girls
6. Full House
7. So you think you can dance
8. Survivor/ the Amazing Race

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happiest Birthday




This is my twin sister. She is also my best friend, my guardian angel, my cheerleader, my hero, my example, my confidante, the person that makes me laugh with my gut till I wet my pants, or holds me and rocks me in her arms when i'm sad, she's the person who is stronger than she knows, more beautiful than she realizes, and the sweetest most sincere person I have ever met. It was her birthday yesterday...She is 20, which means that she's not in her teens anymore, she feels old, but she keeps me so young. We share such special memories (the good and the bad) and she is the basically one of the few people in my life who "gets me." She knows just what to say at just the right time. She is the person that when you call to ask about how she's doin, she turns it around and wants to know how i'm doin before she talks about herself. She's the person who gives up her shoes to make someone else's walk back to campus more comfortable (true story), she's the one you can trust to keep a secret when you want it kept. She's my better half!

Happiest Birthday Ky!
I Shluv you!

Our Newest Addition

Meet the newest addition to our family, its a white 2008 Nissan Sentra! We love it!

As for this car, I cried and cried when we sold my it! I loved that car, it was so good to me. I'm so blessed to have parents that gave me such a cute reliable car that got me everywhere, it's been with me on so many new was a part of me! Luckily, it is going to a very cute owner who already loves it as much as I do and really needed it! And I even get to see it every now and again. I already miss that beloved car!

Syd's birthday and Mexico

Landon and Dixon at mini golf!!!

My cute new Mexican flip flops (complete with new pedicure)

Dixon on the X-Men set
aMe in the X-Men elevator
eDixon on the green screen for special effects

bUs on the titanic boat
Dixon reading his book at the beach
The happy couple!
Our Skanky leg pose
Picture perfect

Wow, my apologies for not blogging in ages. We have been so super busy, which is a good thing, but it hasn't left me with a lot of blogging time. Sydnee is already eight! I can't believe how big she is, we went up North for her baptism and had such a good time with family and friends. Dixon sang at the baptism in Portuguese, and Ky and I did talks. She looked like a princess all dressed in white! I'm always amazed at how tall everyone is getting. Landon told me that when he grows up he wants to be tall and skinny like Dixon because he's gonna eat Subway. We also got to hang with the fam at Oakridge Country Club pool... which is where this next funny story happened: syd wanted to order food from the club so I told her to call dad, so in her sweetest voice she says "Daddy, is it ok if me and Dixon and Shay order some food" after he says yes, she hangs up the phone and pumps her fist and says "I OWN my dad!!" We laughed about that for the longest time! It was fun to see all the extended family that we don't get to see very often. That weekend me and Dixon took just Landon mini golfing, which was a blast because Landon LOVES to golf!! I think him and Dixon kicked my butt, but I'm trying to block that out of my memory!:)

The last week of July Dixon and I went with the Leavitts to Mexico!! It was a blast. For the first few days we had the oportunity to be there with just Carolyn, Chase, and Hannah, which was a blast! Let me tell ya though, Chase kicked my butt in Pool, Uno, and Mario Kart, so we must go back soon for a rematch so I can beat him! We had perfect weather while we were there, and we sat outside and read books for most of the day! I got through two books this year! I read one on the Columbine shootings which was way interesting, but so creepy, and I finished a fiction one called "Hunger Games" which surprisingly ended up being my favorite! Dixon got me some cute sandals at one of the flea markets, and I love them, I have been dying for some cute flip flops! Dixon and I went to Fox Studios for a tour, it was a lot of fun. They built that studio to film Titanic and you should see how neat all the tanks and stuff they built for it to film the movie. We got to try out some special effect stuff and explore around some of the sets. Alec and Tiff, Janae, Alyssa, Jessica, and Wade got to the beach on the Wednesday of that week and it was so fun to see everyone! We all danced to thriller and made up our own moves, went to Tacos Cantimar, this amazing hole in the wall taco place, we sat outside late at night talking, had some of Carolyn's to die for homeade icecream, saw some dolphins as the sun was going down, took some fun pictures, watched family videos, shared lots of laughs and had so much fun! Unfortunately, we had to leave on Friday, so we didn't get to be there with everyone for very long, but we still had a BLAST! Janae was so cute and made the "Gram's Beach Party" shirts! We all loved them!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Long Time No Blog...

We are still alive people! Sorry for slacking in the blog department! So much has been going on,
so i'll probably just ramble a little as I fill you in!
I love my job at the bank, it's 40 hours a week, and it keeps me busy. I love the girls I work with, I have learned so much from them already... they have been through some amazing things and are so strong, I hope to gain some strength from them. They have welcomed me with open arms and have been so patient as I learn the ropes. I feel so blessed to have a job that I look forward to going to everyday.

Its been a really humbling experience to have a full time job, to be working for Leavitt group still 10 hours a week, keeping up with laundry, cleaning the house, exercising, and finding time to be with family. Sometimes I wanna be super woman, but I've had to humble myself and realize that I can't do it all alone. I feel spread thin a lot of days, but am learning to find a better balance as I try to keep up with everything. I can't tell you how amazing and supportive Dixon has been, he has helped with cleaning the house and helps motivate me to keep going... I am grateful for his never failing positive attitude, I hope to be more like him in that aspect.

Besides working, we have seen The proposal, Year One, and My Sister's Keeper. I enjoyed the first and the last, I was exhausted during Year One so I don't remember much!
My family came and visited on Tuesday... it was a much needed visit. I was telling Dixon the other day that I needed to see family! It's hard being so busy because we can't find a lot of time to visit our families, but we're doing our best.

We are doing good though, just enjoying each day as it comes. its been a crazy June with this rainy weather, I am ready for summer weather...and a vacation, but the vacation might have to wait!:) I'll try to have a more exciting blog soon, just wanted to do a quick update

Thursday, May 28, 2009

One Year!

One year ago today!

This first year has flown, and I am so in love with my husband! He makes all my dreams come true!

Happy Anniversary Love!:)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend we had the oppertunity to go to Las Vegas to chill with the Leavitts! We feel so blessed to live in driving distance of both families. Some of our activities included

-Dixon and Wade competing in a corporate volleyball challenge. They played great, and I had so much fun watching Dixon play, he played all throughout highschool, and this is the first time I have ever seen him on the court, so fun!
-Jessica took me to Bikram Yoga. For those of you who don't know what that is, let me explain. It's 90 minutes of yoga in a 104 degree room. I have never sweat so hard in my life. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but such a blast!
-Me and Hannah went and saw the new Night at the Museum while the boys went golfing, it was a fun movie
-We got great tans from sittin by the pool, listening to Jack Johnson, and reading good books
-We were tempted to get a new puppy when we saw this cute white maltese in the pet store, we even decided what we would name her: Tyra.
-I got to get some new running shoes because my old ones are so worn out and were giving me problems
- Dixon got some cute new shorts
-We ate some yummy yummy food!

I love visiting family, I wish we could visit with family more often! We had such a fun time!:)

New Job

I am employed!!! I get to be an in store banker at US bank starting on Monday, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I did the impossible: got a job in this horrible economy! My boss seems amazing...big improvement from my old job, and the bank is inside Smith's so I will have some great people watching oppertunities! Mosly though, I am excited to have something to get me out of this house and people to talk to... poor Dixon has to just let me vent everyday because I have noone else to talk to. I feel so blessed to have this oppertunity. I will work 40 hours a week and they are going to work around my school! I'm kind of anxious and really nervous to be the "new kid" but hopefully I will fit in ok and things will go well! YAY
P.S. I have the best husband, he went and got me cute work clothes since I get to dress up everyday.. he is the best

Monday, May 18, 2009

Our trip North

This is Lezlie-Anne IVIE... we were so glad we could make it to her and Russ's wedding in the Logan temple on Friday. Her dress was gorgeous, the weather was perfect, and we were so grateful to be a part of their special day!
While up in Logan, we stopped by to see my Aunt Stephanie and her kids: Kortney, Mason, and Mallory. Mason and Mallory are twins... the twin thing runs in the family:) It was so good to see them, Dixon kicked the kids' butt at air hockey, and we got yummy cookies to celebrate! SO fun

My grandma and grandpa Silcox were at my aunt's house so we got to see them too! We haven't seen them since Christmas time, so it was good to visit with them!

This is half of the anderson family. Lyn, Ken, and Dad were somewhere else, and Dixon is taking the pic! Notice my mom's cute shirt. I helped her pick it out... us girls went on a shopping spree while the boys went golfing! Look how tall Landon is!!

This weekend we finally got our wedding video!! It was so fun to watch, I had forgotten about some things! Our friend Ryan did a good job. Since our one year anniversary is approaching quickly, we thawed our cake out from our wedding and had a slice! Surprisingly, our cake tasted so good... so so good!!

We had such a great weekend! We got to go out to dinner with my parents and Ky to some fab. Chinese food (there was enough food to feed us for a week!), we got to go see Angels and Demons with the parents and Ky... I LOVED it, we got to get some jamba juices (good thing we don't have one in Cedar, I would spend all our money there), we got to go to the park with Landon and Syd, I got a good 5 mile jog in, Lyla got to play with her two friends, and we had many laughs and good memories made! Thank you family, we had a wonderful weekend!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Shaylee: maybe a Step Class Teacher

Um... I am teaching step class tomorrow at Gold's Gym!! Can you believe it? I hope I can do it!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers' Day

I love mothers day, because we get to celebrate our wonderful mothers! I am so grateful for my mom:
-put up with so much
-have sacrificed so much so that we can have oppertunities
-for never want to be in the spotlight even though they are our heros,
-for being a maid so hard to keep things clean...only to have a child mess things up in seconds,
-for being a cheuffeur in our non-driving days
- for being our tutors as they helped us with our school work,
-for being counselors by listening and giving advice,
-for being a pro chef and cooking us yummy dinners that we sometimes stuck our noses up to,
-for being cheerleaders and supporting us in all our activities,
-for being a laundry maid and keeping our clothes fresh and clean,
-for being our Kleenex's and wiping our tears away
-for being our doctors and kissing our "owies" all better
-for being an artist and teaching us to finger paint
-for being an actress while reading us our favorite stories
-for putting the "B" in the "BFF".
I am so grateful to have a mom who has done all these things and more for me, as well as having a mother in law that did all these things for my husband. I feel so blessed to have these two women in my life, they are truly inspiring and I love them immensely! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY Mom and Carolyn!

Here's some cute thoughts that I wanted to share:
1. My mom taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE - 'If you're going to kill each other, do it outside - I just finished cleaning!'

2. My mother taught me RELIGION - 'You better pray that will come out of the carpet.'

3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL - 'If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!'

4. My mother taught me LOGIC - 'Because I said so, that's why.'

5. My mother taught me FORESIGHT - 'Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident.'

6. My mother taught me IRONY - 'Keep laughing and I'll *give* you something to cry out.'

7. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS - 'Shut your mouth and eat your supper!'

8. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM - 'Will you *look* at the dirt on the back of your neck!'

9. My mother taught me about STAMINA - 'You'll sit there 'til all that spinach is finished.'

10. My mother taught me about WEATHER - 'It looks as if a tornado swept through your room.'

11. My mother taught me how to solve PHYSICS PROBLEMS - 'If I yelled because I saw a meteor coming toward you; would you listen then?'

12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY - 'If I've told you once, I've told you a million times - don't exaggerate!!!'

13. My mother taught me THE CIRCLE OF LIFE - 'I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.'

14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION - Stop acting like your father!'

15. My mother taught me about ENVY - 'There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do!'

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekend Adventure

This is a terrible picture, but I promise Ky is walking across the stage to receive her diploma in this picture, just trust me.
The oldest siblings and proud parents!:) It's always so fun when the four of us are together

Me and my amazing Mom! She is hillarious, and I just love her love of life!

Me...the proud sister that cheered so loud when Ky was walkin across the stage.

This is me on the steps of the Manti temple. I wish I could have done a session there. It is gorgeous, especially at night!

Sorry the picture is dark. This is me and Ky in front of the Manti temple.

Me and my great-grandma Bird. I got to stop and see her on the way to Ephraim. I can not say enough good things about this woman. She is amazing. She made me homeade chicken noodle soup...heaven on earth, she taught me how to crochet, and she shared many stories of her childhood and all the changes she has seen in her lifetime! Such a wonderful person!

Ky graduated!!! I'm so proud of her and all of her hard work! I had the oppertunity to go to Ephraim for her graduation and cheer her on! It was amazing, so many people came up to my parents and I to tell us how wonderful Kylee is... it's not surprising by any means, but it just touched me to know that everyone else found her as amazing as I find her everyday. I am so blessed to have such a great example in my life, Ky is the most optimistic, forgiving, tender-hearted person I have ever known. I am so proud of her accomplishments, and I had such a fun time spending time with her! Congratulations Ky, We sure love you!!