Friday, August 29, 2008


The day has finally come... I have been tagged:

A- Attached or Single? VERY happily attatched!!

B- Best friend? Dixon

C-Cake or Pie? crumble style with ice cream on top... or warm pumkin pie at
thanksgiving...but I remember our wedding cake being really good

D-Day of Choice? Saturday: No school, and Dixon doesn't have work

E-Essential item? Blankets or a jacket... something to keep me warm

F-Favorite color? Orange, it makes me happy... simple as that!

G-gummy bears or gummy worms? tough choice. Chocolate covered gummy bears are pretty
good, but I do love sour gummy worms

H-Hometown? Kaysville, UT

I-Indulgences? Diet Coke

J- January or July? July, I love the sunshine

K-Kids? Oneday

L-Life is incomplete without? The gospel, and family

M-Marriage date? May 28, 2008

N-Number of siblings? 4 sisters/ best friends, and 1 brother

O-Oranges or apples? apples, and I really hate how expensive they are right now

P-Phobias or fears? Getting my identity stolen

Q-Quotes? "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world" "Quitters never win, and winners never quit"

R- Reason to smile? I get to wake up to the love of my life/ best friend each morning

S- Season? Summer... Tan, shorts, flip-flops, sunshine, no school

T-TV Show? Full House, The Office, and I secretly like Scrubs

U-Unknown Fact? hmmm... I can't think of one, but if you know one that I can't think of, let me know.

V-Very Favorite store? This one is tough, I really like Nordstrom right now

W- Worst habit? I have many, but one is not answering my phone, and forgetting to text or call people back

X- X-Ray or Ultrasound? I haven't had either, but I think the goo they use in an ultrasound would feel interesting, so i'll go with ultrasound

Y- Your favorite food? Chicken Enchiladas, or mashed potatoes and gravy

Z- Zodiac? Leo

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Super Hero moment

In my psych class today, we had a professor visit and I was feeling truly inspired. He told us how he had polio when he was a boy, which left him with a permanent limp and a fused backbone... but despite his challenges, he loved life, and he told us about it. By the end of the class, I was feelin inspired, and basically ready to save the world... little did I know that my first opportunity would present itself a few moments later.
So there I was walking to my car, minding my own business... when I see it... a bright red purse sitting on top of a car. I looked around to see if anyone was going to go tell the girl that was about to pull out that her purse was going to take a plummet to the earth and perhaps ran over by other cars, or worse, it might be lost forever.... noone budged! So, it was up to me... I ran over and started waving my arms like a mad woman and probably scared her half to death... but it made her stop, and I informed her that her purse and all of its contents just might soar through the air and be slightly damaged if she didn't take it off the top! She was embarrased, but I think more than anything, she was grateful. I turned around and wanted to morph into my superhero costume... but that was when I remembered I didn't have one. Perhaps tomorrow I will wear my superman shirt... I mean, after all, the "S" could stand for Shaylee couldn't it?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Random Info About Us

Dear Friends

-Today I got to teach Relief Society. Despite the fact that everyone is either pregnant and complaining about being hot or cold, or has crying babies, the lesson went well. I think I learned more than they did by preparing the lesson, but honestly, thats why I love teaching... I learn so much!

-We got to attend the retirement home sacrament meeting today and met a lady named Ruth who is 99 years old. What a trooper. My favorite thing about attending their meeting is when they sing... keep in mind that they are totally off key, but they all sing with their whole heart, and the spirit is so strong. One of my favorite things is talking to elderly people and listening to their stories... they have so many to share.

-I am really enjoying work at Payless... other than the fact that whatever time it says I'm done, I'm actually done about 45 minutes later. For example, my schedule always says I get off at 9:15, but I don't get home until 10:00. But the girls I work with there are some of the most positive people I have ever met.

-My mom starts teaching first grade tomorrow... I have the butterflies for her. I'm so proud of her, she's worked so hard to get to where she's at. One of the things I admire about my mom is that she is a HARD worker, and anything she sets her mind to she can do... including fixing the toilet, car, paper cuts, etc. I know that she will do amazing, she has such amazing patience, and such love for people, that I don't worry for her, I am so excited for the lives that she will touch, because she has touched mine in more ways than she will ever know.

-Lyndee starts highschool tomorrow, I'm so proud of her, she has been waiting until she is 16 to have a boyfriend, and I know it hasn't been easy. She is such a great example to me, and she's hillarious, its always so fun catching up with her. Ken is not so little anymore she is going to 6 grade, Landon will be in 4th, and Little syd is going into second! They grow up so fast!

-Ky started school last week, and is on the leadership team, I'm sure she does amazing, and she is a mentor. I don't know anyone that could ask for a better mentor. She is my mentor, and she's not even paid to do it!

-We cleaned our carpets yesterday... o my, they look FANTASTIC!! And it helped make our house smell so good... that is until we had an incident with Lyla this morning, but I won't go into details on that!

-Dixon put together our dresser! It looks so good! I am still in awe that he can look at a piece of paper and then put all the pieces together, and make it look good! He's amazing

-If you need a really really yummy crockpot recipe, we have it!

-Dixon's cousin, Jordan, is now living here in Cedar, and its so fun to see a familiar face! We had him over for dinner today, and it is so fun to get to know him better!

-I personally am all sorts of nervous for school to start... I feel so inadequate, but I can do it, I can I can.

-I got my ipod up and running that I got for my birthday, and I didn't realize how much I missed my music until I was listening to it!

-I am so glad that I'm married and not living in dorms. It was so fun my first year... so fun, but I am loving loving married life and having our own space!

-I can't believe the Olympics are over... its kinda sad... Dixon has made me a big fan of the Olympics... I am well rounded in the events that I have watched! I even watched the ladies marathon that was on prime time and lasted two hours (whats up with showing a marathon prime time... someone please enlighten me.)

-Dixon told me today that a white automobile of any kind is cheaper than any other color... for example, a white tundra is cheaper than Dixon's red tundra (someone please enlighten me on this also!)

-Fiber One granola bars are fabulous... you can't even taste the fiber... o my they are so good... I've been craving them lately!

-Call us nerds, but we totally love looking at all the grocery sale adds and searching for the best deals every week! Right now grapes at Smiths are 10 for 10!

-I miss yoga

The end.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Jack Johnson and Lullabies

On Sunday Shay and I drove up to Salt Lake to celebrate her birthday with her family and for her birthday present from me and my mom.

We had a great time on Sunday night with her family, including Grandma and Grandpa Silcox and Grandma Kathy. She got a new iPod and some running shoes for her birthday, which she was very excited about. We had a big sunday dinner, then I made fried oreos for everyone. Definitely a fun day!

Monday, I went with Shay and her sister Lyndee to The Gateway for a bit. We had a good time, and both girls got some good looking clothes. After that, we went home to prepare for the main event.

A few months ago, my mom and I got tickets for me, Shay, her and my Dad to see Jack Johnson at USANA Amphitheater in West Valley. All of us were very excited for it, and it totally lived up to our expectations. Since it was a two lane road all the way to the venue, we missed the opening band. We arrived right as the sun was going down and the second opener, Rogue Wave, was starting. Shay and I enjoyed the Rogue Wave set, but were anxiously awaiting Jack himself.

He played for about an hour and a half, covering everything from early hits to his newest cd. The only song we were disappointed not to hear was "Angel." It was a beautiful night to sit under the stars and listen to live music, especially from someone as talented as Jack Johnson. USANA was a great place for a concert and I would recommend it to anyone!

We got home on tuesday afternoon and immediately got right back into the swing of things. Shay has closed at Payless for the last two nights, and will close again tonight. She is such a trooper! We had a great time being able to spend time with both sides of the family, which rarely happens!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Kylee

Happy nineteenth birthday Bestest Sistah! Ky and I have shared our birthday ever since we were born (....its part of that whole twin thing...) but I have always loved having my birthday with her (expcept when she opens her presents first and then tells me what she got, because I know that I will get the exact same thing maybe in a different color perhaps, so it takes the suprise element out of the present!). We have had some fun birthdays, one year I remember goin to my grandma Kathy's to celebrate, and when we were all done opening presents we did kereoke to Mary Kate and Ashley... we were in heaven, but the best was when they told us to check in the front... and there right before my eyes was a brand new bike... I even rode it in a dress!
Another fun birthday was when I turned eight. We went to Chili's and opened presents in the back of our truck, then we were handed tickets and told they were to the new movie Hercules... I was BUMMED, I had no desire to see Hercules. After checkin out my ticket, I found it was to Grease the musical (my mom let us listen to the soundtrack so I knew every song)! Me and Ky got to dance on stage, and my mom was shocked when in the play the boys actually mooned the audience (she invited my grandparents to come to that, so she was way embarrassed).

Needless to say me and Ky have had some fun birthdays! Its so weird not having her here this year to share it with!

Enough about us, now I'll share a little bit about her:

-Kylee is one of the most selfless people you ever meet

-She is a blond, but so very smart at the same time (its a talent)

-She has such a strong testimony of the gospel and is always finding new ways to serve those around her

-She is such a hard worker, anything she sets her mind to she can do, and do well

-She is my best friend

I can't believe she's 19 already... my the years have flown! Happy Birthday (picture Gus saying it on Cinderella...its an inside joke)!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Funny Story

After getting to Las Vegas on our return trip to the beach, we unloaded the truck and continued on to Cedar. Since I had driven the first leg, Shay had taken the wheel. Lyla was sitting on my lap the whole time, since she had chewed a hole in her little travel kennel while we were gone. She had been very calm the whole time, just laying on me, sleeping. In the gorge, she stood up and started walking all around my legs and chair. Then, she jumped up onto my shoulder, which is one of her favorite places to sit. She was there for about two minutes when my shoulder started to feel hot. I put my hand up and it was soaked through with pee. I couldnt sit with dog pee on my shirt, so I pulled it off and threw it into the back. Then, I got out my multi-surface clorox wipes and cleaned off my shoulder. Little did they know one of the surfaces they clean is skin! I felt like a Redneck driving the rest of the way with no shirt on, but I think Shay laughed the rest of the way to Cedar.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Bummin at the Beach

Well, for your information, we are both still alive! Hahahah it feels like its been forevger since we have updated our blog, but we have just been too busy playing our hearts out! We got to go to San Diego for a few days and go to a Padres game, and then we were off to the beach in Oceanside for a week!

Ok, I am a person that doesn't vacation very often, a vacation to me is a trip to the grocery store... maybe not quite, but still, you get the picture. My family has gone on some fun trips (my favorite being Florida 2006), but that was the last 'real' vacation I have had, besides my wonderful honeymoon to Cancun! So I was way too excited about going to spend a week in California. I lived there when I was little, and I remember we had an orange tree in our backyard that grew nothing but sour sour sour oranges. I also vaguely remember going to the day care at the gym while my mom worked out and running into a brick wall and then having blood gush all over the floor and have my mom take me to get stitches. I also remember getting the hives because I was so scared when Carmel mountain flooded.... but some of my most favorite memories are with our old friends the Nielsons.

I forgot how much I love California... seriously, the weather is heavenly, the highest it got was probably 85, and there was a slight breeze! I think the waves are so soothing, and my new favorite thing is falling asleep listening to them... I'm kind of going through withdrawals!

Ok, so its story time.... I have a pretty awesome story.... So Dixon and Ky got together and decided to have Ky fly to Cali to join us.... I had NO clue! On Monday I was out on the beach readin my book and I look over, and there is Ky.... I seriously was so excited, we video taped my reaction, and its hillarious, I think it should be on America's funniest home Videos, but thats just me! I have the best husband, and no, I'm not just figuring that out! He comes up with all sorts of suprises and always knows how to bring a smile to my face! What a fun suprise, I will never be able to top that!

Me and Ky went and Gram went and saw Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants... Iwas disappointed, I loved the first one, but this one was cheesy! Me and Ky had a good time listening to the black lady in front of us say 'heck' no every five minutes, except the 'heck' was actually another word.

I think my most favorite spot though was Lajolla, its absolutely gorgeous. It was so fun to spend time with the Leavitts and get to know them better, I feel so blessed to be part of their family!

I suprised Dixon by being able to body board and play paddle ball with coordination, and I finished five books.... I don't remember the last time I have read that much! I won the contest of "best tan" and after tomorrow (I get my hair cut and colored) I will truly look like a beach babe! Its tough comin home knowing that school starts up in two weeks and high stress is on its way, but it was sure nice to just relax! (Thanks Chase and Beebs for getting us a good spot on the beach everyday)!

O and I almost forgot, guess who is the new ward Choir Director... me.... I think I will be released soon when they figure out I can't lead or sing... hmmmm.

PS I will post beach pictures soon!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Beach Warmup

A few years ago, we started a new beach tradition of staying in the Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego and going to a Padres game the weekend before we start beach week. This year, we extended it a day, which was a great idea! Shay and I spend the day mostly window shopping and had some great food. I had some amazing swordfish tacos that will probably be the best thing I eat all week. Here are just a few pictures.