Maman: 50.8 kg
Bébé: 16.5 weeks, heartbeat = 154 bpm
Doc Gynéco finally announced the due date, it will be on November 24 (I thought it's on November 17, anyways), a winter baby under the sign of Sagittarius, to be born on the year of the rooster. Laurent and I were kinda excited with this visit as both of us are hoping to eventually know the gender of petit Bourcier. So Doc Gynéco tried to verify this point and it seems that our petit Bourcier is actually une petite Bourcier, to be confirmed of course on our next visit which will be next month.
Contrary to our last visit, petite Bourcier was very active today, she developed a lot from the last time too. She's long and lean which is normal, as Doc Gynéco assured us. Another good news is that I have no risk of Trisomie 21, a real good news, the result was 1/717 which is far from the limit identified at 1/250. That means that I don't have to undergo amniocentesis.
My tummy is getting bigger and bigger each day. But as some says, I'm lucky as the weight I'm gaining is concentrated on my belly and not anywhere else. But hey, I'm just on my 4th month, still a long way to go before the D Day!
4th Month
Publié par Analyse à 6/15/2005 10:19:00 PM
mercredi, juin 15, 2005
Libellés : ParentTalk, Pregnancy, Treasured Moments
16th Week
Publié par Analyse à 6/02/2005 05:53:00 PM
jeudi, juin 02, 2005
I'm quite overwhelmed by how fast time flies. Already on the 16th week, I'm almost halfway to the D Day, and my little baby starts to show his existence to the whole world, pushing my big belly out.
Today, I received an important phone call from Doc Gynéco to convey to me the good news. The result of the last blood test to detect the risk of Trisomie 21 showed that I have 1/717 probability of risk, limit of which was fixed to 1/250. That would mean that I wouldn't have to undergo amniosynthesis. That also means that my baby is healthy and perfectly normal.
Funny how wishes change once a mother becomes pregnant. At first, every father would want a boy, mother, a girl. Now that its my turn, regardless of the sex, first and foremost, I want him to be healthy and normal. With the result, we could certainly sleep with tranquility.
Just perfect!
Libellés : ParentTalk, Pregnancy