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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Brazil’s Lava Jato investigation: the biggest corruption scandal of the last decade


The largest and most infamous corruption scandal of the last decade began with a criminal investigation into the operations of Brazil’s largest corporation: Petrobras. The scandal got its name because the organizers of the bribery, kickback and money laundering scheme used a financial services company in Brasília located next to a gas station and car wash (Lava Jato). The investigation started with a seemingly minor complaint made in 2009 to the Federal Prosecutor’s office in Curitiba, Paraná, by a businessman concerned that somebody was using his company to launder money. Prosecutors followed this lead and discovered that political operators affiliated with the government had been funneling illegal campaign contributions from companies doing business with Petrobras in exchange for favourable treatment in construction contracts and in the procurement of goods and services.

The scandal exploded onto the national scene in 2014, when a team of highly motivated federal prosecutors mounted an aggressive investigation under the supervision of a judge with experience in public corruption cases (Sergio Moro). Unlike most corruption scandals, which typically lead to prolonged investigations and inconsequential legal outcomes, this scandal triggered an avalanche of information which destabilized governments in Brazil, Peru and Ecuador.

The first accusations centred on the construction of an oil refinery in Pernambuco, but the probe soon revealed it extended to other projects and every major construction company in Brazil. Unsurprisingly, the recipients of the bribes were high-level government functionaries, including both allies and opponents of the governing coalitions of President Lula da Silva and his successor Dilma Rousseff. The evidence extracted from the plea bargains negotiated by the prosecutors was unprecedented and, because shares of Petrobras are traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the indictments triggered investigations by regulatory and judicial authorities in the United States. Eventually, the sworn testimony of business executives collaborating in exchange for leniency forced the Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) to accelerate the prosecution of influential elected officials, including governors, members of Congress and eventually, of a sitting president (Temer).

The criminal investigation demonstrated how bribes distorted investment decisions by public officials. Reportedly, companies paid between one and three per cent of a contract’s gross value for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of overpriced construction projects. The kickbacks were laundered through domestic and offshore bank accounts, which allowed companies to camouflage the bribes as fees paid to legal firms and consulting companies or as the procurement of (overpriced) goods and services.

Petrobras officers benefited in exchange for their willingness to manipulate the terms of a public bidding process to favour a specific company, while companies conspired to divide up the lucrative contracts among themselves. Politicians were rewarded for their votes in Congress, while high-level functionaries in state ministries and regulatory agencies were rewarded for their loyalty to a political party. The task force eventually arrested 292 individuals, of whom 278 either pleaded guilty or were convicted of crimes that included fraud, bribery and money laundering. Prominent individuals from five of the country’s largest political parties were found guilty in a court of law, while persons from an additional thirteen parties were indicted for illegal activities and representatives from another fifteen parties were investigated for questionable behavior.

The cost to Petrobras was reflected in its balance sheet of 2014 when it registered a US$2 billion write-down to offset the bribes paid to the companies that had participated in the bid-rigging scheme. The investigation in the United States led to a 2018 settlement in which Petrobras agreed to pay US$853 million in fines levied by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), of which about 80% was returned to the Brazilian state. Shortly thereafter, the company settled a class-action civil suit filed on behalf of investors for an additional US$2.6 billion. A criminal investigation brought by the DOJ in Manhattan led to the arrest and conviction of the CEO of Odebrecht, Brazil’s largest construction company and, at the time, the country’s second-largest privately held company.

At the heart of the scandal was a secret agreement among thirteen construction companies, known as the Cartel de Empreiteiros, who agreed not to compete on individual Petrobras contracts. The conspiracy to defraud the government went well beyond the cartel’s business transactions with Petrobras and infected the Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC), a national programme to improve basic infrastructure and stimulate the national economy via public works projects. Between 2007 and 2015, the program allocated about R$2.1 trillion (about US$500 billion) to projects across the country. Assuming the custom of paying a bribe of between one and three per cent, the graft associated with the PAC could be as high as US$5 billion to US$15 billion. If those practices led to overbilling, however, then the total cost to the nation probably exceeded US$50 billion.

The impacts of the Lava Jato scheme are still reverberating through the Brazilian economy. Government resources were wasted on non-productive expenditures, and the scandal also delayed strategic investment in several key sectors. According to a study by a policy institute linked to labor unions, the Lava Jato scandal reduced investments, leading to a net loss of about 4.4 million jobs and a reduction of R$172 billion (US$34 billion) in investments in energy production and construction. An environmental activist might not bemoan the loss of those types of investments, but the Fundação Getulio Vargas estimated it reduced national GDP by about 3.5 per cent each year between 2014 and 2017 (US$ 10 billion to US$ 20 billion per year). This is a conservative estimate, however, because losses compound over time and inflict permanent damage on Brazilian society.

Arguably, the Lavo Jato scandal and the disillusionment with the political elite set the stage for the election of Jair Bolsonaro, whose actions threatened democratic institutions and led to a rollback of environmental regulations key to the conservation of the Amazon and the welfare of Indigenous communities. Bolsonaro was narrowly defeated by Inácio Lula da Silva in the 2022 elections; however, Lula must now govern a country where a significant share of the population sees him as a corrupt politician who is free thanks to a dubious decision by the Supreme Court.

Lava Jato in the Legal Amazon

The scandal has impacted the Pan Amazon in multiple ways, particularly by the construction of numerous infrastructure projects executed by the PAC and financed by SUDAM.

Many of these investments were controversial because their environmental and social impacts were not given appropriate due diligence as the decision-making process was tainted by conflicts of interest, including:

  • Urucu – Coari – Manaus Natural Gas Pipeline System: A construction consortium composed of Camarga Correa, OAS and Andrade-Gutiérrez admitted to paying kickbacks of R$ 15 million on total contracts of approximately R$ 1.5 billion. The total amount of fraud might be larger, however, because in 2007 a Petrobras petroleum engineer, now deceased, denounced over-billing equivalent to 50% of the total budget of R$2.5 billion, which by 2014 had increased to more than R$4.5 billion.
  • Madeira hydropower complex: These two dams were built and operated by two separate consortia. Energia San Antonio was built largely by Odebrecht, which has admitted paying bribes to politicians who supported the project. Energia Sustentável do Brasil was built by Tractebel, a French company that was not directly implicated in the Lava Jato scandal. Nonetheless, the fair value of the contract has been questioned following the revelation of campaign contributions of approximately R$1.8 million made by Tractabel to the Rousseff re-election campaign in 2014.
  • Belo Monte hydropower facility on the Xingu: Andrade Gutiérrez, Camargo Corrêa and Odebrecht pleaded guilty to kickbacks of R$ 150 million out of a R$ 2.6 billion contract. Payments were funneled to Senators Renan Calheiros (PMDB), Edison Lobão (PMDB), Valdir Raupp (PMDB), Romero Jucá (PMDB), Jader Barbalho (PMDB) and Delcídio do Amaral (PT). The charges against all five defendants were dismissed in 2023 following a judgment by the Tribunal Supremo Federal that prosecutors had acted inappropriately during the investigative phase of the prosecution.
  • Amazonian Highways: The Cuiabá – Santarem highway (BR-163) was paved at a cost of ~R$2 trillion (US$ 400 million); the ongoing improvement of the Transamazônica (BR-230) was budgeted at ~R$1.3 trillion (US$ 260 million); BR-364 in Acre was allocated R$1.1 trillion (US$230 million), and the ongoing pavement of BR-319 between Humaitá and Manaus received ~R$466 million (US$95 million).

Lava Jato in the Andean Amazon

The infrastructure investments in Brazil occurred simultaneously with a similar construction boom in Peru financed by multilateral investment banks via the Iniciativa para la Integración de la Infraestructura Regional Sudamericana (IIRSA). These investments in basic infrastructure were built by five members of the Brazilian cartel (Odebrecht, Andrade-Gutiérrez, Camargo-Corrêa, OAS, Queiroz Galvão), and Peru’s largest domestic construction company (Graña & Montero).

Odebrecht was the most active and participated in several high-profile projects not only as a contractor but also as an investor and concessionaire. These investments were made using the public-private partnership model promoted by the IDB, where the corporate partner raises the financial capital for construction in exchange for long-term management contracts. The companies met their investment obligations by borrowing money; because of an idiosyncrasy of international bond markets, however, the securities were classified as sovereign debt. Cost overruns plagued every project, and at least one was canceled, which has piled billions of dollars of debt onto the country’s sovereign balance sheet.

The Peruvian government estimates Odebrecht overcharged by at least US$283 million on contracts between 1998 and 2015; however, independent sources place that number at ~US$1.3 billion – approximately nine per cent of the debt associated with the various projects worth US$17 billion. The scandal calls into question multiple contracts over several decades, among them high-profile infrastructure projects in the Peruvian Amazon, including:

  • Corredor Interoceánico Sur. Built between 2005 and 2008 at approximately double the estimated cost of US$1.2 billion; this IIRSA-sponsored initiative was financed by the IDB, BNDES and Odebrecht, which was awarded a 25-year operating concession.
  • Corredor Interoceánico Norte. Built between 2005 and 2013 at a cost of US$1.2 billion; this IIRSA initiative was financed by the IDB, CAF and Odebrecht, which was awarded an operating concession lasting 25 years.

Both contracts were awarded during the administration of President Alejando Toledo (2001–2006), who has been accused of accepting a US$20 million bribe. Odebrecht (now Novonor) continues to operate both concessions, one of which is profitable (Norte) and one of which is not (Sur).

  • Central Hidroeléctrica Chagalla. This hydropower facility on the upper Huallaga River was built between 2010 and 2016 with a total investment of US$1.2 billion. The project was approved during the government of Alan García and financed by the IDB and BNDES. In 2017, Odebrecht sold its interest to a Chinese company for US$1.3 billion, presumably to reduce the debt on its balance sheet and prepare for its reorganisation under Brazil’s bankruptcy laws.
  • Gasoducto Sur Peruano was a US$7.4 billion project that was supposed to integrate southern Peru and northern Chile with the gas fields of Camisea. The concession was awarded in 2015 to a consortium composed of Odebrecht, Graña & Montero, and a Spanish energy company (ENEGAS). Odebrecht pled guilty to paying a US $5 million bribe to an executive of Petroperú and, allegedly, to then President Ollanta Humala (2011–2016). The allegations of graft forced the government of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski to cancel the project in 2017. In an audacious move, Odebrecht (now Novonor) sued the Peruvian state in 2020 for breach of contract and is demanding indemnification of US$ .2 billion.

According to the US Department of Justice, Odebrecht paid US$29 million in bribes to at least two and possibly four of Peru’s recent presidents. In 2018, Alejandro Toledo was indicted on charges of extortion and bribery, followed by similar charges against Alan García, Ollanta Humala and Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. Odebrecht also made contributions to the leading opposition candidate, Keiko Fujimori, who is being tried for money laundering and other crimes.

Ecuador terminated all government contracts with Odebrecht in 2008 following a dispute related to overbilling on the San Francisco Hydroelectric Power Plant; the company negotiated a return in 2010 by bribing the vice president with US$33.5 million, a sum hidden within its contract bid to construct a refinery for Petroecuador. The payoff, which was revealed in a US courtroom, was a precursor of an additional US$150 million in fraudulent charges between 2011 and 2015 at five mega-projects that were originally contracted at US$1.4 billion. These and other bribes were revealed in 2017 in the Escándalo de Sobornos, which led to the incarceration of the Odebrecht’s chief of operations and the former vice president who had solicited the bribe (Jorge Glas); the graft was approved with the knowledge and assent of then-President Rafael Correa, who was convicted in absentia and is currently living in exile in Belgium.

Brazilian construction companies began operating in Bolivia in 1987 as the country emerged from a period of economic instability when multilateral agencies provided special assistance loans for infrastructure projects. Andrade Gutiérrez was awarded several contracts that, although never subject to a serious investigation, were reported to have been awarded via a flawed, non-transparent bidding process. Odebrecht has adjudicated only one small project in Bolivia, and it was not implicated in the criminal case brought by the US Department of Justice. Nonetheless, declarations by defendants employed by Odebrecht in Peru and OAS in Brazil have alluded to payments made to Bolivian officials.

The most controversial project was awarded to OAS, which submitted an uncontested US$400 million bid to build a road that would transect the Territorio Indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro-Sécure (TIPNIS). This project, which was to be financed by BNDES, was put on hold when the Indigenous inhabitants of TIPNIS voted to reject the project. The government continues to insist that construction will move forward and has worked to change the decision made by the communities within the TIPNIS.

Law firm Simpson Thacher agrees to UK fine over money laundering rule breaches


U.S. law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett was fined 300,000 pounds ($389,069) on Wednesday over breaches of anti-money laundering rules at its London office.

The firm agreed to a settlement with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), which regulates solicitors in England and Wales, under which Simpson Thacher will also pay 62,000 pounds towards the SRA's legal costs.

Simpson Thacher admitted failing to have a firm-wide risk assessment between June 2017 and March 2020, as required by British money laundering regulations.

It also accepted not having a fully-compliant firm-wide risk assessment from March 2020 until February 2023, after the SRA announced it was bringing a regulatory case in August.

The SRA did not allege Simpson Thacher's admitted breaches led to any money laundering, but the regulator said in court filings, opens new tab that they created "an increased risk of money laundering".

A spokesperson for Simpson Thacher said in a statement that the firm's London office "acknowledges and regrets certain historic shortcomings in some of our UK AML (anti-money laundering) written policies".

The spokesperson added that the firm has "made significant investments to enhance our robust compliance function".

An SRA spokesperson said in a statement: "Money laundering is not a victimless crime and can have detrimental effects on many, many people.

"Solicitors have an important role to play in keeping the profits of crime out of the profession and the wider UK economy."

Simpson Thacher is the latest major law firm to face disciplinary action over alleged breaches of money laundering regulations.

Global law firm Clyde & Co was last year fined 500,000 pounds after admitting multiple breaches of money laundering regulations relating to a long-standing client.

The SRA's prosecution of fellow global firm Dentons was dismissed by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal in March. But that decision was overturned on appeal on Tuesday and the SRA's case was sent back to the tribunal.

Woman who accused Jay-Z of rape heard on recording saying lawyer pushed her to sue


The unnamed woman who alleged that Jay-Z raped her has been heard stating that he never sexually assaulted her in a new audio recording.

In a lawsuit filed last year, the rapper – real name Shawn Carter – was accused of drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl at a VMAs after-party in 2000, along with Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs.

The 55-year-old fiercely denied all allegations and the lawsuit was recently dropped, with the star now taking legal action against his accuser’s lawyer, Tony Buzbee.

In new audio obtained by ABC News, the woman, known only as Jane Doe, appeared to be heard during an interview with two private investigators, where she detailed her allegations.

A male official clarified the alleged assault, questioning: ‘But Jay-Z, you’re saying he was definitely there? But he had no part in it? Or he was just…’

‘He was there,’ Doe interjected.

A female investigator then asked: ‘He was just there, but he didn’t have anything to do with any sexual acts towards you, it was strictly…’

‘Yeah,’ she simply replied.

In a twist, she also alleged that it was Buzbee that ‘pushed her’ towards going forward with the allegations against Carter, having previously only named Combs in her initial lawsuit in October.

‘He was the one that kind of pushed me towards going forward with him, with Jay-Z,’ Doe said.

When the investigators clarified that she was referring to Buzbee, she said, ‘Yeah’, adding that she did not know why.

Buzbee hit back at her claims, branding it a ‘blatant lie’ that he spurred her to sue Carter.

‘As far as the suggestion that I pushed Jane Doe to bring a case against Jay Z – That is a blatant lie that is directly contrary to all the documentary evidence,’ he told the outlet in a statement.

The lawyer also shared his own audio footage with ABC News, in which he told his client: ‘They say they have you on tape denying that Jay-Z assaulted you. Is that true?’

Doe replied: ‘No, no. I don’t… I never said that.’

‘They also say that you told them – and they have it on tape – that I, Tony Buzbee, came up with this plan and told you to say that Jay-Z assaulted you so you would get more money,’ he responded.

‘No,’ she added.

Carter’s attorney, Alex Spiro, insisted that the first tape ‘speaks for itself’ in an interview with the publication.

‘She says in no uncertain terms Mr Carter did not do this,’ he added. ‘It’s effectively a lie and the only reason Mr Carter is even involved in this is because she was pushed to involve him.’

Doe filed a lawsuit in October, alleging that Combs sexually assaulted her as a teenager, in 2000 – the documents were refiled in December to include Carter.

According to the paperwork, obtained by NBC, she claimed that a friend dropped her off at the VMAs, which was held at Radio City Music Hall in New York, and she attempted to get a ticket to the ceremony, or an invite to an after-party.

She was reportedly driven to an after-party held at a white house with a U-shaped driveway, where she saw celebrities, and people doing drugs – she was offered a drink which made her feel ‘woozy, lightheaded and felt [like] she needed to lie down.’

After consuming the drink, she claims Carter and Combs entered the room she was resting in, when the latter told her: ‘You are ready to party.’

Doe alleges Carter then removed her clothes and they both raped her while an unnamed female celebrity watched – they have denied all the allegations.

After inconsistencies were discovered in Doe’s story, Carter’s lawsuit was dropped earlier this year – he is now suing Doe and Buzbee for defamation, civil extortion, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

He claimed that the allegations caused him severe financial damage, including the loss of $20million in business contracts.

NJ cop stole huge stash of drugs from evidence room and made $600K in questionable bank deposits


A New Jersey police lieutenant arrested for allegedly swiping narcotics from the county prosecutor’s evidence room was slapped with a 50-count indictment that detailed the fallen cop’s misdeeds — including $600,000 in bank deposits that didn’t come from his cop salary.

Kevin T. Matthew, 48, of Cedar Grove, has been suspended from his job at the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office since his December 2023 arrest.

On Wednesday, the state attorney general’s office announced a wide-ranging indictment that charged Matthew with stealing cocaine, heroin and fentanyl marked as evidence — and in quantities “consistent with an intent to distribute those substances,” officials said in a statement.

Matthew’s alleged crimes — which happened between January 2019 and November 2023 — included big bank deposits that added up to about $600,000.

This money — deposited in small increments to not trip the banks’ federal requirement to report transactions of more than $10,000 daily — was “not derived from or traceable to his salary and compensation as a sworn law enforcement officer,” the statement said.

“The alleged misconduct by the defendant represents a stunning, tremendous disservice to the public,” New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin said in the statement.

“This case highlights the corrosive effects that corruption can have on public safety and trust,” he continued. “Instead of making Bergen County safer, the indictment alleges the defendant repeatedly withdrew from the evidence vault large amounts of dangerous drugs that had already been seized by law enforcement.

“This alleged conduct was a betrayal of this officer’s colleagues, his agency, his community, and his oath, and the grand jury’s findings reflect the severity of this alleged behavior.”

The drugs Matthew allegedly stole were related to nine different criminal cases, the attorney general said.

Matthew has been charged with financial facilitation of a criminal activity, possession with intent to distribute, official misconduct, tampering with public records and other drug and financial crimes.

Chief of Police John Pelletier is accused of of helping cover up gang rape


Maui’s police chief has been accused in a bombshell court filing of helping to cover up a gang rape allegedly carried out by Sean “Diddy” Combs, NFL star Odell Beckham Jr. and comedian Druski.

Police Chief John Pelletier is accused of trying to conceal the violent attack on one of Combs’ accusers, Ashley Parham, after it was reported in 2018, according to an amended lawsuit filed in Northern California federal court.

The police chief and the celebrities accused of carrying out the attack have all strenuously denied the allegations.

Then a police captain in Las Vegas, Pelletier is accused of posing as a Contra Costa sheriff’s deputy when he responded to a 911 call about the alleged sexual attack at a home in Orinda, Calif., the court papers charge.

The accuser claims a neighbor — who she believed at the time was a good Samaritan — called cops after she fled the home in the wake of the alleged gang rape.

“Pelletier, falsely posing as a Contra Costa Sheriff, told [the alleged victim] and the neighbor that they had received several noise complaints prior to the neighbor’s call and instructed [Parham] to find a way to get home,” the filing states.

Pelletier allegedly didn’t offer to take the woman home, call an ambulance, take her to the hospital or help retrieve her belongings from the home she’d just fled, according to the suit.

The accuser alleges seeing the top cop hand what appeared to be an envelope to the neighbor.

“The neighbor went to a nearby room and quickly returned empty-handed,” the filing states, adding the alleged victim “believes the envelope contained cash.”

Parham’s initial lawsuit detailing the alleged assault, which was first filed last October, didn’t identify Pelletier by name. The initial suit also didn’t name Beckham Jr. or Druski.

Pelletier, Beckham Jr. and Druski have all strenuously denied the allegations now in the amended filing.

“We are confident that the evidence will demonstrate these claims to be false and will expose those who are deliberately trying to manipulate the legal system to spread misleading narratives,” a spokesperson for Pelletier said.

The initial suit claimed Combs threatened her with a knife and used a TV remote to rape the alleged victim in an apparent revenge attack after the woman had suggested a month earlier that the disgraced music mogul was involved in Tupac Shakur’s murder.

She alleges in the suit that a handful of other men then took turns raping her.

The attackers allegedly referred to Beckham as “Cornelius,” the amended lawsuit states, noting the 32-year-old athlete’s middle name is Cornelious.

“[The alleged victim] has come to discover the Defendant Doe Cornelius who raped her was Defendant Odell,” the lawsuit alleges.

Beckham said in a statement on X late Tuesday that he couldn’t “even believe that my name is mentioned in that matter.”

“There is absolutely no truth to those allegations,” he stated firmly. “I do not know and have never met the person that filed the suit.”

“I have never done anything like that, and I would never do anything like that to anyone,” he added. “I’m confident that these ridiculous claims against me will be dismissed.”

Elsewhere, Druski, whose real name is Drew Desbordes, is accused of putting oil on Parham’s naked body before “treating it like a slip and slide and knocking the wind out of [Parham] due to his enormous size,” the filing claims.

Druski then stopped himself from falling off the bed and allegedly raped Parham, the papers state.

Druski called it a “fabricated lie.”

“I wasn’t even a public figure in 2018 — I was broke living with my mom without any connections to the entertainment industry at the time of this allegation, so the inclusion of my name is truly outlandish,” he wrote on X.

“My heart breaks for actual victims of abuse, but I’m fully confident that the evidence will expose this falsehood and the individuals who are maliciously trying to game the legal system to peddle false narratives.”

Combs, for his part, has long denied the numerous claims leveled against him.

“This new complaint — brought by an attorney who has already been sued for defaming Mr. Combs — demonstrates the depraved lengths plaintiffs will travel to garner headlines in pursuit of a payday,” the rapper’s attorneys said in the wake of the amended suit.

“Mr. Combs was nowhere near Orinda, California on the day Ms. Parham claims she was assaulted there, and the Contra Costa Sheriff’s Department has already confirmed Ms. Parham’s claims were determined to be unfounded following a thorough investigation.”

“In an attempt to salvage her claims following the investigation debunking them, Ms. Parham has now invented an even wilder narrative, alleging a vast [and facially implausible] conspiracy between law enforcement, local civilians, and media industry players,” the attorneys added.

“Mr. Combs looks forward to having his day in court where these lies — and the perverse motives of those who told them — will be revealed.”

Showing Her True Colors ...Letitia James ‘Extremely Concerned’ About Arrest of Man Accused of Leading Jew-Hatred at Columbia

Letitia James, the New York attorney general, defended the former Columbia University student, whom federal agents arrested on Saturday night for allegedly supporting Hamas and who reportedly let anti-Israel protests on the Ivy League campus.

“I am extremely concerned about the arrest and detention of Mahmoud Khalil, an advocate and legal permanent resident of Palestinian descent,” James stated on Monday.

She added that her office “is monitoring the situation” and has been in contact with Khalil’s lawyer.

Missing Pitt student Sudiksha Konanki’s hometown sheriff names person of interest five days into search


Authorities in Virginia have identified a 24-year-old man as a person of interest in connection to University of Pittsburgh student SudikshaKonanki’s mysterious disappearance last week in the Dominican Republic, according to a report.

The sheriff’s office in Loudoun County, where the missing college student is from, told Fox News Digital that Iowa resident Joshua Ribe “has been interviewed at length” but has not been accused of foul play in what remains a missing persons case.

“Sheriff [Michael] Chapman wants to make sure the investigation is comprehensive and includes all possible assets and techniques,” a spokesperson for the sheriff, Thomas Julia, told Fox News Digital.

“We are working closely with the FBI on all of this, and they are working with the Dominican National Police.”

The 20-year-old pre-med student was on spring break with five friends at the Riu Republic Resort in Punta Cana on March 6 when she vanished. She was last seen on the beach and Ribe is believed to be the last person to see her alive.

The pair was last captured on surveillance footage walking with a group of friends toward the beach area around 4:15 a.m. Thursday, according to the Dominican Republic National Police.

Footage obtained by Noticias SIN showed Konanki seemingly clinging to Ribe, a fellow guest at the Caribbean resort, as the group walked onto the beach.

Konanki and several friends were on the beach before most of the group called it a night and headed back to their hotel, leaving the young woman on the sand along with her male companion, according to Dominican media.

Ribe, who traveled to the Dominican Republic from Iowa, gave authorities three different accounts of what happened after the two were alone on the beach, first telling cops he threw up from the rough surf and went back to shore — but asked Konanki if she was OK, according to local reports.

In the second version, he allegedly said he felt sick to his stomach and left the water, at which point he last saw the missing woman in knee-deep surf before he passed out.

He then told authorities he saw the Indian citizen and permanent US resident walking along the shore before he passed out on the sand.

Dominican police have not said if they suspect foul play, but said Ribe is cooperating with their investigation.

Local authorities have speculated that the spring breaker from Chantilly, Virginia, likely drowned after jumping into the ocean.

Jes Staley admits Jeffrey Epstein ‘became a friend’


The former bank boss Jes Staley pushed JP Morgan to keep Jeffrey Epstein as a client despite human trafficking concerns and told him suspicious withdrawals from his account were being investigated, a court has heard.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) put the allegations to the ex-chief executive of Barclays during his second day of witness testimony at the upper tribunal in London.

Staley, who resigned from Barclays in 2021, is trying to overturn the regulator’s decision to ban him from taking any senior roles in the UK financial sector after claiming he lied about the depth of his relationship with Epstein. Barclays declared to the regulator in a letter in 2019 that the two men “did not have a close relationship”.

Staley originally met Epstein in 2000 after he became head of JP Morgan’s private bank, where Epstein was a client, and continued their relationship after Staley was appointed to lead the investment bank in 2009.

The FCA’s lawyer Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KC presented the tribunal with a series of internal emails and notes from JP Morgan bosses, who were considering dumping Epstein as a client in 2011. The financier had been released from prison after being convicted in 2008 of soliciting prostitution from a minor.

In one, a senior boss in the compliance team said he had held a meeting with colleagues “to determine how to approach the issue with Jes Staley who is friends with Mr Epstein. He needs to understand the potential backlash to the firm given all the work done to root out clients involved in human trafficking”.

The court was also showed another note produced by JP Morgan bosses which said Staley had asked the bank’s top lawyer, Stephen Cutler, to “hear [Epstein] out”.

Mulcahy put to Staley that others at JP Morgan “appeared to be of the view … that you were the one pushing to retain Mr Epstein as a client”.

Staley denied the allegations saying “I don’t think that’s fair”, adding that while JP Morgan knew the two men had a relationship, the decision to exit a client such as Epstein was not his to make.

He admitted to putting Cutler in contact with Epstein’s lawyer, but said that if JP Morgan’s top lawyer “had wanted to let Epstein go as a client he had full latitude to do that and I would never stand in his way”.

Mulcahy also accused Staley of sharing confidential information with Epstein, particularly about how JP Morgan had concerns over human trafficking allegations against the financier and suspicious cash withdrawals from his account. She pointed to an email that Epstein subsequently sent to a senior boss in the private bank in September 2011, saying “Jes told me that there was [an issue] with reg cash with drawals [sic].”

Staley said that while he “was not part of managing the account” he did not deny that he told Epstein there were concerns about cash withdrawals.

Epstein died in prison in August 2019 while awaiting trial over charges on trafficking underage girls for sex.

Canada Prime Minister-elect Mark Carney looks chummy with Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell


Canada’s incoming prime minister, Mark Carney, has some photos with Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell that he’d rather you not see.

Opponents are circulating the 2013 photos, which show Carney smiling alongside Maxwell — who was convicted of sex trafficking in 2021. The shots were taken at a music festival in the UK.

Carney’s camp says that the images are nothing more than a political ploy ahead of the Canadian federal election later this year.

In the photos, the 59-year-old was joined by his wife and another man, all of whom appeared friendly with Maxwell as they laughed and gestured at the stage.

The images first recirculated online in January after Carney —a former governor of the central banks for both Canada and the UK — announced his bid to replace outgoing Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

They got a fresh airing after he was picked to lead the Liberal Party on Sunday and become the next prime minister.

But Carney’s camp insists there’s nothing to see in the photos, claiming he and Maxwell barely know each other.

“This is another example of how [Conservative leader] Pierre Poilievre and [his PR head] Jenni Byrne have always played politics and it shows again how terrified they are to fight Mark Carney,” a source told the Toronto Sun in January.

Carney’s connection to Maxwell was extremely removed, the source said, explaining she went to high school with his sister-in-law.

“They have bumped into each other in public settings,” the source said. “They are not friends.”

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Bob Levinson's South Florida family marks another year without answers on his birthday


The South Florida family of Bob Levinson, the retired FBI agent and Coral Springs resident who was abducted in Iran 18 years ago, continues to search for answers as they mark another difficult milestone.

Levinson's son, Daniel, reflected on the pain of his father's disappearance, which happened just one day before his birthday.

"Today would be my dad's 77th birthday," Daniel Levinson said. "Back in 2007, we were going to have a big celebration, but we never heard from him again. This time of year is always difficult."

Family keeps Levinson's memory alive

Levinson was working with a private company in Iran when he was taken and he is now presumed dead. Despite the years of uncertainty, his family continues to honor him.

"We always make sure to have a family FaceTime where everyone gathers," Daniel said. "We have a quick toast in honor of my dad."

FBI pledges to keep investigating

The FBI has vowed to continue its efforts to determine what happened to Levinson. Brett Skiles, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's Miami field office, said the case remains a priority.

"There are cases we're famous for staying on until we get answers," Skiles said. "Don't think for one minute that we're going to rest or let this go."

The FBI is currently searching for two Iranian intelligence officers believed to have played a role in Levinson's kidnapping.

Push for justice continues

Despite nearly two decades without closure, the Levinson family remains determined to hold those responsible accountable.

"We're going to keep trying to find out who was ultimately responsible, how we can get justice for my dad and how we're going to hold the Iranians accountable," Daniel said.

Members of the Levinson family recently met with new FBI Director Kash Patel, who assured them that the agency remains committed to the case and continues to pursue new leads.


Russian billionaire Vlad Doronin has sold his Miami home


A Russian billionaire has set a new record for Miami-Dade county with the $120 million sale of his Star Island estate — but the home may not be around for much longer.

The residence, which once belonged to retired NBA star Shaquille O’Neal, is rumored to be a teardown purchase.

Developer Vladislav Doronin bought the home from O’Neal for $16 million in 2009. The Real Deal and the South Florida Business Journal reported news of the sale.

The rare slice of Miami Beach’s Star Island takes up a coveted corner lot.

A small part of it was built in 1924, the South Florida Business Journal reported, but a majority of the home went up in 1992. Doronin’s company made renovations nearly 20 years later in 2011.

The sprawling abode includes eight bedrooms, nine bathrooms and three half-bathrooms, not to mention a pool, a private dock and a tennis court.

But despite the luxurious digs, The Post has learned that the next owner may be planning to tear down the waterfront estate, which sits on increasingly valuable land.

Star Island, a man-made isle in Miami Beach, is a star-studded locale with little more than 30 properties that rarely list. Gloria Estefan, Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias are among those who have called the small island home over the years. Star Island became the country’s most expensive neighborhood in 2023.

'Ghost Adventures' Aaron Goodwin's Wife Victoria, Arrested, Allegedly Tried to Hire Hitman


In a shocking turn of events, Ghost Adventures star Aaron Goodwin's wife, Victoria Goodwin, has been arrested on charges of plotting to have him murdered. The 48-year-old paranormal investigator was reportedly the target of a disturbing scheme involving an inmate in a Florida prison, authorities confirmed.

Victoria, 31, was taken into custody last week following an investigation that uncovered her attempts to hire a hitman to kill her husband. According to reports from TMZ, Victoria sought out a prison inmate in October 2024 to arrange for the murder, offering a total payment of $11,515 for the job.

Police also discovered a disturbing exchange of text messages, where Victoria allegedly asked, "Am I a bad person? Because I chose to end his existence. Not divorce."

The authorities uncovered the plot when prison officials discovered messages on the inmate's phone. Victoria was arrested on charges of solicitation to commit murder and conspiracy to commit murder. At the time of the arrest, she was being held on $100,000 bail.

Victoria allegedly initiated the discussions about ending her marriage after it became apparent she was unhappy with her relationship. In one message, she admitted to the inmate that her marriage was in distress, and said, "I told him I was unhappy, but I just want out."

Victoria’s shocking plan came to light while Aaron was filming Ghost Adventures in California, and she had provided the inmate with details of his whereabouts during his travels. The alleged plot involved Victoria sending a down payment of $2,500 to the hitman. Police are investigating further as they piece together the details of the scheme.

While the situation unfolded, Aaron had no knowledge of his wife’s alleged intentions. In fact, he appeared to be enjoying a happy marriage, recently sharing a picture on Instagram from a Valentine’s Day outing with Victoria. Fans were left stunned as they speculated over the irony of his post amidst the unfolding news.

“Sending you love and light Aaron you’re a great guy,” one user commented on his Instagram, while another expressed shock saying, “What an awful thing for your wife to do. I’m so sorry.”

Victoria has denied the accusations, claiming the messages were the result of "daydreaming or fantasizing about being without her husband." She insists she never had any intention to follow through with the plot and attributed the communication to moments of distress.

As the investigation continues, fans and loved ones have rallied behind Aaron, with many expressing their disbelief and offering support through social media.

Victoria's arrest has shaken the Ghost Adventures community, and Zak Bagans, Aaron's co-host, has stated that the situation has been emotionally taxing for the TV star, adding that he is “trying to give him love and support.”

Fans are left reeling as this unsettling story continues to unfold, leaving many to wonder what the true nature of the couple’s relationship was like behind the scenes.

Danit Ehrlich's Body Found in Montana after two weeks of searches

The body of Danit Ehrlich, a 33-year-old American-Israeli woman, was recovered on Monday according to CBS News.

Ehrlich's body was found just hours after her family held a memorial for her in F
lorida. Her family and friends were still gathered when they received the call that her body had been found, according to statements on Facebook.

Ehrlich and her dog Bamba were reported missing two weeks ago on February 21 at a dog park in Missoula, Montana, and authorities have been searching for them ever since.

On Monday, CBS NEWS reported that her body was found by a passerby who spotted her in Clark Fork River in Montana. A preliminary coroner's exam identified the body to be Ehrlich.

Bamba has not been found.

"She was a lovely, lovely girl. She really, she touched people," said Ehrlich's father, Simon Ehrlich.

Ehrlich's boyfriend told CBS Colorado, that "It hurts really bad to know my love, my soulmate isn't here."

"I didn't realize how much I was hanging on to the small sliver of hope I had about her possibly being alive. It brings closure and it brings a sense of finality. It's broken me to know the truth… she was the love of my life, she was the most beautiful woman and caring woman I've ever known.

She has an amazing family… She was loved so loudly in death. So many of us will carry Danit and her love of animals and her friends with us. Pictures can only do so much justice to the amazing spirit that she was."

InfoWars reporter Jamie White ‘brutally murdered’


Jamie White, who worked for the controversial InfoWars site, was killed Sunday night in Texas, according to multiple reports.

InfoWars founder Alex Jones said Monday that White was a reporter for his network and site, and told his viewers that he was “brutally murdered.”

Jones blamed George Soros, Austin’s District Attorney and Democrats for White’s death, although he didn’t exactly explain why or how they were responsible.

Reports stated that police said the incident took place in a residential neighborhood of South Austin Sunday night.

Austin Police said they arrived on the scene at around 11:59 p.m. to find “an adult male with obvious signs of trauma.” He was reportedly transported to the hospital where he later died.

His death is being investigated as a homicide.

Jones said Monday on air that White worked on Sunday before he was killed.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Two men face US trial over Iran-backed plot to kill dissident


Two men accused of being members of a Russian organized crime group will face trial in the United States on Monday over what prosecutors call an unsuccessful Tehran-backed attempt to kill an Iranian dissident living in New York.

Federal prosecutors say Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard Corps in 2021 hired Rafat Amirov and Polad Omarov, members of a "Russian mob" sub-group, to kill an Iranian American journalist and activist who has spoken out against the Iranian government's treatment of women.

Amirov, 45, and Omarov, 40, have pleaded not guilty to murder for hire and attempted murder in aid of racketeering.

Omarov's lawyer, Elena Fast, said in a statement, "Mr. Omarov is presumed innocent." Amirov's lawyers did not respond to a request for comment. In court papers, lawyers for both men have said it was "inaccurate" to refer to them as members of the Russian mob.

Prosecutors have not named the target of the alleged plot, who they have said in court papers is expected to testify at the trial.

Masih Alinejad, a journalist who left Iran in 2009, has told Reuters she was the target of both the alleged murder plot and a previous alleged attempt by Iranian intelligence officers to kidnap her and take her to Iran.

Alinejad has brought attention to women in Iran protesting laws requiring head coverings, as well as accounts of Iranians killed in demonstrations in 2019.

"I am very excited to join the public trial as a witness to testify against those who were hired by the Islamic Republic to kill me," Alinejad said in an interview on Friday. "It's like I've been given a second life."

The trial, before U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon, kicks off with jury selection on Monday in Manhattan federal court.

The charges were part of a broader push by the Justice Department during former President Joe Biden's administration to crack down on transnational repression, or efforts by U.S. adversaries like Iran and China to silence dissidents on American soil.

The two-week trial could provide a window into alleged ties between Iran's government and criminal organizations prosecutors say it hires to do its "dirty work."

A representative of Iran's U.N. mission did not respond to a request for comment on the trial of Amirov and Omarov.

U.S. prosecutors in 2021 brought charges against four Iranian intelligence officers over the alleged kidnapping plot. They are at large, and Tehran has called the allegations baseless.

The alleged murder plot came to light in 2022, when Khalid Mehdiyev - an alleged co-conspirator of Amirov and Omarov - was arrested outside Alinejad's New York home with an AK-47 rifle.

Prosecutors say a Revolutionary Guard brigadier general named Ruhollah Bazghandi began monitoring Alinejad in July 2021. They say Bazghandi later hired Amirov, an alleged Russian mob leader living in Iran at the time, to kill her. Omarov and Mehdiyev are also part of the mob, prosecutors said.

Bazghandi was also charged, but is not in U.S. custody.

Mehdiyev, 26, pleaded not guilty to murder-for-hire charges in February 2023, but the status of his case is unclear. Prison records show he was released from U.S. custody on May 19, 2023.

Neither a Justice Department spokesperson nor a lawyer for Mehdiyev responded to requests for comment.

Israel among the world's top arms traders, SIPRI report finds


Israel is one of the world's largest arms importers and exporters, according to a report published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The data, covering the years 2020-2024, ranks Israel as the world's 15th-largest arms importer during this period, down one spot from 2015-2019. Israel accounts for 1.9% of global arms imports. The United States is Israel's largest arms supplier, accounting for 66% of its imports, followed by Germany with 33% and Italy with 1%. According to data published by the U.S. State Department in January, U.S. arms exports to Israel in 2024 included an $18.8 billion deal for F-15 aircraft.

In addition to its imports, Israel is also the world’s eighth-largest arms exporter, responsible for 3.1% of global arms sales during this period. Among the countries to which Israel exports weapons are the U.S., India, and Germany, where it supplies 13% of arms imports. Israel is also a major supplier to Morocco, the UK, and the Philippines, where it accounts for 27% of imports.

Globally, the U.S. remains the largest arms exporter, with its market share continuing to grow. From 2015-2019, it accounted for 35% of global arms exports, a figure that has risen to 43% for the period 2020-2024. The U.S. supplied arms to 107 countries during this time. However, for the first time in over 20 years, Europe has overtaken the Middle East as the largest recipient of U.S. arms exports, largely due to the war in Ukraine. Despite this shift, Saudi Arabia remains the single largest buyer of U.S. weapons.

"The U.S. is in a unique position when it comes to arms exports. At 43%, its market share is four times higher than that of the second-largest exporter, France," said Mathew George, one of the report’s authors.

In contrast, Russia’s arms exports declined sharply, falling by 64% during the period examined. This downward trend began even before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia is now the world’s third-largest arms exporter, behind the U.S. and France, followed by China, Germany, Italy, the UK, and Israel. Spain and South Korea round out the top ten.

On the import side, Ukraine became the world’s largest arms importer during the period under review, with its imports increasing nearly 100-fold compared to the previous period. This surge is directly linked to the war with Russia, which began in 2022. Since the invasion, approximately 35 countries have supplied weapons to Ukraine, and additional shipments are still in progress. As a result, Ukraine accounted for 8.8% of global arms imports between 2020 and 2024. The United States was Ukraine’s primary supplier, providing 45% of imported weapons—a trend that may shift in the next reporting period due to the hostile stance taken by U.S. President Donald Trump toward Ukraine.

Other key suppliers to Ukraine include Germany (12%) and Poland (11%). Ukraine is also the only European country among the world's top ten arms importers, though many other European nations have significantly increased their arms purchases. Arms imports by European NATO member states more than doubled during the period in question. The United States was the largest supplier, followed by France, South Korea, Germany, and Israel. These figures underscore the challenge facing European leaders as they seek to reduce their military dependence on the U.S. amid shifting American foreign policy. European nations remain major buyers of F-35 fighter jets and Patriot air defense systems.

Other major arms importers include India, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Japan, Australia, Egypt, the U.S., and Kuwait.

“Regional conflicts and geopolitical tensions continue to drive up demand for arms in the Middle East,” said Zain Hussain of SIPRI. “Given the scale of future arms deliveries, the Middle East will remain a key region for arms imports.”

Top 10 Arms Exporters in the World

10. South Korea

9. Spain

8. Israel

7. United Kingdom

6. Italy

5. Germany

4. China

3. Russia

2. France

1. USA

Top 10 Arms Importers in the World

10. Kuwait

9. USA

8. Egypt

7. Australia

6. Japan

5. Pakistan

4. Saudi Arabia

3. Qatar

2. India

1. Ukraine

Trump Justice Department fires head of organized crime drug task force


The head of a key U.S. Justice Department task force that combats drugs and organized crime was fired on Friday, amid a move by President Donald Trump's administration to purge or sideline career officials.

Adam Cohen, who was director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces, in a social media post said he had been fired by Deputy Attorney General Todd Blanche, Trump's former criminal defense attorney who was confirmed to the department's No. 2 role by the U.S. Senate on Wednesday.

Cohen's firing came just 18 hours after Blanche released a memo that Cohen had helped him draft which announced that the task force he led would be playing a new leading role in combating illegal immigration, as part of an initiative dubbed "Operation Take Back America."

"It was a shock," Cohen wrote of his firing on LinkedIn, noting he had been meeting regularly with leadership to discuss violent crime initiatives.

"Putting bad guys in jail was as apolitical as it gets," he wrote. "My personal politics were never relevant. Not until yesterday."

Cohen's firing is one of the latest examples of the Trump administration removing or sidelining career Justice Department officials, who typically keep their positions across presidential administrations.

Also on Friday, three assistant U.S. attorneys in the Southern District of New York, including two who were involved in prosecuting the corruption case against New York Mayor Eric Adams, were placed on administrative leave, according to an internal email by acting U.S. Attorney Matthew Podolsky that was seen by Reuters.

The three attorneys' removal comes after eight Justice Department attorneys in Washington and New York resigned in protest after refusing to file a motion to dismiss the corruption charges against Adams.

The email identified the prosecutors involved in Adams' case as Celia Cohen and Andrew Rohrbach.

"We were given no notice, nor asked for our views on this decision, with which I disagree," Podolsky wrote.

"On that case and others, Celia and Andrew did the right thing, for the right reasons, in the right way - every single day."

The third, Alex Kristofcak, who works on civil litigation, was also placed on leave in response to comments he made on social media, the email said.

In those comments, Kristofcak criticized Washington, D.C.'s interim U.S. attorney, Ed Martin, after he warned Georgetown University Law School that he would not hire its students unless the school removed diversity, equity and inclusion from its curriculum.

"This is a grotesque abuse of power," Kristofcak wrote of Martin.

"I am so sorry for my colleagues in DC who have this thug of a boss."

A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York declined to comment.

Other career department officials were also fired Friday, including pardon attorney Liz Oyer and Bobak Talebian, who oversaw the handling of Freedom of Information Act requests.

The mob is worried and dirty cop Hector Rosario, is a dead man walking


A former longtime police detective has been convicted of lying to the FBI to protect a Mafia family in a bombshell case that played out in court last week.

Hector Rosario, 51, was paid thousands of dollars by the Bonanno crime family to protect their illicit gambling operations at chess clubs, gelato parlors and shoe repair shops around Long Island while staging fake raids on rival dens from 2013.

Though the former Nassau County cop was acquitted on Wednesday of his top charge - obstructing justice - following a tense seven-day trial in Brooklyn federal court, he could be jailed for up to five years for lying to FBI agents.

Organized crime expert Dr Declan Hill told Rosario now faces a grisly fight for survival behind bars - while former Mafia boss Anthony Arillotta revealed how the local gang networks are likely to react.

Dr Hill, an associate professor at the University of New Haven, added that he doubts the crooked cop acted alone within local law enforcement.

'I can't think of a larger target to paint on your back than being a dirty cop in prison,' Dr Hill told

'There are thousands of inmates who are going to hate him. He's going to need to be in a protected unit if he has any hope of surviving.

'As a low-level flunky who sold himself to the Bonanno crime family, I can't use words strong enough to describe what's going to happen to him in prison.

'He's not going to get any support from law enforcement because he sold the badge for very little financial reward.

'And he betrayed the Bonannos, so he's got no protection from them. He's living out a death sentence now.'

Arillotta, 56, a former boss in the Genovese gang which rivals the Bonanno family, agreed that Rosario is 'going to have issues' in jail.

'I was in prison for 13 years and I know that former cops, a lot of them get killed,' the Massachusetts-based reformed mobster told

'Usually what they do with cops is they put them in a protected custody wing where they are not around the other inmates - the ones that could do harm to them.'

Arillotta added though that if Rosario survives jail, he's unlikely to face any trouble from the local Mafia groups on the outside because there's no financial gain in going after him.

However, the public court case could shake the foundations of the Bonannos - one of the five major Italian-American crime families that have been dominating the Northeast US Mafia scene for decades.

'If anyone has a problem, it's the guys that were giving Rosario the money to go after the families. I have been involved in murders for these kind of reasons,' Arillotta said.

'I don't know if they will kill them, but they will have issues.'

Rosario's case represents only the tip of the iceberg in terms of local police affiliation with Mafia gangs, according to Dr Hill.

'I'm sure there are other crooked cops like him out there,' the professor told 'He was not acting alone'.

Dr Hill said the case highlights 'the level of corruption that's necessary for the mob to survive - the cooperation between the overworld and the underworld'.

Rosario was indicted in 2022 along with eight members and associates of the Bonanno and Genovese crime families after a year-long investigation into racketeering and illegal gambling on Long Island.

Nassau County Police Department fired him after 15 years of service, shortly after the indictment. He was the only defendant who didn't accept the plea deal, and his case went to trial.

The prosecution's argument relied on testimony from three mobsters, including Damiano Zummo, a Bonanno soldier who recounted the night Rosario staged a fake police raid in 2013 on Sal's Shoe Repair shop run by the Genovese family.

Zummo told the court they planned for Rosario to 'go in there and just intimidate them in the hopes that it would close down'.

Wearing a police badge, Rosario burst in with two associates and destroyed a gambling machine by smashing it with a flashlight.

The store owner, Sal Rubino, said he saw the bust and felt that 'something was not right' because Rosario did not confiscate anything or ask for ID - and he didn't leave in a cop car.

Australian police: Organized crime network faked synagogue bomb attack plot


An alleged plan to attack a Sydney synagogue using a trailer packed with explosives was fabricated by an organized crime network in order to divert police resources, Australian authorities said Monday.

Police in January found explosives in a trailer, or caravan, that could have created a blast wave of 40 meters (130 feet), along with the address of a Sydney synagogue.

But officers said Monday that the discovery was part of a “criminal con job.” The ease with which the trailer was found along with the lack of a detonator suggests there was never any intention to attack Jewish targets.

“The caravan was never going to cause a mass casualty event but instead was concocted by criminals who wanted to cause fear for personal benefit,” Krissy Barrett, the Australian Federal Police’s deputy commissioner for national security, told a news conference.

“Almost immediately, experienced investigators… believed that the caravan was part of a fabricated terrorism plot – essentially a criminal con job,” she said.

Out of an “abundance of caution,” police followed up terrorism-related tipoffs over the purported plot rather than making public their belief that the information was fake, Barrett said.

Organized criminals in Australia and offshore contrived the scheme, she said.

“Put simply, the plan was the following: organize for someone to buy a caravan, place it with explosives and written material of antisemitic nature, leave it in a specific location, and then, once that happened, inform law enforcement about an impending terror attack against Jewish Australians,” Barrett said.

Police suspect that the person “pulling the strings” hired local criminals to carry out the hoax in the hope of getting “changes to their criminal status,” she said.

Barrett declined to elaborate on the motivation but said criminals sometimes seek to leverage information to get a reduced jail sentence or other benefits.

Jewish group expressed alarm at the revelation.

“The possible role of organized crime in orchestrating major antisemitic attacks adds a chilling new element to the antisemitism crisis,” Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin said in a statement. “Synagogues have been burned, childcare centers have been burned, and whether it’s been done for financial gain or as part of an antisemitic ideology or movement, in either case, it’s equally terrifying.”

Ryvchin said the revelations hadn’t brought any great relief to the Jewish community.

“Now we have organized crime seeking to intimidate and terrorise the Jewish community for some unknown and bewildering reasons. It seems to raise more questions than it answers. It certainly won’t lead to a mass outpouring of relief on the part of the Jewish community,” Ryvchin said.

“Part of the motivation for this attack was to install fear in the Jewish community, which has been on knife’s edge since the seventh of October, and we need to remain vigilant,” said Jeremy Leibler, president of the Zionist Federation of Australia, referring to the Hamas terror group’s October 7, 2023, attack on Israel, which started the war in Gaza.

Police have yet to make any arrests in relation to the planning of the fabricated plot, but have gone public with the information in order to provide comfort to the Jewish community in Sydney, Dave Hudson, New South Wales Police deputy commissioner, told the news conference.

“It was about causing chaos within the community, causing threat, causing angst, diverting police resources away from their day jobs, to have them focus on matters that would allow them to get up to or engage in other criminal activity,” Hudson said.

Police are investigating a suspect involved in an organized crime network, he added.

Separately, detectives probing a string of antisemitic incidents across Sydney arrested 14 people Monday, Hudson told reporters.

Following the simultaneous raids in eastern Sydney, five of the suspects had been charged with offenses including spray-painting graffiti and property damage, state police said.

None of those arrested displayed “any form of antisemitic ideology,” Hudson said.

Investigations into attacks on two Sydney synagogues, the fire bombings of cars, and the spraying of “abhorrent graffiti” on cars and houses indicated it was only “a very, very small group — and potentially one individual behind all these matters,” he said.

Police suspect the same “individual or individuals” were behind both the antisemitic attacks and the trailer hoax, Hudson said.

Leibler thanked police for “taking this seriously and for making these arrests.”

“While on the one hand, the findings provide some relief to the Jewish community, it does not take away from the fact that we’ve had an explosion of antisemitism in this country,” he added.

Australia has suffered a spate of antisemitic attacks since the start of the war, with homes, schools, synagogues and vehicles targeted by vandalism and arson, drawing the ire of the country’s traditional ally Israel.

The number of anti-Jewish incidents in the country quadrupled in the year after the October 7 attack, according to data from the Executive Council of Australian Jewry.

In December 2024, New South Wales launched Strike Force Pearl, whose team includes counter-terrorism and special tactics officers, to investigate antisemitic hate crimes in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, following an arson attack on the Adass Synagogue.

Australia’s federal police also launched Operation Avalite to investigate the surge in antisemitic crimes.

Odell Beckham Jr., comedian Druski accused of 2018 gang rape in amended Diddy lawsuit


An alleged victim who’s sued Sean “Diddy” Combs is now accusing NFL star Odell Beckham Jr. and comedian Druski of gang raping her in 2018 with the disgraced music mogul.

The former New York Giants wide receiver allegedly took part in the violent sexual assault of Combs accuser Ashley Parham inside an Orinda, Calif, house in March 2018, the amended federal lawsuit filed on Friday claimed.

During the alleged gang rape, other defendants allegedly referred to Beckham as “Cornelius,” the lawsuit states. The 32-year-old athlete’s middle name is Cornelious.

“Plaintiff has come to discover the Defendant Doe Cornelius who raped her was Defendant Odell,” the lawsuit alleges.

The new allegations were lodged as part of Parham’s suit against Combs in the Northern District of California.

A text and email sent to an agent who represents Beckham was not immediately returned Sunday night. A Post reporter was hung up on when calling a number for the agent, Zeke Sandhu.

A lawyer for Beckham did not return comment.

Another high-profile name added to the amended lawsuit Friday was comedian and actor Druski, whose real name is Drew Desbordes.

The 30-year-old was also accused in the suit of participating in the gang rape, but strongly denied the accusations and said he was “fully confident” he would be found innocent in a statement Sunday night.

“This allegation is a fabricated lie. I wasn’t even a public figure in 2018 – I was broke living with my mom without any connections to the entertainment industry at the time of this allegation, so the inclusion of my name is truly outlandish,” he wrote on X.

“My heart breaks for actual victims of abuse, but I’m fully confident that the evidence will expose this falsehood and the individuals who are maliciously trying to game the legal system to peddle false narratives.”

In response to Druski’s statement, Beckham Jr., 32, tweeted: “Boy I’ll tell u what. This world makes absolutely no sense. I am covered by God. He will prevail. I kno who am I , I kno who u are, keep ur head. That name will be cleared. S–ts stupid”.”

Druski is accused of putting oil on the alleged victim Parham’s naked body before “treating it like a slip and slide and knocking the wind out of [Parham] due to his enormous size,” the lawsuit claims.

He then stopped himself from falling off the bed and allegedly raped Parham, the lawsuit states.

The legal action was first brought in October by Parham against Combs, who has faced an avalanche of civil suits with sickening sexual allegations and has been hit with federal charges of sex trafficking, racketeering and fraud.

The rapper allegedly used a television remote to rape Parham in a bid for revenge after Parham said the month before she believed Combs had something to do with Tupac’s murder, according to the lawsuit. 

Combs has also denied all wrongdoing. 

If you have been sexually assaulted and live in New York, you can call 1-800-942-6906 for free and confidential crisis counseling. If you live outside the state, you can dial the 24/7 National Sexual Assault hotline at 1-800-656-4673.

A rare look at Israel’s most insular Hasidic sect, Toldot Aharon


Among the narrow alleys of Jerusalem’s ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods, women hurry along, pushing baby strollers. Their shaved heads are wrapped tightly in black headscarves. Progress seems to have bypassed them, their world far removed from modern society. So removed, in fact, that few realize they still sit at home and sew.

Dr. Sima Zalcberg-Blak set out to explore the lives of these women — members of the Toldot Aharon Hasidic sect. "It all started during a taxi ride to Professor Menachem Friedman, my doctoral advisor. My dissertation was initially about Haredi employment and economics," she recalled.

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"A Belz Hasidic woman sitting next to me told me about the evolution of women's employment in the Hasidic world but added a caveat: 'Except for one sect — Toldot Aharon. There, women just sit at home and sew. That's all they do.' At that moment, I knew I had a new dissertation topic."

Friedman was skeptical. How would she penetrate the tightly closed world of these women? Who would agree to speak with her? Undeterred, Zalcberg-Blak began her research in the streets of Mea Shearim, approaching women, introducing herself and asking to speak with them.

"They turned their backs and said, 'We don't speak Hebrew.'" She visited local stores, sought help and even went to the neighborhood's ritual bath. There, women welcomed her warmly, but the supervisor forbade conversations with her, fearing a "desecration of God's name."

Just as she was about to give up, she received a surprising invitation from a senior figure in the sect — to attend the wedding celebration of the rebbe's grandson. Reluctantly, she took a seat at one of the tables and was astonished when the women around her bombarded her with questions while sharing their own stories.

They introduced her to a hospitable family and, from there, the doors opened. After seven years of countless conversations, attending sect events and meeting senior women, she was able to paint a vivid picture of Toldot Aharon women.

Zalcberg-Blak, now a senior faculty member at Ariel University's School of Social Work, comes from a religious Zionist background, though her father was a Kozhnitz Hasid. She earned her doctorate in sociology from Bar-Ilan University.

Her book, “They Still Sit and Sew”, offers an in-depth look into the insular world of Toldot Aharon women, part of one of Israel's most extreme Hasidic sects.

Toldot Aharon was founded in 1921 by Rabbi Aharon Roth. His son-in-law, Rabbi Avrohom Yitzchok Kohn, succeeded him, and in 1996 leadership passed to Rabbi David Kohn, 78, the current rebbe. The sect, numbering nearly 2,000 families, is the largest faction within the ultra-Orthodox community.

Like other Haredi groups, Toldot Aharon fiercely opposes Zionism and the State of Israel. Its men are easily recognizable by their striped caftans, which change color from weekday to Sabbath wear — nicknamed "zebra" attire in Haredi slang.

The women also have a distinct appearance, wearing a tightly wrapped black headscarf, replaced with a white one on the Sabbath.

Women in the sect strictly shave their heads, leaving no hair on their scalps. Unlike in other Hasidic communities, where such a practice might be a stringency, for Toldot Aharon women, it's a fundamental religious obligation.

Many view it as nearly sacrosanct. One rabbi remarked: "You might see a few women here without a black headscarf, but shaving — every single one does it. Otherwise, it's as if they converted out."

A woman who refuses to shave won't find a marriage match within the sect. Some women shave once a month, usually before immersing in the mikvah, while others do so every two weeks.

In many cultures, head shaving is seen as humiliating and degrading to women. So why do Toldot Aharon women submit to this practice month after month? Are they coerced, or is it purely a matter of religious commitment?

Zalcberg-Blak found their perspective to be strikingly different. "For these women, shaving is an identity marker that places them at the pinnacle of religious and modest living," she explained. Newlywed brides undergo their first head shave in a festive ceremony where older women cut their hair while showering them with praise and gifts, including jewelry.

 “Many see the headscarf and shaved head as bringing redemption closer, instilling a sense of pride. "One woman told me, 'Our daughters know this is what makes us special — we’re the only ones who do it properly.'"

The religious significance of shaving is reflected in a widely told story within the sect. A righteous woman appeared to her daughter in a dream after her death, saying she was denied entry into the highest level of heaven.

The reason? A single strand of her hair had peeked out during her lifetime. "After I heard that story, there were no more doubts," said one Toldot Aharon woman. "That’s it. There's no other way. And it’s a true story."

What about aesthetics? "There’s certainly an element of rationalization," Zalcberg-Blak noted. "Women genuinely believe their post-wedding appearance is more beautiful. One bride told me: 'Bald is beautiful for everyone. Even secular women shave their heads these days.' They see beauty as tied to religious purity, making their look not just aesthetically pleasing but spiritually ideal. Some also say that without hair, their facial features stand out more, making them look better."

‘Building a Torah home’

While ultra-Orthodox women from other sects have increasingly entered the workforce in fields like tech, architecture and finance, Toldot Aharon women remain rooted in traditional gender roles — raising children, cooking and sewing.

"This is one reason why both men and women in the sect have limited formal education and their primary language is Yiddish," Zalcberg-Blak explained. "Sect leaders don't want women exposed to the outside world. The strong push for traditional roles leaves them with few practical skills for employment, even if they wanted to work."

What do they study? "They learn some history — but only Jewish history. Zionism isn’t mentioned. Science is taught at a basic level under the title 'Wonders of the Creator.' Much of their schooling is devoted to 'practical studies' — cooking, baking and sewing."

One female sect leader elaborated: "We try to make school practical. A girl should leave with something useful for life... The goal is to build a Torah home. If a husband is to study full-time, his wife must support him financially."

Sewing is a skill every Toldot Aharon woman learns from childhood and proficiency in cooking and baking is a source of pride.

Their religious studies are also distinct — not just in what they learn, but in what they don’t. Girls in elementary school don’t study the Bible directly from texts. Instead, teachers present it orally, omitting portions that reference sexuality, such as the stories of Judah and Tamar or the Levite’s concubine. They receive a specially adapted version of the Torah in Yiddish, stripped of "problematic" content.

Cracks in the system

"Almost every family has someone with one foot out the door or who has left the Hasidic sect entirely," one woman told the researcher. Zalcberg-Blak avoided sweeping generalizations but acknowledges that cracks are indeed forming in the community’s strict walls.

"To a large extent, the infiltration of the internet and technology into this conservative group has brought about changes, despite efforts to combat them."

The sect's official stance strictly forbids the use of technology and the prohibition is so deeply ingrained that one mother recounted how, when her daughters got lost in the city center, they refused a passerby’s offer to use her smartphone to call their mother, insisting that even touching such a device was forbidden.

However, Zalcberg-Blak discovered that some women do manage to handle these devices — and even communicate with her through them.

"There were women who chatted with me online and mentioned that their husbands had no idea. He doesn’t even understand what the device is. We’re talking about the late-night hours, when the husband is already asleep and the wife finally has time to use the forbidden device."

Still, not everyone who "strays from the path" necessarily abandons religious observance. "In recent years, we’re seeing partial departures — leaving the sect while still choosing to keep mitzvot," she explained. Women who have taken this route simply say that the lifestyle they were raised in didn’t suit them. Not everyone meets Toldot Aharon's rigid standards.

One such woman is Faige, whom the researcher met at the wedding of Kohn’s youngest daughter. Faige stood out from the other women — her long dress concealed her figure, she wore prominent earrings and a blonde wig covered her head.

When Zalcberg-Blak inquired about her connection to the family, Faige surprised her by revealing that she was Kohn’s daughter. She explained that while she remained Haredi, she had taken a different path: "About 15 years ago, I got divorced and decided to leave the group. Toldot Aharon isn't for everyone."