Showing posts with label religious freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religious freedom. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Philosophy 101: God’s Not Dead

     The first time I watched the film God’sNot Dead with my mom and my youngest sister.  I didn’t catch everything that happened, in part, because we were talking during some of it, someone decided to search for and order a clothing item online, we were texting (people who weren’t present), and my mom had no idea how to backtrack using her remote control.  I jotted down some quotes and phrases in the little notebook I keep in my purse to jump-start my memory later on about possible writing topics. 
     The egotistical Professor Radisson (played by Kevin Sorbo) is clearly more interested in building up his own image and spreading his anti-theist propaganda than he is in imparting knowledge or promoting logical thinking.  He concentrates on running roughshod over an entire class because domination rather than education is his primary goal. 
     Throughout the film, we hear various philosophical questions, many of which we studied on the creation of the universe and the existence of God in the Philosophy of Religion course I took from Dr. Downey.   I have concluded that Dr. Patrick Downey, philosophy professor at Hollins University, is the perfect foil to Dr. Death-to-Any-Thought-or-Opposition Radisson.  
     God’s Not Dead reminded me of the hours I spent reading arguments and discussions by philosophers who lived and wrote a number of years ago.  That semester I went to class with all of these different theories, questions, and debates in my head, then Dr. Downey would ask us questions that would make us dig even deeper to understand and explain what these men were proposing, what line of logic they followed, and if it made sense.  He was so good at playing the devil’s advocate from every side that I couldn’t tell from what he said in class whether or not he believed in God.  (It honestly wasn’t until I saw him as part of a group of faculty members who came around to the dorms and houses to sing Christmas carols that I realized he is a Christian.)    
     Someone who is so interested in developing his students’ logic and reasoning skills that he’ll take the opposite side of just about any argument to get them to examine it more closely from all facets is a good philosophy professor.  At times, I could almost feel my mind stretching to new lengths and expanding when faced with these universal questions about God and man. Even if the answers weren’t clear, just knowing the questions people thought to ask made me feel like my brain would have to grow in order to contain all the possibilities.
     My favorite day of this course was Friday. Why? Because Saturday was sure to follow? No, it was because after doing my best to sift through, consider, accept, and/or debate so many concepts, I would get into my light blue Pontiac 6000 and drive through a very picturesque valley. I would get out at the top of a hill and could feel God welcoming me, His mother outside waiting for me to enter.
     I always arrived just in time, gave a quiet nod to the other regulars who had come to worship, and sat down ready to let the clutter in my mind exit, so only faith would remain. Before long, the reasons and questions, some of which reason may never understand, were replaced by truth, hope, and love. I couldn’t help but smile as I professed the Creed, reached out my hands to others to pray the Our Father, and give the sign of peace. I yearned for the Eucharist. I had answers and could embrace, even appreciate, the mysteries inherent and perhaps necessary to having faith.
     I would walk out of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church after Mass feeling refreshed in my faith and grounded in the truth. It was a great way to put the philosophers’ voices and nitty-gritty debates to rest so that the Holy Spirit was easier for me to hear in the present.

God's not dead.  He is truly alive!

Friday, September 28, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 69)

Religious Freedom at Risk:
We Must Obey God Rather Than Men!
The future of religious freedom in America is at risk!
Join us for 72 hours of prayer and arrests at The White House


We’re on a roll! It’s quite amusing to watch the twins for whom I nanny interact on the blanket on the floor.  Even if they’re on opposite ends of the blanket, they always gravitate towards each other, flailing their little hands and feet in the process.  Their antics are quite hilarious.  (No one was mortally or morally wounded in the shooting of these photos.) 


Cute as Can Be Big Sis One melt-your-heart precious moments this week, Vivi saw Livi sleeping on the floor uncovered, so she went over and put a blanket over her legs.  I responded with the appropriate “Awww, that was so sweet!” in hopes to encourage this sort of compassion and sisterly concern. 


Play It Again, Sam  Thankfully, the girls’ parents and I are on the same wavelength when it comes to what I call “noisy toys.”  Some of them are actually nice to listen to (for less than an hour at a time), and others are pretty much grating after the second verse or stanza of the song.  When I told Jess that I’d put Vivi’s keyboard up when she wouldn’t stop standing on it and I’d told her it would break.  Jess said Carl would just as soon it did break.  Jess reminded me that I’m free to hide any toys I can’t stand hearing ad infinitum or remove the batteries.  I have reserved this right for quite some time as I discovered years ago that there are some toys that are sufficiently unsettling enough to jeopardize an adult’s sanity when two young children have access to them for 8+ hours at a time.  In case you might have missed it, books have always been my favorite go-to for me and for the children in my life.


No Arms, No Legs, No Worries?  I'm currently reading inspirational speaker Nick Vujicic’s first book Life Without Limits. I’m absolutely amazed by his attitude of gratitude, faith, compassion, love, joy, and spirit. The first book of his which I'm still reading and his many Youtube videos have deeply touched my heart and soul.  I’m really looking forward to reading his second book which is coming out in late October!

The Butterfly Circus I’and really loved this short film he was in along with the lead actor Eduardo Verastegui, whom you might recognize from the remarkable movie Bella.


The Lord of all Dance I pray that You will draw my loved one who had a successful foot surgery (they fixed the problem and discovered it wasn’t a tumor like they originally thought) ever nearer to You in all areas of life.  Please give Your beloved child the wisdom to listen to You, the Divine Physician as well as her medical doctor so that her healing will happen quickly and without complications.     

Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.

Friday, June 29, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 56)


Inconceivable!” On Tuesday this week when I went to noon Mass at the Pastoral Center, Fr. Wayne Ball gave a great homily beginning with a quote from his favorite movie, The Princess Bride: “I do not think that means what you think it means.” 

     Fr. Wayne Ball spoke about how the Scripture readings for that day weren’t interpreted or meant the way people thought they were at that time.  The Lord wasn’t saying that the earthly cities and kingdom mentioned would remain untouched, always protected, and out of the enemy’s reach forever; He was saying that the Kingdom of Heaven would never be destroyed.
     Fr. Ball was quite amused when I came up to him after Mass and exclaimed: “Inconceivable!”


Religious Freedom Again, the quote: “I do not think that means what you think it means” from The Princess Bride fits perfectly.  For centuries, religious freedom has been one of the most important liberties protected by our constitution.  The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has provided a number of clear reasons why and explanations of how Obamacare policies and provisions infringe upon one of our most important liberties.  I invite any who are serious about protecting religious freedom for all to check out these articles and this information. 
Health and Human Services are best governed by God and those who intend to protect the health and respect the dignity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death. 
Judie Brown, president of American Life League, issued the following statement:
    “This is indeed a sad day for the people of this once great nation where liberty has always been equated with freedom of religion, freedom from oppression, and freedom of speech. The government's draconian healthcare law denies so many rights that the true result is yet unknown, but surely liberty has been trounced in unbelievable fashion.
    Let us pray for our nation. We must remember in these dark days that, while we are proud to be Americans, our primary loyalty is to God, not man and surely not the government. Civil disobedience appears to be one of the few options we have, and we say bring it.”
Local Spiritual Enrichment Opportunities Kevin and I have been praying extra for the teams in formation and the candidates who will attend the following upcoming weekends put on by members of our parish for members of our parish: Christ Renews His Parish retreat for Men July 21-22, 2012 and Christ Renews His Parish retreat for Women August 4-5, 2012.  For more information and to register, click here.
Calling Catholic Men! Another opportunity for Christ-like transformation is fast approaching.  The next Cursillo Men’s Weekend in our area will be held, July 26-29, 2012, at Church of the Sacred Heart in Petersburg, Virginia.  The team members who have been in formation for several months are making their overnight retreat tonight (June 29, 2012), and would appreciate your added prayer cover.  For more information or to register for this very moving “short course in Christianity,” check out the national websitehere.  To register for the July Men’s weekend in Petersburg, Virignia, contact Pre-Cursillo coordinators: Mike and Jane Walsh at
Why I’m back to reading YA novels As I’ve mentioned previously, I have a YA manuscript I’ve been working on for a number of years, and I’ve gotten the nudge to get back to it recently.  Because in order to write well you need to read well-written books in that genre, I’ve found myself back in the teen section of the library.  This means I’m reading YA novels in addition to a number of nonfiction works that I will be writing book reviews on for my blog.  Delving back into the teen scene via YA novels has already given me some exceptional ideas for how to take my manuscript to the next level while at the same time reminding me how morally depraved many popular works of fiction are these days.
Vocation Discernment Yes, I realize I’ve mentioned this often lately, but that’s because it’s been on my mind and heart frequently: please pray for Kevin and me and all who are discerning what major steps to take in their lives.  Lord, please help us to be open to Your Will, to set time aside to listen for Your still small voice guiding us to the Truth.  Keep us focused on You, above everyone and everything else, so that we may say, do, and become better vessels for Your love, healing, Truth, joy, hope, peace, compassion, and gentleness.  Amen.
Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.
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