I have often heard and/or started this question with
exasperation, anger, frustration, and aggravation. Have you ever heard someone say or said to
someone else: how many times do I have to tell you…? My guess is that
you have and that at some point you have even said these words.
Perhaps the opening question was paired with one of the following: tie your shoes, don’t pick your nose, there are no monsters living under your bed, do your homework, don’t bite your nails, wash your hands
with soap and water for 20 seconds every time you use the bathroom and before
you eat, of course that’s not a poisoned apple, rinse your dirty dishes before
you put them in the sink or the dishwasher, clean clothes belong inside your
dresser not on top of it, wipe your feet on the mat before you come inside, the
big bad wolf is not knocking at our door, use your silverware, wipe your mouth off with your napkin
not your sleeve, stop shouting, speak up, share your toys, pick up your books, stop
hitting, kicking, whining, settle down, don’t run, calm down, buck up, leave your scab alone, pick up the mess you made, your milk is to drink not pour on the floor, turn out the lights when you’re not using them, say grace before meals,
We don’t like it
when people don’t listen to us. We want
to be heard, have our thoughts and concerns noted, and our feelings accepted as
valid. When we have to repeat things
over and over again, we get frustrated, whether young or old.
Sometimes I’m so
busy critiquing my own thoughts and actions as well as correcting and guiding those
of the young people left in my care (and truth be told, also advising and making suggestions to my husband) that I’m not as good about listening. I know. It's shocking, right?
I make the same mistake in my prayer life all
the time. I go to God with all of these
people, concerns, situations, and requests, but I don’t spend nearly as much
time being still and listening. It’s so
flipping difficult sometimes to allow myself time to be in the Presence of the
Lord rather than bouncing from one item on my to-do list to another.
How many times
does God have to tell us to slow down, make time for Him, pray, listen more,
worry less, accept His unconditional love though we don’t deserve it and could
do nothing to earn it, receive His limitless mercy, embrace His forgiveness and
compassion, know that He will never leave us or forsake us, be not afraid, let Him
be our strength, He will turn our tears into dancing, our night into day, our
struggles into blessings…?
This is one of my all-time favorite songs, definitely a perfect one for my life, by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. It's called "So You Would Know," but you'll recognize a number of questions asked in a totally different way.