Thursday, July 31, 2008

True Love

This is a video that was sent to us about a lion and his human parents - you HAVE to watch the whole thing!!! Click here to see it!!! Absolutely Amazing!!!

Prinnie and Her Space Ship

Our poor little Eskie has her psychotic moments... Every evening, she'll run laps along one side of the house, through the patio and along the other side of the house, all the while looking up at the sky. Every now and then, she'll bark at the sky as if she's calling to her space ship. Her brother, Digby just watches her in amazement. Nothing can distract her from watching for her spaceship.

"I know my spaceship is up there!!!"

"Oh Prinnie, you're so silly, you make me laugh!!!"

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Meet the 5 Non-Furry Kids

OK, so now you've met our 3 furry kids. Now we'd like to introduce our 5, yes 5 non-furry kids. They are all teens or tweens and we make them live outside. Their names are Clover, the oldest at 13yrs.; Rover who is 12 yrs old, Charlie Bubble and Mudhead who are 11 years old and the most recent addition, Diablo, who's age we aren't sure of, but he is larger than the others.

Clover came to us in 1996 when she was a tiny one year old, followed by Rover the next year and Charlie Bubble and Mudhead the following year. Diablo came to us this past spring. He was brought to us by the guy who did some cement work for us. We named him Diablo because of his bright red eyes.

Each one has his or her own distinct personality, but they all love to eat worms, mealy worms, or what ever little bugs that happen to be crawling by them at the moment. They also love a mixture of carrots, bananas and other fruits. They enjoy basking in the morning sun and taking dips in their "mini pool," but hide once the high noon sun arrives. Then we see them come out in the late afternoon and by 5:00, they're clamoring to get fed.
We really enjoy them.

So there you have it, you've now met all of the kids. Well for now...we've caught Rover and Clover doing the wild who knows what the future will bring.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We've had a little shaking

Well folks, the big news of the day is that we had what is termed a moderate earthquake at 11:42 this morning. The 5.4 quake occurred near Chino Hills which is about 40 miles north west of us by highway, probably closer as the crow flies. S was home and felt the rumble for about 3-4 seconds. It sounded like someone threw hands full of gravel at the house along with a deep rumbling noise and felt like an underground freight train under the feet. The dogs started barking and bolted to the door, then as quickly as it started, it was over. K was at work in San Diego and felt a slight rumble from it.

Thankfully, there was no significant damage for us, except a few new cracks in the stucco on the outside of the house. The dogs went back to their naps and all is well again.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Dancing Man

We saw this incredible video on our friend's "random ramblings" blog, and thought it was too good not to share. Check him out - it's a little slow-starting, but stick with it because it is amazing to see all of the places he has gone. Just click here.

Meet the Latest Furry Kid

First, we want to give you a little back story about S's dad's dog. You see, when S's dad was about 3 years old he had an American Eskimo dog named Prinney. He loved that dog so much that he continued to talk about him right up until he passed away at the age of 87. S has a picture of her dad in his knickers and high top shoes sitting on the steps with his Prinney.

Well, this past Christmas day, K and S decided to volunteer at the local dog shelter. We were assigned to clean the cages in the "Puppy and small dog trailer". One of the dog's in S's room of cages was a little white American Eskimo. She was six years old. When we opened the cage to transfer her to another so S could clean hers, the little Eskie got loose in the room. She got herself in a corner and snarled at us if we tried to approach her. She finally climbed into one of the lower cages, but wouldn't come out. Realizing that the little dog's snarling was out of fear, not aggression, S just sat on the floor by her and talked to her for the longest. Finally, the little Eskie let S pet her and then pick her up to put her back into her cage. Of course, during all of this, K was busy getting the rest of the cages cleaned up. Hmmm, did S plan that or what?

That night, S told K that she had always wanted an American Eskimo like her dad's. There went our resolve to have "no more dogs". So the next day we were back at the shelter beginning the adoption proceedings. We named her Prinnie. She's been with us for 7 months now and she and Digby are best friends. She seems to be perpetually happy and is always looking for her space ship (that's one for another blog").

Meet the next kid

So now you've met our little "Pigs". Now we'd like to introduce our Digby, aka "Hot Dog" or "Little Man." Shortly after we lost our dear Dugan, who was a sweet Wheaton Terrier, we told ourselves that our remaining dog, Tobey, needed a companion and started searching for another "Wheaton". We ended up at a Great Pryenees rescue center in Devore because the lady there told us she had a Wheaton. It turned out that the dog she had in mind was not at all what we were looking for. We asked if she had any smaller dogs and she called out "Gentleman Joe". Out from this mass of huge white dogs pops this vivacious, friendly, scraggly mutt looking ball of excitement. He was a 4 year old Border Terrier who was in a bad need of a bath and a good grooming. But his personality stole our hearts. He's been a part of our family for 2 years now and is loved by all of us.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Meet the Kids

Today we thought we'd start off by introducing you to our "kids". First is our oldest, Peanut Butter (who you will see in future blogs is referred to as "Piggy", "Pigs" or "Bubba"). She is an 8 year old Tortie that we found hanging around K's workplace in downtown San Diego years ago. After a couple of days, it was clear that she had no home - we posted flyers, put an ad in the newspaper, etc...but no one claimed this cutie. So S took her to our home one day after a lunch visit, and the rest is history. She's been with us now for just over 6 years! Oh, and she got her name because S thought she looked like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup that had been put in a blender. So here she is, for her blogging debut!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

So where do we begin?

Wow....where do we begin? This blogging thing is new to us 40,50,60 somethings (yes, you can take a guess at our ages). We have a really dear friend here is So. Cal who has opened our eyes to blogging. We just LOVE reading hers. Heck, it's one of the first things we do each morning (of course AFTER the half gallon cup of starbucks coffee), and the last thing we do each night.

OK, so now for the name of our site - Dugan's Barkery. See, the story goes like this.......Years ago we lived in Upstate New York (where we are both from) and had this amazing dog named Dugan. Dugan was a terrier mix, but definitely a free spirit. Duggie was one of these dogs that would love you to death, but always did things on her terms. She was carefree, sweet, and had a way of looking at you with those big brown eyes as if to say when asked to do something, "Will do...slipped my mind". Speed was not in her DNA. Anyhow, as we traveled west, so did Duggie (yet another story for the blog someday). She was with us for 17 years, and will forever live in our hearts. So we dedicate this site to her in hopes that with our memories, we can live the unassuming life she led.