First, we want to give you a little back story about S's dad's dog. You see, when S's dad was about 3 years old he had an American Eskimo dog named Prinney. He loved that dog so much that he continued to talk about him right up until he passed away at the age of 87. S has a picture of her dad in his knickers and high top shoes sitting on the steps with his Prinney.
Well, this past Christmas day, K and S decided to volunteer at the local dog shelter. We were assigned to clean the cages in the "Puppy and small dog trailer". One of the dog's in S's room of cages was a little white American Eskimo. She was six years old. When we opened the cage to transfer her to another so S could clean hers, the little Eskie got loose in the room. She got herself in a corner and snarled at us if we tried to approach her. She finally climbed into one of the lower cages, but wouldn't come out. Realizing that the little dog's snarling was out of fear, not aggression, S just sat on the floor by her and talked to her for the longest. Finally, the little Eskie let S pet her and then pick her up to put her back into her cage. Of course, during all of this, K was busy getting the rest of the cages cleaned up. Hmmm, did S plan that or what?
That night, S told K that she had always wanted an American Eskimo like her dad's. There went our resolve to have "no more dogs". So the next day we were back at the shelter beginning the adoption proceedings. We named her Prinnie. She's been with us for 7 months now and she and Digby are best friends. She seems to be perpetually happy and is always looking for her space ship (that's one for another blog").