Sunday, April 4

a DAY♥ with family

It's Sunday,again! and I was in Klang.
My elder sister is so kind. she is going to treat us go for DimSum since she got her first salary! =D
Yeah,this gonna be the first time gather whole family to eat DimSum!! you know why, it's hard to get a complete family members to eat together especially on Sunday because my mom normally went for work.
So, here's the photo ::

Time to bill. once again, thanks to my charming and pretty Ms. Jocelyn. you knew i l♥ve you!
Even though i was in sweet home, but i felt extremely BORING in the whole afternoon. actually planned to back kampar after this, my MS suddenly changed her mind due to her tiredness, so GOD dk what i gonna to do ><

At night, while on the way going back grandpa's house, we saw I-city! Heard there is full of LCD light and beautiful, and i have bring the camera,so here we go =D

Just using one hour there, because my father was waiting for us alone outside due to no parking. pity him! hehe.
that day was 2 birthday boys 'ngao yat' (in Cantonese) . this had called me back some memory which when i was young like them, i used to celebrate birthday there! and get my first presents from them! =)
After this, we fetched elder sis and bro back to their hostel. my sis stayed MU while my bro stayed dk where is the place called, actually had shocked me the most. he is staying fourth floor while the ground floor is a shop. then you know some kl area was mixing with some foreigner workers, that place is fulled of their smell! OMFG! you also can see from upstairs there are some mouse which size is big like cat and dark walking at the ground floor. so can you imagine how bad is that environment? i feel very lucky where my study environment isn't that worst and appreciate, even thought it is far away from my hometown.

okay, should end here. have a nice day.

Saturday, April 3


yoyo man! I'm so bored to the max here ><
what should I do?
talk non-sense and no study at all since final coming very soon
then I'll die sooooooon also!!

I'm learning to change. Please someone come and motivate me. I shall wake up since it's still early.Appreciate anyone does it for me!!
Time to sleep now. Good night world.

p/s: I just act what I think, what I feel, and what I need. Please do fair at me. I'm human being also. No reply doesn't mean I am surrender or weak. I just respect what I ought to do and you please do the same thing at me.


I’m Going to the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair

Read that news? Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair is coming soon!! Wow!

Atuk & nenek, ARE-YOU-READY??

Uncle & Auntie, ARE-YOU-PREPARE??

If done, wait what? let's follow me to have fun together there~!! You'll regret it otherwise!!!

Don't believe uhh?

okay,listen. There are lots of Gatsby product to redeem from Gatsby point won from game booths!! Furthermore, lucky draw prizes such as RM 15,000 worth of gadgets, electronics, mobile phones and vouchers to be given out in 2 rounds of lucky draw at the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair!!

amazing right? RM 15, 000 not a small amount! Thanks to Gatsby Deodorant and give me stand a chance to win lots of prizes.

Wanna be part of the winners? Wanna bring back all those prizes that i state? Then what for you waiting here, still?

Move up your body and follow me shake,shake,boom,boom! We gonna rock & roll~ !! =D

Besides, I get bored enough at Kampar. Why not use this chance to relax mind and breathe fresh air? I might want enjoy the game to the max, with crazy face or wild look!

at where?? what time? and on which date?
Check this out :
  • Date : 17 April 2010
  • Time : 10.00 am till 5.00pm
  • Venue : Front Foyer, Ground Floor, Berjaya Times Square, KL
Can't wait for that day? It's never-mind. You'll find surprise by clicking here.

What is that? So cute!!!

There are lot of mini games which you can explode deodorant. If you can gain higher marks in that particular game, you'll be that lucky winner to get prizes.

Interesting? Let's compete whether you can break my record! I won't lose you, for sure!!

So peeps, what are you waiting for?
Come join the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair now!

We might meet there. =) See ya!

Thursday, April 1

it's April

Time flies, today is 1st of April.
Yessss , it's April Fool day!!

Beware don't be that FOOL fooled by your friends but always be alert to FOOL your friends! =D

Besides, Leslie Cheung had leaved us for 7 years.

Let's recall back our memory of him by this video, have a nice day. :)

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