Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Valentine's Day

We got to bring Presley home on Valentine's Day :) It was the best present I could ask for! Although it didn't seem like Valentine's Day, it was still the most special one yet!
Kinley couldn't wait to hold her of course, here's a couple pics of them in their Valentine outfits...

She had to change into her dress before she opened up her presents!
I love that they make these treat boxes with animal crackers instead of candy!!

We had a pretty good Valentine's Day! I hope everyone else did too :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Big Sis

Kinley LOVVVEESSS being a big sister & was so excited to get to finally meet Presley! She is always helping us feed her, hold her & puts the occasional diaper on her ;)

First time meeting her
I love this picture :)
Gift time.. Kinley got Presley a little princess castle trinket..
And she got a "Big Sister Kinley" necklace!
Sigh.. I got them matching shirts but after all the pictures she had already taken, Kinley was NOT going to cooperate for another one. So this is the best I got.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Miss Presley's Arrival

I am so behind on blogging ;)
Presley made her arrival on Sunday Feb 12, 2012 at 8:46am! We had done some fun things with Kinley on Saturday & went to eat at El Con that night.. came home & watched a movie of her choice! Sunday was going to be a chill day bc I knew Monday morning was going to come EARLY! Little did I know (which I should have- Kinley did the same thing to me)! About 2:45am I had gotten up to go to the bathroom for the 2nd time. I went to get back in bed & my water broke! I got Jeffrey up & called my parents to come over- Paul stayed with Kinley while my mom followed us to the hospital.
My doc had put orders in to admit me if I came in before my induction date bc I labor fast...etc. So after we registered (not sure why us prego women even bother with pre-registering) I was admitted & about 5am or so my contractions started. I got an epidural but it only worked 1/2 way. And just like with big sis, I went from a 4 to 10 in about an hour - hour 1/2. I had a really fast labor- the epidural didnt slow anything down this time!
I am so thankful tho that I went on my own & wasn't induced. I know the contractions with the Pitocin can be a whole lot stronger- and since my epidural didn't fully work I know I would've been in some MAJOR pain!
This time was so much smoother and I was awake & happy after it was said & done & that's all I wanted!

Sweet little "Pretzel"
8lbs. 4oz. 20in.
She looks SO much bigger in her pictures than she does in person. She is a tiny thing!
Getting her first bath
Was happy to get to feed & love on her :)

And did I mention that it snowed on her birthday!?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nerves Gallore

I have one more day (half day) of work before I am officially off for maternity leave. Of course I can't stop thinking about what's going to happen in just 4 short days! I know, most people say "oh you've been there before, you know how it goes already!" THAT is the scariest part! With Kinley I was super excited & ready for it.. ignorance is bliss! Since I had such a terrible time with L&D the first time, I am scared to death to do it all over again! I DO know what's coming & I don't ever want to go through all that again. Doc is trying to help me avoid all of it this time, hence the induction. I have orders to get my epidural as soon as possible on Monday morning. Just hoping still that she doesn't have to turn it off again & that everything goes 500 times better. Trying to have it a little more controlled this time! I keep thinking that's why I've been stuck at a 3 for 3 weeks.. the good Lord knows how bad I want it to go as smooth as possible & make it to Monday!! I guess the next post will be of pictures of my new princess! I know, PICTURES.. what are those?! I have been slacking in the picture department~but been a little busy moving! I will post pictures of her room as soon as we get the shelves I want in & hung up :D It's a been a long process!! Say a little prayer for us & that Presley is a healthy baby.
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

38 Weeks

Went to doctor again friday~ no more progress to report! She's mighty comfy. Big day set for Monday- 7 more days.. wow! (Not sure why this post says Wed the 1st!?)

And yes, it's that time again! The much anticipated survey..HA!

1. How far along? 38 weeks 3 days

2. Weight gain? 19lbs

3. Movement? She just started slowing WAY down this weekend. Yesterday I noticed I hadn't felt her move at all but last night she was a little more active.

4. Food cravings? Nothing new!

5. Emotions? Getting better

6. What I miss? Let's be honest..I'm tired, fat, cranky & stressed..I just want a glass of wine!!

7. Sleeping? Hardly!

8. Labor Signs? Been having "back labor" pains with the strong braxtons. I've had 2 real contractions. TWO. Whats up with that?!

9. Best Moment of the week: CLOSING ON OUR NEW HOME/moving in finally!

10. Gender? Hoping it's still our Presley Kate :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

37 week update

I had my appt on Friday the 27th. Doc said I am 3cm and 75% effaced now. She actually scheduled my induction date this time~for Feb 13th. Not sure that I will make it that far considering how things went with Kinley.. but every pregnancy is different so we will just wait & see :)
Our bags are packed & ready to go in case I go on my own. Now we are just waiting on Tuesday at 4pm to get to closing for the house so we can go get Presley's room ready!! FINALLY!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

House Progress

We FINALLY have a closing date for the house- Tuesday Jan 31. It has been a wild ride for me with not having a house and being PG living with in-laws & my parents :) Kinley hasn't been in her normal routine for 5 whole months & it has been stressful on us all!! But.. well worth it, right?! Right! Now if we can just get Presley's room all ready to go before she gets ready to go!! We plan on starting to move things in Tuesday night.. I'm not messin around! Presley's room is #1 on the list & then we can go from there.
Here are a couple pictures.. hard to take full pics of rooms and what not but you get the idea! More will come once we move in & find my camera!

Mailbox light got put on yesterday~it's the little things!

Our shower finally complete..
Drawers in my closet finally finished!
The mancave/playroom! I wish I could get a full pic of this room, I LOVE IT! It might just become the WOmancave!
Presley's room! I know, it's blue.. no, Im not having a boy. It's going to kinda be the 'sky' is what I have in mind. Her bedding has lots of pink so it will break it up :)
Kinley's room on the other hand.. I didn't know what to do with it! Her bedding is pink/brown but she wanted her room painted too. I didn't want it ALL pink bc there is so much pink in her bedding. So I still needed it broken up. SO we matched the brown in her bedding & came up with this. Similar to the old house but much more dark. We will be painting again later when we change up the bedding~lol!! Oh well! Her new furniture is antique white so it will still break up a lot of it too.. old furniture (now Presley's) was brown.

Cross your fingers that we get in & somewhat settled before Presley gets here!~!