Sunday, January 9, 2011

Emily's 5th Birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Emily's (my niece's) 5th birthday! FIVE!! I can't believe she is about to start KINDERGARTEN this August!! Bring out the tissues!

Of course it was raining all morning before the party started so Kinley decided to take her umbrella along. Come on kid, don't you know its bad luck to have an open umbrella in the house!?
She had her party at Chuck E. Cheese

Cute birthday girl!

Her cake her mama made!
Kinley & Aunt Weezer puttin on the candles

I think Kinley thought it was her birthday.. she usually does at parties!
Chanting CHUCK E...CHUCK E...

Chuck E. putting her crown on!

Time for cake!
All the kids playing with Chuck E. Cheese

Not sure what kind of look Kinley is giving...? She cracks me up!

Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Emily Claire!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Easy Bake Oven

Kinley got an Easy Bake oven for Christmas & she has been dying to try it! We didn't have any extra light bulbs & then she got pretty sick so it's been on the 'back burner' pun intended :)
She finally got to make her a 'cake' tonight & LOVED it! She's ready to bake some more tomorrow!
She also got a cute little apron with her name on it for Christmas from my half sister, Missy. I got one too bc we like cooking together but Daddy was cooking with her tonight :)

Making her icing!
Cake is ready to go in!
Pure concentration!

Putting the icing on..
And I think she ate it up faster than I could get a picture!
But we had to end the night with a breathing treatment :/

Friday, January 7, 2011


I think Kinley discovered static electricity the other night! She had a ball seeing how high her hair would get!

(Pay no attention to those knees- she falls all the time!)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Most of you know Alex. He has been Jeffrey's best bud since the 5th grade & was the best man in our wedding.
Today marks 1 month that Alex has been in Marine Boot Camp! It takes a whole lot of courage to do this or any other type of Military work for that matter. He's got 2 more months to go before his graduation in March. We are so proud of him & thankful that he made this life changing decision! Please pray for him though, as the whole platoon he is in has gotten the flu!!



On February 19 my parents, Jeffrey & myself will be going to see Blake Shelton, Easton Corbin & Steel Magnolia!! I am so excited..I tend to get that way with pretty much any country concert!
Can't believe Waco is pulling in such big names! It's sure to be a night-o- fun!!
I hope Kinley enjoys country music as much as her Daddy & I do.. she already requests Miranda & Dierks in the car so I think we are on the right track :)

"Who are you when I'm not lookin"
"I'm a lil more country than that"
"Keep on lovin you"

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Well, I guess it's official that Kinley has asthma.
She's been coughing SOOO much for about a month..and not being able to breathe well at night (gets choked up, snores, holds her breath) and recently started throwing up flem & mucas (I know, TMI) so we took her to the doctor yesterday. She said all her suspicions have pointed to asthma since this is a monthly occurance for Kinley.
We have been using a nebulizer for her breathing treatments but the doc suggested we try this chamber that her inhaler will hook up to instead. HA..we tried it last night for the first time & she threw a FIT after she did the first puff (have to do 2). I'm hoping we just get her used to doing it but I think we have ourselves a long road ahead. Please say a prayer for our girl!
She also has to stay on Nasonex for a while until her nasal congestion at night calms down. I hate pumping in all these meds in her all the time (or what really seems like it) but I trust that it will make a difference.

She is also going to have an allergy test done in the future as well as a sleep study to check for sleep apnea. Poor baby, it's just not fair that our little ones have to suffer!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dylan's 9th Birthday

Our nephew Dylan turned 9 on December 21st. Hard to believe he is already that old. Seems like yesterday he was running around as "TWO TWO GUYS"..funny thing he did ;)
We had a small get together with mostly family & hung out.

Me & my best girl before the party
He was ready to open presents!
Someone decided to take a huge bite out of the cake before he even saw it! :(
He got a huge nerf gun
Deal or No Deal for the Wii
He was a little excited about this one..
new bedding!
We got him a nerf bow & arrow..he LOVED it!

it was the first one he wanted to open & play with :)

Happy 9th Birthday Dyl!!