Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Time Fly's

Wow ,I did not realize how long it has been since I posted anything to my blog. Time really does Fly by !

I so use to love coming to read the blogs each day ,but then facebook seemed to consume me and all others.

September I had an MRI & that showed that I have a pinched nerve in my neck .C5-6 is already fused & now Doctors want to fuse C-4-5-6-7 together .Not sure I'm ready for this ! So Doctors are going to put injection in ,next month/March to see if that helps,before I decide.

October 5,2013,I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand  and had left hand done on November 18,2013. That took a lot out of me .Hands are starting to get better,but Doctor told me it could be 6 months to a year before they are good. I'm just to keep doing my hand exercises & rub the scar with Vitamin E, thru out the day. So,I have been trying to keep busy with making a few things and with the house & the 2 Yorkies and the Cocker Spaniel,but you know things go so much slower and harder,when you are older,especially with the Arthritis being so bad.

December I had to have injection in both knees & 1 in my wrist, they were not fun !!!

Well enough of all this !

The pictures are from Tuesday morning  !

And today we have more snow.

 I hope & Pray all have been well with everyone. Will try and be better at posting.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Blog

Please check out ,my new selling blog.
Never Enough Thyme,will be adding things all the time.
Prim hugs & blessings,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cold again

I hope everyone is keeping warm & is healthy.
It has been so cold here ,we had -8 here the other day & we had more snow,yesterday.
I'am so ready for spring !
I have been busy,I sold some things on a prim yardsale,I have a ton of stuff to go,still trrying to on load the house,LOL.
So I think I'am going to put some things on here & hope to find them homes.
I also have been working on losing weight,to get healthier.So far I lost 22 lbs,not near enough,but I lost ,a long way to go .
Prim hugs & blessings,

Friday, November 26, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It has been so long since I was here !!

Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is having a wonderful year.

We went to Myrtle Beach for 8 nights,but only stayed 7 nights. The room door slammed shut on my husbands finger,the second day of vacation ,cutting finger,breaking nail & breaking finger ,called a tuft fracture.The doctor cut the nail off ,stitched the finger & then stitched the finger nail ,
back on ,but yesterday the nail fell off anyhow,so not sure if he will get another nail.

We did have a new back deck put on this summer,but not real happy with the workmanship,I expected better at a cost of over $4,000.00!!!

I guess I have been going through a depressed state that I didn't realize I was in !!
So many of my friends passed away this year,it is so hard to comprehend.

Better times ahead !!

Well,today,I did go to a wholesale Cash & carry show !! It was a much need outing.Found some very nice prim items. It actually has my mind turning now,so maybe I can get back on track. Maybe start enjoying life again,before it is to late !
Bless you all & hope to post pictures,in the next few days on here & on the garden blog.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It is a beautiful day in,Pa.

Hi everyone,it is suppose to be 83 degrees today,how wonderful. The wind is blowing,it is just perfect.
This has been an unforgettable year,so far!
I was sick in January,
My best friend Judy,died Feb.5,2010,
another in March ,
friends of ours,their daughter was murdered,by her policeman /husband,Retha's picture is at side.
the same week-end,another friend , of mine was murdered in NC by her husband ,
The same weekend my granddaughters best friend was killed in a car accident at the age of 15,
I was sick all of March til Apr. 5,
my best friend who died Feb.5,her husband died Apr.1,buried today!
It sure has to get better.
So yes,in deed it is a beautiful day.
I'am trying to stay upbeat ,but it sure is hard.
I have been trying to house clean to keep my mind off of things,today I swept,cleaned the oven ,yesterday cleaned windows.
Take care everyone & bless you all ,

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Here it is Feb.7,2010 & I'am so sad

we got a terrible snow storm,Friday afternoon til Saturday afternoon,we got about 15 inches of snow,well,that isn't what makes me sad,

I lost 1 of my best dearest friends,Fiday at 2:53am. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,we should never take those things for granted !! We should always make sure ,you check on them often & I must say,I haven't been doing that like I use too.
So now,I must try & remember all the wonderful things,Judy & I shared together.during her life.
Judy was a very humble person,she never had much in life (material things)but it never seemed to bother her,she always kept her faith ,even when she could not have children then after about 20 years of marriage,God blessed her with a daughter to adopt & 2 yearss later with another to adopt.Oh how happy she was .She did wonderful with them,she always made sure,that they had everything they needed.
The 1 when to Christian college,the other to nursing school. She made sure the girls got to see their real parents,when they asked ,but it did not work out for them that way.Now she has 4 granddaughters & 1 grandson,how delighted she was.
My dear friend I will miss you forever & never forget you ,dear Judy!! You have made my life richer just knowing you !!!! One day I pray to see you again !!