Sunday, November 21, 2021

Always Packing My "Baggage" Light..

I am at a place in life where peace is my priority & discarding certain "life baggages" that will eventually put a heavy burden on my shoulders, are necessary to tend me mentally, emotionally & spiritually. 

Since a child, I keep telling myself to live life of contentment no matter the situation & at 40, I still do. 

Even if I have people around me competing with each other's life achievements or comparing how "perfect" of a marriage/family life they're having, I am & will always be me. I don't see a need to chase or pace myself with all of these temporal gains. 

I just wanna live a simple & happy life that's filled with peace & contentment till the day I die.. أمين 

Forever grateful coz I always learn something in every good & bad situation.

Saturday, November 13, 2021


Biar miskin harta, jangan miskin akhlak.
Biar kurang pandai, jangan kurang ajar.
Biar banyak adab, jangan biadap.

Friday, November 12, 2021

One Who Is Contented Is Already Rich..

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself & in your way of thinking.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Happy Is He Who Finds Fault With Himself Instead of Finding Faults In Others..

The ability to find fault in others is believed, by some people (and their accomplices), to be a sure sign of 'great wisdom', when in most cases, it only indicates the narrowness of their minds & ill nature. And often, these people are colour blind when it comes to fixing the faults in their own lives.

I mean, if they can have such free available time to find so much fault in everyone around them, then, one can only imagine the amount of faults/flaws/mistakes they have in themselves.