Sunday, January 27, 2019

Fitnah Dicipta Oleh Si Pembenci, Disebar Oleh Si Dungu & Dipercayai Oleh Si Bodoh..

Betol cakap!!

Tapi memang la kan.. Dunia zaman sekarang ni, slalu je ade manusia yg tak suke tngk kebahgiaan & kesenangan hidop org lain walaupon org lain tu tak de la nak sebok2 dgn urusan yg tk de kene-mengena dalam hidop dia.. Org buat ape, pegi mane, beli ape, pakai ape, makan ape; sume nye nak amek tahu.. Dah amek tahu satu crite, menokok-nambah crite lain & fitnah nye lain.. Drama sandiwara nye plak lain.. Suke sangat nk tngk kejatohan org lain.. Adoiiii.. Tsk tsk tsk.. Tak takot dose betol..

Kene plak tu dgn tukang penyebar berita & manusia yg senang utk mempercayai sesuatu crite itu tanpa usul periksa.. Eeeeeeee.. Ni macam punye manusia pon ade eh? Kesian.. Mak bapak hantar pegi skola belajar sampai pandai, dididik dari skola mcmana nak menyoal-jawab, tapi otak tetap lah bengap.. Kesian org mcm ni, cetek akal kot?

Either that or no freakin' guts to even make a personal confrontation & clarify the whole mofo TRUTH!! But thru my experience la kan, usually people who have no guts to make a personal "1 to 1" confrontation, these type of people ALWAYS gang up & like to gather people's backup.. Dah ade bnyk org backing, baru lah datang berani dia.. Bile dia sorg, dia kecot..

Tapi pade aku la kan.. Berani itu, kerana benar.. Takot itu, kerana salah.. Selagi rasa diri tak buat kesalahan & it's all based on FACTS, PROOFS & EYEWITNESSES, THERE'S NO NEED FOR SOME GANG UP & BACKUPS.. Time lambat ar manusia2 yg suke buat gang up & mintak backing.. Kesian kan je la manusia otak bengap mcm ni..

Oh wells... Lumrah manusia.. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Girls Day Out..

It's just us today on a lovely weekend!! We should do this often.. xoxo

Friday, January 11, 2019


I just had to share this.. LOLOLOLOL!!

Whoever did this meme WINS, hands down.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! If I could print it into a signage & throw it at the faces of those "horribly terrible mulot & prangai puaka schemingly evil" HOOMANS in my life, I would!!

Pussy farts & turd nuggets!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Its been such a long while since I had a good-good laugh!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Asil & His Choice of CCA..

My eldest looking all smiley sitting in the Red Rhino.. =))

I asked him which CCA did he prefer & he said, "NCDCC (National Civil Defence Cadet Corps), Ummi.. Becoz that CCA will teach me how to save lives, fight-off fire & when facing unexpected situations.."

Wise choice Abang Asil.. And my hope is that one day, you'll have an interest in being a firefighter/rescuer who will keep saving as many lives as you can.. xoxo

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

I No Longer Look For The Good In People..

I am always reminded to always think good of others regardless of what they say or do & who they are.. But at times, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't bring myself to trust & think good of some people; the wolf in sheep clothing, the devil in disguise of an angel.. Especially when I've seen them showing their true colors right in front of my very eyes (time & time again), alongside with evidences & eyewitnesses..

Sampai mati pon aku tak kan percaya.. Orang nak ckp ape, ckp la.. Ada aku kisah?

Saket hati aku diperlakukan oleh manusia mcm ni hanya Allah sahaja yg tahu sedalam mane aku pendam didalam hati selama ni..

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Asil's Asthma Attack..

2nd day of school was spent at the neighborhood polyclinic for him who complained of chest tightness & pain followed by feeling of breathlessness.. He had to be wheelchaired straight away to the triage room, had his blood pressure & breathing monitored before the doctor gave him a nebulizer shot to ease his airways..

Last photo, him looking & feeling much better than before.. I asked him why was he in tears earlier in the triage room & he said,"Becoz I saw you trying hard not to cry in front of me & seeing me in such condition but from the look in your teary eyes you actually did.." Touching mak.. ❤

Alhamdulillah all is well for him.. Review in 2 weeks time.. Inshaallah, I will try my best to research & find a better all-natural alternative & cure-prevention for you Abang.. I'm glad the hub was around to keep an eye on Akil & juggled today's unforeseen event while I had to attend to Asil at the polyclinic..

Kids' 1st Day of School..

Alhamdulillah, 1st day of school went well for all 3 of them..

Asyura went off being the "earliest bird" to head for school as she was eager to meet her bffs again..

Asil on the other hand, accompanied me to send Akil on his 1st day of P1..

After which, I accompanied Asil to his new school just so I could see, video-record & wave my hands at him infront of the school gate on his 1st day of Sec1, right before I rushed off for Akil's P1 2019 Orientation event that lasted half of the whole entire day in school..

Mak ketiak basah beb, main ulang-alik tadi pagi & right now, I need my sleep.. So tired & sleepy max sia!!

On a side note, I am pleased that the hub was able to spend his time today with us despite his work schedule & looking exhausted from it.. 🙂 ❤