Monday, October 27, 2014

Batu Pahat, Forever In My Heart..

Going back to the home of my one & only maternal aunt brings me sweet memories of the past..

I used to spend my childhood school holidays here chasing kampong chickens, fishing for guppies at the longkang behind aunt's crib, climbed trees & played fireworks with the cousins..

It brings tears to my eyes just looking back at all the memories we once had..

Alhamdulillah & congratulations Nani ku, on your wedding solemnization.. Finally, you're officially someone else's wife now.. Till Jannah, Amin.. =]

Monday, October 13, 2014

I Don't Mind Coz You Don't Matter..

And I will continue to say & do all the things that I think is right, but are too chicken shit for you to say & do right infront of my face..

One thing.. As long as I am true to my 'niat' & most importantly, for His sake..

Coz unlike you, I've been taking my daily dosage of "I don't give a shit" pills with a cup of "I don't give a flying f**k".. ;)

P/S: The facial expression looks intriguingly alike (especially the nose). Oh! And that sickening-stuck-up attitude look as well.. All of it coming from one who is proudly well versed in religious studies, always attend religious classes & 'syarahan'. A very good example given indeed..

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sit, Think & Reflect..

Sometimes, we get so used to "too much preaching"; giving advises, quotes & Al-Hadiths to others until we forgot to put all of those reminders onto ourself..

No offence but senang nye cakap, bile kite dah terlalu bnyk "knowledge & experience", kite slalu lupe untok cerminkan kelemahan diri sendiri sebab terlalu sebok sangat memberi ilmu pendapat kpd org lain..

A self reminder to me as well..

Practice what you preach before you preach onto others..

Wait For It.. Oh! She Copied AGAIN!!

Bitch please.. Go get your own swag instead of always being a second-rated version of someone else. You obviously lack of ORIGINALITY. =]

Friday, October 10, 2014


No offence but, I would rather be known as an honest sinner than a lying hypocrite like some of you..

The ones who kalau berbuat baik dgn orang lain slalu nye "ade udang di sebalek batu", ade sebab & muslihat nye yg tersendiri..

Oh well, what can I say? Some people don't change after all..

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Syafakillah Syifaan Ajilan..

Never seen hub this sad & worried before..

Mom-inlaw had never been admitted into the hospital nor did she have any illness of some sort.. For her age, she's still strong enough to walk on her own without any help.. She always make sure that she goes for monthly health checks & do whatever it takes to keep herself healthy..

And for the very first time, I felt what my hub felt.. The sadness, worry, devastation & hope that Allah will send down his miracle upon her..

Coz without her, my hub won't exist into this world, I won't be blessed with a family of my own & without her; after all that she's done for us, life will be an utter loss..

I recalled those beginning years when she & dad-inlaw started living with us & how all of us tried our best to cope with each other's needs & differences. It's never always easy.. It takes time & effort.. But 2 things I know for sure (& I always live by), "Allah tidak akan mempersiakan hambeNye kerane setiap ape yang berlaku pasti ade HikmahNye & jikalau niat didalam hati hanye untok Allah sahaje, InshaAllah, Dia akan mempermudahkan segale urosan hambeNye.. It's only a matter of time & patience.."

I just hope & pray that Mom-inlaw will be able to be her normal self again.. Smoge Allah sembohkan penyakit mu Mak.. Amin..

Thank you Allah for everything that you planned.. Indeed you're The Best of All Planners..