Friday, November 29, 2013

Abang Asil..

This was how weak Asil was when he was down with a high fever of 39.2 degrees, flu, cough with respiratory problem, frequent vomitting & shivering a few days ago..

Doctor @ the Polyclinic had to refer him to NUH Children's A&E immediately as he complained of chest pain as well & was too weak to even stand up..

Alhamdulillah, he's recovering from it all.. It's truly a relief to know that he's gonna be fine..

Love you Abang Asil, Kakak Asyura & Baby Adek..

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Down Town East..

So we made full use of the free coupons & chose one of the weekdays to avoid the school holiday crowd..

I'm glad that my babies had a wonderful time at The Wild Wild Wet.. We all did!!

And when my bigger babies were having fun @ The Explorer Kids for an hour, we parents went bowling!! Lepaskan gian dah lame tak main bowling.. Naseb baik la Akil tido.. Bole main dengan amaaaaaan.. Hee hee..

And gosh how I miss eating @ Richton's?! Their Nasi Lemak & Sambal plus the halal Chwee Kuehs, my goodness!! Awesomely cheap good food!! Still the same taste.. Rase tak lari.. =)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Rezki Di Bumi Allah..

Ape yang orang lain ade, mungken kite tidak dapat adekan..

Ape yang kite ade, blom tentu orang lain bole dapatkan..

Allah Maha Adil..


Blessed Monday..

Came to the office on a sleepy Monday to this gorgeous hand-embroidery black shawl from Vietnam..

One of the part-time aunties gave it to me as a souvenir when she was there on a holiday..

"Lily! Aunty beli ni kain cantek untok lu. Wa tahu lu manyak suka hitam. Jadi wa pilih ini pattern untok lu.. Ini kain maaaaanyak special tau! Buat pakai tangan punya.. Lu slalu tolong kasi wa, jadi wa mau kasi ni sama lu, kasi lu pakai.. Nanti pakai hor.."

Rezki ku, alhamdulillah.. I'm definitely gonna wear it.. =))

Then, later on, I received chocolates from one of the full-time uncles coz I helped him get his shift allowance paid & there're coupons that I received from one of the full-time aunties as well, coz I helped her with her annual leave disrecrepancy..

Masya'allah, I don't expect anything in return when I help someone, but this is indeed a gift from Him to me for doing what I did.. I feel so very blessed..

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Smiley Saturday..

Of IKEA, dinner @ Down Town East & late night cruising.. Nothing beats a day well spent with your love ones..

Scented tealight candles all stocked up & am loving all of em!! The sky looks so red & I see lightning in the clouds above.. Have a feeling it's gonna rain soon..

Sleeping with a smile on my face.. =))

Friday, November 15, 2013

Motorcyclists, Be Safe..

I don't like seeing stuffs like this..

Blood everywhere, shattered glass, crushed vehicles & most of all, the victims involve in such accident.. Now I'm beginning to get flashbacks of all those accident scenes that I saw a few year ago.. The worst one was a dead body of a motorcyclist (age 40+), lying @ the side of the road, lifeless.. His bike exploded in the middle of the road..

I remembered how his burnt body was being covered by a canvas sheet & his blue helmet was placed right beside him.. At that moment, I cried & shivered, thinking, what if that was my husband, my son, my dad, my brother or even my uncle? Imagine what would it be like to receive a sad news from the police saying that your love one got involved in an accident on his way to work?

Ya Allah, I can't imagine the worst scenario.. Everyday, I pray for the hub's safety on the road whenever he rides his bike..

It's never easy for a motorcyclist.. They have to endure the heat from the sun, from being drenched wet under the rain.. They are prone to accident easily for the size of their vehicles.. And the impact that they had to face in an accident, is unimaginable..

I hope the motorcyclist who's badly injured today survive.. ='(

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What Is In My Head Right Now..

Don't bother reserving a space in your heart for people who doesn't make an effort to STAY.. Coz the PEOPLE who want to STAY in your life will always FIND A WAY..

Bukan setakat nak jengok-jengok, tengok-tengok atau buat "family reunion" (bukan "family re-bonding" ok) pade bulan puase atau Hari Raye, kerane semate-mate nak kejarkan pahale.. Lepas tu, bulan-bulan yang selanjot nye senyaaaaaaaaap aje..

Or this, lagi best.. Bile inginkan pertolongan atau bile disuroh, baru nak talipon atau sms cari orang..

Ikhlas ke tidak, kalau macam tu? Sendiri mau ingat..

Oh! And this is for sharing.., "Conceited people never get anywhere because they think they are already there.." ;)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Live Your Life..

Find your light
Don't hide from what you are
And rise before you fall
And hope for something more

Live if you really want to
Live if you really want to
Live if you really want to

All my life I've been looking for something amazing
It's almost like I've been stargazing
The sky is right above me
We were meant for something bigger than this
Don't ever try to dismiss yourself cause you don't have to

Find your light
Don't hide from what you are
And rise before you fall
And hope for something more

Live if you really want to
Live if you really want to
Live if you really want to

All my life my dreams just seemed so far away
And now it's like they're here to stay
I hold it close to me
We were meant for something bigger than this
Don't ever try to dismiss yourself cause you don't have to

Find your light
Don't hide from what you are
And rise before you fall
And hope for something more

Live if we really want to
Live if we really want to
Live if we really want to



My current favourite.. Never get sick & tired of playing this song over & over again..

Can't wait to be home with hub & our babies later.. =)

Looking forward to our Monday night out.. Tee hee!!  

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Gotta Love My Latest Stuff..

Love how my face looks so much better on the After photo..

More glow, less dullness..

No edit, no filter.. =]

Something To Ponder..

Because ACTION speaks louder than WORDS..


Think about that..

Don't Be Too Proud With Your Worldly Pleasures..

Jgn bangge berkulit puteh, kerane kulit terakhir kite > Tanah Liat

Jgn bangge berumah besar, kerane rumah terakhir kite > Kubor

Jgn bangge dgn baju mahal, kerane baju terakhir kite > Kain Kapan

Jgn bangge dgn kreta & motor besar, kerane kenderaan terakhir kite > Kerande

Jgn bangge dgn minyak wangi berjename, kerane wangian terakhir kite > Kapor Baros

To sum it all up, jgn bangge & berlagak dgn harte dunia yg awak ade.. Kerane hidop di dunia ni kalau berprangai mcm tu, awak tak kan kemane pon & bukan harte dunia yg disoal jawabkan nanti..

Sendiri mau ingat.. ;)

Gonna enjoy my last few hours of weekend lepak-ing @ home!! I feel so very bless living my life as it is.. Yang ala-kadar & sederhane sahaje.. \(^.^)/

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Our Little Family Trip To Desaru..

Though it's only for a while, we enjoyed our short stay across the border..

The clear blue sky, clouds looking like fluffy floating cottons & the long stretch of what seemed like a never-ending road.. I love how peaceful it was down there.. The beautiful sunset, the lush greeneries & rows of roadside food vendors selling "kampong" fried-fritters.. You could never see such wonderful things here in Singapore..

Our stay in Lotus Desaru Resort was a pleasant one.. Kids had fun @ the Water-park there.. Our suite, being on the high floor, had a splendid view of the sea.. And as dawn broke the next day, the atmosphere outside our balcony, was somehow surrounded by the cold early morning forest mist.. We took a walk along the white sandy beach after breakfast.. And again, admiring the view of the beautiful sea..

Masya'allah, indah sunggoh ciptaan Allah.. I wish we could stay there a little longer though..

Our day @ Desaru Ostrich Farm was a fun-filled & an educational one.. We got to know more about the ostriches & see these one of a kind creatures upfront.. I love how the staffs of Desaru Ostrich Farm were so generous with their hospitality.. We tried the super yummy ostrich meatballs & ostrich egg omelette.. They're so delicious tapi harge bole dikatekan mahal siket.. The thing I love about this Ostrich Farm was that, every meat were slaughtered in a halal manner & the best part, they hired Muslim Cooks to prepare all their food for the visitors who came..

We're lucky to be able to see a day old newborn baby ostrich.. So cute la that little fella in that little glass tank.. Each one of us took turns to stand on the huge ostrich eggs.. Oh! By the way, an ostrich egg is equivalent to 10 large chicken eggs & there's a different in taste.. Ostrich eggs taste way much more "lighter" & healthier.. Memang sedap tapi, like I said, a little pricey..

My bigger babies (including my OTHER bigger baby) had so much fun getting up close & "personal" with the ostriches there.. I'm glad we all did..

So on the same day before heading back home, we managed to drove all the way to Tanjong Belungkor Ferry Terminal to see Singapore & Pulau Tekong from the other side.. I must say, the view was so breathtaking.. We're able to see the Changi Airport Control Tower from where we were standing!!

To be able to see their smile, that happiness on their faces on all the photos, it's priceless..

It was indeed a great experience for all of us.. Guess we should do this short getaway often.. =)

Alhamdulillah.. Syukur..