Thankful ThursdaySon,
I am so thankful that you are my son. My life, my heart, is filled with gratitude that you have been given to me--to your Dad--to love and to cherish our whole life long!
I am so thankful for your internal strength. No matter the dire circumstance, you have within yourself, the courage and the perseverance to push through, to endure; to fight your way through to the other side. I know, my son, that life has not been easy for you; there have been many obstacles in your way and you have proven time and time again that you are truly an overcomer. I am so grateful that you are alive.
I am so thankful for your sweet spirit; for your love of animals, for your helping heart, for your compassionate care of those in need. Take this time, my son, to care for your own needs; this is not selfish, this not foolish, this is not in vain. For it is only when we are whole that we can offer a piece of ourselves to others without harming our own survival. That is not to say that helping others can only be done when we have it all together! If that were so, no one would be of any service. I simply mean this--it is important to take care of yourself to be able to maintain the energy and the resources you need to effectively care for others. It's just like the star quarterback on a football team. If injured, the quarterback cannot play his best and bring the team to the Super Bowl! He must take a time out, do whatever it takes for his recovery, and it is only then, he can return to the game fully equipped to win.
I am so thankful that you have decided to go into New Seasons. This time out, this treatment, will offer you whatever it is you need to return to the game of life fully equipped to win! Your Dad and I have been like your Coach --and yet, we realize that this is
your game. We will relinquish any Coach-control as you enter this treatment facility. Just as the quarterback calls the plays of each game, you, alone, are in control of this play. While we relinquish the control of calling the play(s) any further, we are so thankful for your decision and for your choice in this play and we will be on the sidelines cheering you on, supporting you when you need our help, and moment by moment--praying for you.
And yet, don't get me wrong. I do not want you to think you are ever alone in any matter! A gift so beautiful, a gift unimagineable could not have been a random offering. You, my son, are a gift from God. And He has promised in His Word (the Bible) that He will never leave you. As you are working through this treatment program, listen with your heart--you will feel Him. He will be there with you. I have asked Him to "go before you." From the moment of your conception, you have been covered by His love. As a baby, we 'dedicated' you-- just as in the Old Testament, Hannah brought her son before the LORD to publicly acknowledge, "
I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD." And he worshiped the LORD there. 1 Samuel 1:26-28Son, like Hannah, as your parents we have given each and every day of your life to God. Yes, we sometimes get in the way of His purpose, His plan, His Will; but the beauty of His Way is simple--our weakness is never greater than His power!
Yes, son, I am so thankful that you have within yourself all you will ever need to make this journey complete. Your Creator has "woven you togther" (Psalm 139:15) in such a unique way--so you can be you! The same power used to
create is available to you as you begin this restorative process. I tell you this truth, my son, because my belief in
who you truly only surpassed by my belief..... in who God really is.
One day, we all will be thankful for the pain, for the confusion, and yes, even the despair. For it is
this very journey that will lead you to contentment, to understanding and to joy.
Joy, like the joy you have brought to our hearts, son.
I am so thankful that
my son.