Friday, July 18, 2014

The Big One!

Colby turned 1 on December 30th. 
 He loved the cake! 
 The older three tell me that we don't need a dog because we have Colby.  He loves to eat, dance, play fetch, and scream.  He doesn't talk much besides gibberish, even at eighteen months, because his scream and point is very effective with the other kids!

Oh dear...

I've done it again and got way behind on my posts.  Well before I spend hours updating, I'm going to post my kids latest pictures. So fun!

 This is a classic look on this girls face!

Is it wrong that I love this one, especially my baby's face! 
I'm outta here!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween time!

Wow. I can't let myself get this behind on my blog again. I don't know that anyone actually reads this, but I've been using this for my family journal for a long time now and I'm determined to make it into a book, eventually. So I can't give up on it yet!
 This is how the Prax family does pumpkins!
 Picking out pumpkins!
 What a pretty girl!  Just picking out a pumpkin!
All together now!

Aden putting up with me trying to get a cute photo of him. His eyes are too dark in this though.

Now Emma is humoring me.

 All together again!
 Hay rides!
 Grandma and Grandpa fun!

Picking out pumpkins again!

 My kids love Halloween.  I do not.  But it does mark the beginning of two fantastic months of family fun!
 Aden had to stand like this.  He told me that this is how police stand, so the girls stood like princesses.
Spider-Baby Out!

Odds and Ends

 Kate after her dental work. I took her to the dentist and learned that she had at least ten cavities.  Don't get me wrong, I have taken her to the dentist regularly since she was two and we brush and floss everyday.  So I was shocked and in tears when I learned this fun information. Because she had so many, she went under anesthesia at Primary Children's. This is what my poor girl looked like after coming out of the surgery room. She was so ornery and wanted the IV out of her foot RIGHT THEN!
 This is Colby's preferred way of hanging out with mom.  Literally.
 Me and a few of the old Rick's roommates. I'm so glad we still get together every summer. I still love them so much!  We missed Kami and Shanna though.

 Trying out grandma and grandpa's fire pit. Hot dogs and s'mores galore!
 How Kate spend her actual birthday this year. Good thing I planned a party on another day.
 One of my girls favorite things to do is my hair.  They wanted me to document it, so here it is! What a masterpiece!

A whole lot of this happens now that we have actual carpet and a dad around to play with!

San Diego

 While we were buying our house, we were off to San Diego for Michael's brother's wedding.  It was beautiful and if there was anywhere in the world I would live, it would be there.
 We were so busy setting up for the wedding, we didn't get to do much, but we did run down to the beach for a few minutes.  I love the sand in San Diego.
 It was overcast, my kind of day!

First day of school and Emma's birthday

 First day of third and first grades, respectively. They both love school, which make my life so much easier!
 My beautiful Emma is such a blessing in my life. She is my right hand gal, does whatever I need or ask, and is very sensitive to everyone around her. She is incredibly imaginative, a wonderful big sister, and happy.  I was so meant to have her for my first!
Lego queen!

Camping with the Larsens

 Dinosaur National Monument just past Vernal
 We were really blessed to make great friends with people in the UofU housing.  The Larsen's are one of those families. They are good people.  Our kids get along well too.
 They moved to the Roosevelt/ Vernal area for work and invited us to camp at the park out there.  We explored the park along with camping for two nights.
 I know I'm not looking at the camera in this one, but look at this face! I could eat him up!
 This wall behind the kids is filled with fossils.
 We also got to climb some cool trees...
 touch fossilized bones...
 walk around swamp...
 make river sand angels...
 skip stones....
 build structures...
 catch (and accidentally kill) creatures...
 for a whole wonderful weekend.
 I'm not a big camper, but the Larsen's know how to do it right.