Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Snapshots of a Prairie Existence

First things first.  A favorite cuppa this


then grab these


to spend some lovely quiet time here


after which I head out to feed this little jigger


while warding off this not so little jigger


then pick some of this


to make some of this


hang a little of this


cut a little of this


and this


and this


and if I want to rack up some brownie points with my husband this


then weed a little of this


and this


and this


then pour myself a glass of this


and sit back down in this


and wait for my dragon slayer to pull up


when the fun really begins.

and of course these pictures don’t really do any justice to the faces I washed, the teeth I brushed, the bums I wiped, the mouths I fed, the stories I read, the rooms I cleaned and the people I loved.  But it’s a snapshot I thought you might enjoy.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Fixed Gaze.

131626_2413photo by lynnc

So I’ve been thinking.  I lose sight of the big picture so easily.  Get bogged down in chains of denial and apathy and distraction.  I forget what it’s really all about and even in my striving  ironically I somehow manage to alienate myself from Him.  It really is all about relationship.  With Him.  Period.  Everything else is just a byproduct.  It’s not who I am.  It’s not why I’m here.  It’s not important except to the extent it causes me to turn to Him, learn from Him, grow in Him.  It really is all about Him and the relationship He has procured with me and desires from me. 

“Having no relationship with God, humankind has likewise struggled with its personal identity and purpose for being here.  Being a man or a woman may describe one’s sexuality, but it doesn’t define one’s identity.  As a result of the curse, women will bear their children in pain and men shall work by the sweat of their brow.  Consequently, women have historically tried to find their identity in their role as mother, and men have tried to find their identity in their careers. But what if a woman never gets married or is unable to bear children?  What if the man loses his job or the ability to work?  Do those men and women lose their primary identity in Christ, or their God given purpose for being here? 

Trying to be our own “god” has driven people to improve their appearance, to perform better and to seek a higher social status as a means of verification.  However, whatever pinnacle of self identity we manage to achieve soon crumbles under the pressure of hostile rejection or criticism, introspection or guilt, fear or anxiety.  Somebody will eventually look better, perform at a higher standard and reach a greater social status.  Everything we have managed to achieve or possess by human effort we shall one day lose.  We are incomplete without Christ, and nothing we can do by way of self help will make us whole.

The natural person senses that something is missing but fails to fill the void by human effort.  There is a longing for wholeness and a deep inner groaning as a result of its absence, but we are not alone in our groaning.  “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time” (Rom 8:22)  All of creation was affected by the Fall and longs for the day of redemption.

Neil Anderson, The Daily Discipler, pp36-37

That bolded list gave me serious pause for thought this morning.  What pressures work away at my identity and distract me from the reality of who I am and what I am here for?  Introspection is a huge one for me.  I think anxiety goes hand in hand with it as well.  I spend more time thinking through things and worrying about stuff in some ridiculous manner like I can actually control the outcome if I figure it all out, that I forget that He is Lord of every situation and wants to intimately lead and guide and be One with me in and through and as a result of every single situation in my life.

How about you?  Which of those heavy words weighed down by  chains of bondage tend to tie you up and hold you down? 

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith,  Hebrews 12:1-2

Thursday, June 10, 2010



The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!  ~Henry Ward Beecher

for a warm snug house on a dreary rainy day

for new spaces that create dearly appreciated space for this growing, busy family

for the gift of words on paper, and on this screen, that exhort, encourage, inspire, convict

for a man who loves me despite my weaknesses and shows me in so many ways

for the gift of praise and faith that issues forth from my children, in their journaling, in their prayers, in their thoughts expressed around the dinner table at family devotions

for steamy chai lattes and fresh baked bread and friends to share them with

for dreams and plans, hope for the future

for daily provision in the simple things and the extravagant, my Father is so lavishly generous.

For time.  Time alone, time with my beloved, time with my little rugrats, time with friends, time with My Lord.  Time is so precious.

for a husband who is the most responsible, hard working, diligent, amazing man I know (sorry girls).  I am continuously astounded by what this man can and does accomplish. 

For the gift of modern conveniences.  As my washer spins, my dishwasher hums and  my breadmaker kneads… it is all music to my ears and I just smile.  I will even relish the sound and warmth of the dryer today for a change, as the rain comes down in a steady shower outside my window.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Paint, Flooring, Furniture, Oh My!

Soooooooo excited that I couldn’t wait for good lighting to show you what’s happening in the addition.  Speaking of lighting I’ll start with that.

Bought these cute wall sconces at Home Depot, they match some iron sconces we brought from Italy that will hang from the centre of the room (not up yet).


the wide doorway leading from the old teensy weensy living room that will now be a piano room.


Prairie Guy just brought these two club chairs home from the city (on sale for 150.00 each!)  for me yesterday, I am beside myself with excitement.  They will be very easy to match when I finally purchase a new couch and love seat.


this summer Prairie Guy has big plans to replace the siding and trim on our house and build me a brick patio.   Come winter he will finish the trim on these rooms which will include this type of square panel wainscoting and lots of wide white trim.


off of the new living room is my new schoolroom.  We purchased this huge U shaped desk from Costco ($299.00!), but separated it into two pieces.  This part will be the computer desk.


and this will be our science workspace.


the table I bought at Canadian Tire on clearance for $60.00


the chairs are our classic Tuscan chairs, I want to redo the seats with a nice padded leather.  I have 10 of these chairs so when I finally get the new dining room chairs I’m dreaming of our schoolroom will be well equipped with chairs!


the printer stand was an old piece I had purchased years ago for $50.00  as a tv/vcr stand, it matches perfect!


I have 3 large bookcases that will go along this wall, basically making it wall to wall and floor to ceiling bookcase.


my fun antique lighting.  love them.  I think the centre piece was 49.99 and the individual lights over the two desks were 29.99 at Home Depot.


Now to accessorize and utilize this amazing new space!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ain't That The Truth?

"Truth will not set you free if it is only acknowledged and intellectually discussed.  Truth must be personally believed and appropriated in the heart."

Neil Anderson, The Daily Discipler, p 16

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Discipleship Growth Chart

growth chart from the pottery barn

I loved this concise yet detailed breakdown of the basic developmental stages of both growth and conflict in the life of the disciple in the introduction to The Daily Discipler.  I found it fascinating to look at the stages of development and be able to track my own growth pretty clearly on the chart.  Check it out;

Levels of Conflict

Level 1     lack of salvation or assurance thereof (Eph 2:1-3)
Level 2     living according to the flesh (Gal 5:19-21)
Level 3     insensitive to the spirit's leading (Heb 5:11-14)

Level 1     pride and ignorance (1 Cor 8:1)
Level 2     wrong belief or philosophy (Col 2:8)
Level 3     lack of knowledge (Hos 4:6)

Level 1     fearful, guilty or shameful (Mat 10:26-33; Rom 3:23)
Level 2     angry, anxious or depressed (Eph 4:31; 1 Pet 5:7; 2 Cor 4:1-18)
Level 3     discouraged and sorrowful (Gal 6:9)

Level 1     rebellious (1 Tim 1:9)
Level 2     lack of self control (1 Cor 3:1-3)
Level 3     undisciplined (2 Thess 3:7,11)

Level 1    rejected and unloved (1 Pet 2:4)
Level 2    bitter and unforgiving (Col 3:13)
Level 3    selfish (1 Cor 10:24; Phil 2:1-5
then there is another chart for levels of growth that mirrors the first chart and our inner conflicts

Level 1     child of God (Rom 8:16)
Level 2     lives according to the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23)
Level 3     led by the Spirit (Rom 8:14)

Level 1     knows the truth (John 8:32)
Level 2     correctly uses the Bible (2 Tim 2:15)
Level 3     adequate and equipped (2 Tim 3:16-17)

Level 1     free (Gal 5:1)
Level 2     joyful, peaceful and patient (Gal 5:22)
Level 3     contented (Phil 4:11)

Level 1     submissive (Rom 13:1-5)
Level 2     self controlled (Gal 5:23)
Level 3     disciplined (1 Tim 4:7-8)

Level 1     accepted and forgiven (Rom 5:8; 15:7)
Level 2     forgiving (Eph 4:32)
Level 3     loving and unselfish. (Phil 2:1-5)
(Neil T. Anderson, The Daily Discipler, pp14-15)
I have to say this just was such an eye opener to me.  To look at those phases of conflict paired with the phases of growth and to actually "see" what it is we should be growing into, and examine where we are at on the growth chart.  When we are struggling with something to be able to hold it up to this and ask, "what am I really struggling with here?"  If it's submission, then is it pride, or rebellion, or self control on my part that I need to check?  I'm liking this tool.