Wednesday just past was the anniversary of the Reichstag Fire (which happened way back in 1933)!!!
Also -- today is Don't Buy Anything day!!!
Hats and horns, everybody!!!
But seriously, I don't have to tell you that we live in troubling times. And it's not like I've made a secret of my disdain for the current Pee-Wee Hitler© Administration (don't even get me started on the drug-addicted megalomaniac who actually IS the President).
Also -- DBA day refers almost exclusively to the usual fascist Predatory Big Capitalist assholes, a la Amazon; you can (and should) still buy from local small business mom-and-pop good people. I, for one, plan to have lunch at my Forest Hills watering hole The Keuka Kafe, and you should absolutely go over and buy some vinyl from Friend of PowerPop© Sal Nunziato at his invaluable Burning Wood blog over here.
That being said, let's move directly to the business at hand. To wit:
...and the post-Elvis pop/rock/folk/soul/country/hip-hop song that strikes you as the most appropriate to our current national situation is...?
No arbitrary rules whatsoever -- I mean, isn't anarchy kinda the point at the moment?
Anyway, in case you're wondering, my two nominees are...
I should add that, as long-time readers are aware, I am not even remotely a fan of Frank Zappa or the Mothers, but the specific song in question here is quite brilliant and obviously relevant.
As for Steppenwolf, who I adore (and really need to write about at length one of these days) I will simply say that, beyond the obvious reasons, I chose their song in part because a) lead singer/band auteur John Kay will turn 80 in a couple of weeks and b) I appreciate the irony that both he and the rest of the band were of German/Canadian origin. 😎
Okay, all that out of the way -- what would YOUR choices be?
And have a great weekend if possible.