Monday, May 3, 2010

Wedding Photos

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Canada Trip


One of these days I will expound on our fun trip, but for now I just want to get these pictures up!
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Maggie's Blessing Day

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Sophie's Baptism Day


Sophie was baptized on April 10, 2010 in Raymond, Alberta, Canada. We were so happy to shar ethat day with all of our families. We enjoyed a good crowd! Grandpa Dave conducted the meeting, Aunt Britt played the piano. Sophie's grandma's said the prayers. Aunt Erin spoke on baptism and Uncle Brady spoke on the Holy Ghost. Grandpa Gordie and Uncle JD were the witnesses. Dad got to baptize adn confirm Sophie and I just got to sit back and enjoy! It was a beautiful service. I know that Sophie enjoyed her day! Following her baptism we got to bless Maggie P. What a perfect way to spend a day, surrounded by loved ones!!
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Relief Society Birthday Dinner


We had a fun R.S. birthday celebration. It was called Wok'n'Talk. We went with an Asian theme for dinner and then followed it up with a question and answer panel. We even made fortune cookies with conversation questions for everyone...thanks Tressa, I couldn't have done them without you!! It was a fun night. That was my 3rd bday dinner I have planned in this ward...I am running out of ideas! You will notice a few of ladies digg through the trash. We had to go dumpster diving in search of Sister Kock's glasses at the end of the night! Thankfully we found them!!
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Dad's Big Day


So Loron is becoming middle aged ( I, of course, am not, I told the kids the other day I still think I am 27, after Sophie said she still feels like she is just 7...hmmm)He celebrated the big 3-5! Happy birthday, to my favorite husband! I love everything about you...pretty much everything...I wouldn't change a hair on your head (but, I might wish for a few more!) We had a great ime celebrating with the Cards and enjoying superlicious brownie banana split ice cream cake, mmm wish I had some right now.
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Just to look at.


Maggie is about 6 weeks old in these photos. Changing every day, and getting cuter by the minute!
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Sophie's Birthday


Sophie turned 8! We love this girl. She is such a good-hearted person. She tries to please others and do what is right. She is motivated, ambitious, concientous, organized, athletic, graceful, funny, a little goofy, helpful, loving, and just plain wonderful! We got to have Gma Marilyn with us for the week and that was fun! The morning of Sophie's birthday. She fell off of the monkey bars doing one of her new-fangled tricks. Luckily we only sprained a wrist, but according to Sophie, "This does not make a fun birthday!" Dad rigged up a stylin sling until we got a brace. Oh well, now you will never foget that birthday, Sophie!
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