Saturday, March 28, 2009


So we've been doing stuff in the yard lately and planted a new tree (on the left) plus we ripped out the tree on the right(because it won't get any bigger and we like shade trees) so we took it out and planted a new one there too. (Blake is tired of digging holes, but we are planting 2 trees in the front yard as soon as the HOA approves it)

Ashlyn worked really hard shoveling EXACTLY like her daddy and put her dirt/rocks in the same place too! She's a copy cat right now... so fun!

Taking a Popsicle break

We also planted a garden and did it the same as we did our first garden years ago in our first home, this one is twice the size and we were able to fit a ton of things in it. Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Cucumbers, Bell Peppers, Carrots, Sugar Snap Peas, Tomatoes, and some Corn

Weston loves his swing and watches us while we work or play in the yard

I love both of these, Weston fell asleep in Blake's arms just because (no bottle or pacifier) and it was the cutest thing... Of course it was a manly nap!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

loving this great weather

we had some fun repelling over the weekend and our little Ashlyn went down the HUGE cliff with her daddy... don't worry she was totally hooked to him and it was safe!!

Weston loves Grandma Terrie and Papa Wes

our repelling site at Coon's Bluff

she looks like she is ready to go sky diving...

our "biggie boy" in the swing, he loves being outside

our little scared Ashlyn is terrified of the lawn mower noise and has to ride on Blake's shoulders

My brother and his wife recently had a new little baby and so my mom and I took there 2 girls to the park to feed the ducks and play, are they just cute little sassy things!

So it's hilarious that my daughter is throwing the bread like she's in the Discus Throwing competition at the Olympics, we just might have a gold medalist on our hands!
cracks me up...

they wanted a snack too, i mean you can't share everything with the ducks - right!

speaks for itself

here is a little picture movie of Weston army crawling to get the lense cap to my camera, it's not too exciting because I didn't put music to it, sorry!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

If life gives you LEMONS make LEMONADE...

I love home grown food, next - a family garden at my parents house!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"Vegas Baby" (as Ashlyn says it)

We went to St. George for an afternoon to visit Gma and Gpa Summers,
it was very enjoyable and worth the drive..

We drove by the Beautiful Temple and also ate lunch with my cousins Kyle, Jesse and Megan (Jesse had to get back to work and so he isn't in the photo)

We had fun in Vegas with my parents, Weston army crawls SO much and likes playing peek a boo with blankets!!

When we got home (Ashlyn never napped in the car EVER) Ashlyn crashed on the recliner backwards, so cute huh!